Thanks for your reply. I appreciate your input.
I've read through this thread several times. Regularly taking the senescent cell clearance protocol after stem cells are deemed to be "full" is not something I remember reading here.....hmm. Is there a post(s) I missed? Or maybe further information on other threads?
The effects I noticed while taking C60: Mood, energy, stamina much improved. Sleep better, more restorative. Hypo-thyroid medication was slashed. Medication for post nasal drip no longer necessary. Balance improved. Skin overall much younger-looking. Troublesome mole/old scars disappeared.
After quitting C60, all the wonderful effects cascaded as quickly as they came on (darn) The only changes that seemed to stick are, the mole/old scars have stayed away. My TSH slightly hyper with the lower medication 6 weeks after discontinuing C60. Whatever thyroid repair was done while taking C60, seemed to have stuck 6 weeks out.
So, my journey has been, 6 weeks on C60 and loving it. Then 6 weeks off C60 and not loving it.... Now in middle of 2nd cycle of SC renewal protocol, and I'm back to loving it. Mood, energy and stamina being the 3 big difference-makers for me.
hi vivian i also reported tsh normalization (subclinical hypo) on feb this year when doing stemcell protocol, then i stopped the protocol and tsh got back to 9 (but this time ft4 remained fully normal, i usually had it borderline low).now i restarted the protocol and hope to find normal tsh again.
before stemcell protocol i also used infrared light for 12 about weeks but i dont think it worked because tsh went from 7 to 9 in that period