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niacin nad nicotinamide

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#1 experimenting

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Posted 16 April 2018 - 10:42 PM

Nearing the big 30 so I’m going to have to start investing more in longevity. Budget is not a concern. I’m 6’1, 180lbs male, exercise 4x a week, overall healthy.

Prior major complaint would have been recurring brain fog/ body fat/seeming-T issues which Vitamin D seems to have totally erased (5000iu for awhile which got my serum level to 99, mild hypercalcemia which cleared up upon reducing dose).

Only thing in the stack now is vitamin D 2000iu/day. I don’t supplement K because it massively decalcifies me to the point I get muscle twitches and the symptoms of hypocalcemia. No magnesium mostly out of laziness. At one stage last year I used NSI 189 and it was a complete game changer-no need for it anymore.

Long winded but wanted to give some context. The only supp I can find on these forums that has a low side effect profile and high effectiveness seems to be niacin; but I’m curious exactly which form I (or anyone) should aim for, what dose, and whether it’s really beneficial at all. I take a very conservative approach to supps.

Thank you in advance!

#2 experimenting

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Posted 19 April 2018 - 01:16 AM


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#3 pamojja

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Posted 19 April 2018 - 09:19 AM

If you really want to go as minimal as possible and with still relatively good health, I would first supplement against the most likely deficiencies. See here. And only after that something as niacin.


Also consider that once you take one single nutrient in high dose, like you do with vitamin D3, that it cranks up the use of all other nutrients of the same metabolic pathways. For example in my case vitamin D3 pushed a subclinical Magnesium-deficiency into a very severe, despite supplementing Mg. Which after many years couldn't correct with oral, but needed Mg-sulfate IVs instead.

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