Magnitude 2.5
Repute Bad
Summary CYP3A5 non-expressor
Criteria Gs155/criteria
This is common for Caucasians, but rare for African populations. As a CYP3A5 non-expressor you are unable to metabolize some common medications. This influences the synthesis of cholesterol, steroids and other lipids. The enzyme metabolizes drugs such as olanzapine, tacrolimus, nifedipine and cyclosporine as well as the steroid hormones testosterone, progesterone and androstenedione.
I'm struggling to get my head round it, it appeared on my promethease report.
Is it implying that I don't respond to testosterone and those male hormones listed at the bottom, even my own (I'm male)?
Or does it mean o can't break them down? Or is it I wouldnt respond to say injecting steroids or taking them orally?
I'm male, I have a healthy libido but I'm very lightly built and underweight for my age and have like no fat on me anywhere. Could this be a reason for that, that my body isn't responding to male hormones normally?