Very good! Please, when you publish the data, please answer the following questions:
1. Are there visual changes (hair color, skin condition, etc.)?
2. Are there any changes in how you feel?
3. Has your sleep improved?
4. What happens to blood pressure after taking?
5. Has skin elasticity changed?
6. Are there any changes in physical activity?
7. Any other details, down to the nuances.
Also write down a list of any supplements you have taken before this protocol. Thank you.

Before starting this protocol, I was taking C60 every day. I switched to taking it once every 14 days for the protocol, but I did not like how I felt, so I have been taking it once per week for the last 3 months.
1. My dad and both my grandfather's did not have full gray hair until they were ~65. I have a few grays (maybe 30 total) but not many, so I do not think they are a good marker. Skin has been noticeably softer and does not crack at all any more.
2. I have been really taking care of myself for the past 20ish years. I can confidently say, today I feel better than I did 25 years ago. As far as feeling better after starting the protocol, not huge. I have been taking C60 for many many years now, and I can say after taking C60 for the first time all those years ago, I felt something way more significant then.
3. So I track my sleep via fitness watch religiously. My average sleep before starting just C60 was 6 hours and 35 minutes the 5 months before I started taking it. 5 months after starting just C60 was 8 hours and 21 minutes. 5 months before starting the Turnbuckle Protocol my sleep was average 8 hours and 23 minutes. The 5 months of doing this protocol my sleep has been 8 hours and 34 minutes. Average of the past 3 years 2019, 2020, 2021; 8 hours 24 minutes.
4. My blood pressure stayed the same ~120/80.
5. Yes, I also do not seem to get a dehydrated feeling as much. I do track my water intake, and I average 60-80 ounces a day.
6. I continue to Run or Hike 3 miles a day 5 days a week (sometimes up to 20 miles on the weekend). Really see no difference.
7. When I started the protocol, Part 2 "Senescent Cell Replacement" I felt drained and unable to function for ~24 hours the first time. Then it reduced by ~4 hours each time. The last 4 or 5 times it did not drain me at all (I am hoping that is because I drained the majority of the Senscent cells...). I have only ever done Part 2 once per 14 day cycle.
-- What I deem "Healthy Keto." Majority Veggies with 3-6oz of Meat per meal. Mix in healthy fats, avacado, coconut oil, nuts, and olive oil.
-- Ketones with blood testing hovers around 2 mmol/L.
--16/8 Intermediate fasting, almost without fail.
-- Average of 1.5 large salads a day with all the colors of the rainbow. (minimum of 1 per day, and 50% of the time I have 2 a day). Base of Salad is ~50% spinach, ~12% arugula, ~12% swiss chard, ~12% kale.
-- Only Organic
-- Salmon once per week, otherwise chicken, pork, or beef
-- For 25 years I have not had sugar or a sugar substitute except that which is in small amounts of berries. I will eat berries for desert 3-5 times a week, one meal a day.
-- For 25 years I have not had Dairy or Soy
-- For 25 years I have not had the many grains, including Corn and Wheat.
Supplements (daily) I do not take these on protocol days:
1. 4 per day, Multivitamin
2. 4 per day; total: 1040 mg DHA 2760 EPA, FIsh oil https://sportsresear...kaomegar-1250mg
3. 2 per day Berberine 1040mg
4. 1 per day Resveratrol 1000mg 50% trans
5. 1 gram per day NMN https://alivebyscien...wder-100-grams/
6. 2 per day; 10,000 iu Vitamin D + K2 (25OH blood level of ~70ng/mL)
7. 1 per day Nootropic mix https://globalhealin...cts/neurofuzion
8. 1 per day Probiotic, 36.5 million CFU https://globalhealin...ducts/floratrex
9. 2 per day pre-biotic, https://globalhealin...ducts/aloe-vera
10. Iodine, 6 drops 4,000 mcg https://globalhealin...ucts/detoxadine
11. 3 per day Quercetin Phytosome 750mg
12. 1 per day Trace Minerals
13. 2 per day 2g Blackseed oil https://lulunaturals...ed-extra-virgin
14. C60, 1 teaspoon, Good and Cheap (changed to once a week now)
-- $1,000 Blood test through LabCorp on everything you can imagine, yearly for 5 years. I have my before blood test taken Summer 2021 but will not get another till mid-late 2022.
-- Omega levels, 1 per year for 2 years
-- Heavy Metal Hair follicle test, 1 per year done for 3 years.
-- A single methylation age test done before I started this protocol. I was surprised with all I do that I was +4 years; however I do feel great.
-- Vitiamn D test every 6 months since 2020 because of COVID. Between 70-90
-- Sauna 3-5 times a week
-- As stated above; 5 days a week of running or hiking of 3 miles; then sometimes up to 20 miles on the weekend.
-- I have never had a surgery except the removal of my wisdom teeth (I have 100% of my other teeth).
-- All my parts (knees, hips, ect) are doing great. No sign of arthritis or hurting joints. Again, after changing my diet and watching myself, I feel better today than I did 25 years ago.
-- Age older than 50, younger than 70-90 ng/mL, average around 70 ng/mL
Edited by coinperson, 20 January 2022 - 05:56 PM.