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Aubrey de Grey at UA

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#1 Richard Leis

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Posted 08 April 2006 - 04:06 AM

I had the privilege of attending "A Strategy for Postponing Aging Indefinitely", a talk by Dr. Aubrey de Grey held this evening on the University of Arizona campus. It has already been an extremely exciting week with my team's release of new high resolution test images of Mars taken by the HiRISE camera on board MRO. I only found out about Dr. de Grey's talk yesterday. What a great way to end the week.

Dr. de Grey is quite engaging and funny, with a down-to-earth manner that was very appealing while presenting such radical ideas. To see him in person was a treat since my only exposure to him and his ideas has been through his participation in these forum, his own literature, and the writing of his critics. Dr. de Grey's talk was an introduction to the topic and SENS that was perfectly suited to the audience.

Particularly noteworthy was the number of UA undergraduate and graduate students who attended the talk, many of them apparently part of the Biomedical Gerontology program. Student attendence is generally not common for many similar events on campus :) That was a pleasant surprise and for the most part their questions during the following Q&A session were well thought out and often critical but respectful. Only one student resorted to a long political speech that I did not fully understand. It was met with uncomfortable silence until another student asked a question.

I am not one for "networking" so I did not introduce myself, but I noticed Dr. de Grey was very friendly and respectful to everyone. This was also evident in his talk, in which he poked gentle fun at his critical "fellow biogerontologists" but admitted that he liked most of them very much, and they him. This is an approach that I hope people in this forum remember, even when in complete disagreement on a topic :)

This has definitely been an exciting day, with serendipidous nods to most of my passions!

#2 Live Forever

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Posted 08 April 2006 - 04:21 PM

That is terrific! How many people would you say were in attendance? Also, what topics did he cover, perhaps a general overview type of talk?

When you said "UA" in the title, I thought you had been speaking of the University of Arkansas (where I received my undergraduate degree from). I wonder how many colleges/universities a year de Grey speaks at.


#3 Richard Leis

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Posted 08 April 2006 - 07:31 PM

Several dozen, not more than about 75 people, but more than I expected. His talk was very general, covering why people are generally pro-aging, escape velocity, some biology, and the reaction of established academia.

#4 kent23

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Posted 08 April 2006 - 09:07 PM

This is Kent Kemmish, VP of the University of Arizona Biomedical Gerontology Club. We were very happy about last night's event! I counted 93 heads.

I think we have enough anti-aging folks for a critical mass- a real on-campus activist presence. Eonoosphere, please e-mail me at biomed@email.arizona.edu if you'd like to be a part of that (and any other UA folks out there- if nothing else, let's go have coffee.) I wish I had known your location- we would have invited you to dinner with Aubrey afterwards (you are not one for networking, but this was just good solid non-phony fun. )

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