I have been providing NSI-189 from the same third party tested lab for more than three years now, its very benign compared to traditional antidepressants, and among the more than one thousand private messages I have received there are some "life changing" (the same term that has been used in the NSI-189 poll) experiences.
Unfortunatelly there are very few cases (I ll say less than five to a thousand) that some get serious side effects for weeks if not months from only a few doses. It seems the correlation to all these cases is previous damage in the nervous system from an accident, an infection (neuro-lyme) or a toxic reaction to a drug (isotretinoin). I have been contacted by the member Sdanhedonic that had a number of persistent side effects from isotretinoin that got worst when he used NSI-189. The side effects he got from oral isotretinoin are.
Severe anhedonia.
Excessive sweating.
Hair loss.
Loss of erections.
He looks very pale.
Lack of inner talk and memory problems.
As the last of his symptoms is something that NSI-189 can help with, I suggested to try NSI-189, unfortunatelly after only two oral doses his symptoms worsened, and got more side effects.
Copy pasting his past response.
- Worsening of depersonalization and dissociation
- My head feel numbs
- Numb feelings in my hands
- Worsening of tinnitus
- Hearing loss and hearing difference (I don't hear any bass)
- Nausea
The numb feeling and tinnitus is two of the rare side effects of NSI-189 but they dissapear after discontinuation, something that is not the case with Sdanhedonic. He may need more time, but could we brainstorm to see what he may possibly do, to feel better soon?
What I now look at are isotretinoin overdose treatments.
Nervous system depressants.
Possibly a combo for inflammation that might be involved?
Any initial thoughts on this? I ll get into it, in more detail in my next posts.