PRL-8-53 is a very mysterious drug, which seems a little bit to overhyped for me in the whole nootropic scene (due the lack of research. All informations, you can find in the internet, are based on only one study from 1974 *).
It should be a strong memory enhancer in general (both memory and working memory) by increasing LTP.
Since there is no really research behind all, it's a brave thing, to take it (especially in the long term).
Because I'm stupid, I experimented with PRL a lot and took various dosages (range: 3-30mg oral and/or sublingual, rarely intranasal [it's acidic]).
My question is, what you guys think about the possibility, that this is a dopamine agonist?
I'm afraid of taking a dopamine agonist, because of the potential DAWS, which can lead to denervation. But also, because of it's possible side effects on the dopaminergic system.
Can someone, who took dopamine agonists and PRL, say, if there were similarities in the side effects?
Or those, who only used dopamine agonists, can you list the most pronounced side effects you had ?
(only healthy individuals, who used it for experimental/nootropic related reasons).
My side effects were:
sense of hyperthermia : sometimes, it feels like fever, but when I measure my body temperatur, everything is normal...
low blood pressure: I also have naturally a lowered blood pressure
When I overdosed:
headache (in the front reagions of my head)
PS: sorry for ugly english, not my mother tongue...