1. To whomever, still reads this thread I hope that this has been of some use to you in some capacity or some form. Ok, it's been quite a year and it's been a long time. Now, you got to see me ON meds OFF meds, when I was overreacting, underreacting, and all of thee above. This year, was one I didn't anticipate at all. When I first when to SJSU, I never anticipated in a million years I'd be in IDAHO ever. Of all places, this was utterly and completely unexpected within that given context. 2 split IMPULSIVE decisions I made led to where I am at, when the job you see me talking about at the start of this thread was simply supposed to be a straight forward summer job and I ended up loosing everything and we all know the sob story. So in Idaho, I proceeded to get into LOTS of drama off meds, accumulated tons of debt, lost multiple jobs... lost my license, lost many relationships, had to kick out a roomate who I never checked also had ADHD ironically enough. He had zero capacity to pay his bills because like me he was an inability to hold down a job, and I never even toke the chance to check his fucking job history like an idiot and that will lead to another progressive series of problems. Then I got to talk to the Dean of students and lots of other fun stuff. THen I almost got my car towed and then I started eating out everyday. So, I've definietly realized I need to work on learning to not SAY WHATS on my mind because that's why I've had to deal with so much drama. Another classic ADD symptom I reccomend yall work on. Refine your tact as much as possible and learn to be more nuanced with your speaking. This will be my first part, I want yall to remember about ADD, your speaking lacks filtering, so you need to develop mechanisms that can at least MODERATELY censor the intensity of your words. So as this semester winds down, my new meds aren't really working and I don't have a good plan anymore. Hopefully I figure something out asap. Lots of spare time=Your Death if you have ADHD So, now we see that obviously ADD is not a gift, but now you have a good track record ancedote of what happens when you go off medication. Anyways, now below I will explore some key insights from what I learned this year.
2. Work On speaking Skills: One thing I always, get told is that my language usage isn't the best or the neurotypicals often suppress there hurt feelings and you will get hated and resented for it. So basically, what happens is you might be blabbering something that is funny or silly but your not taking into account the feelings of the other person and they NEUROTYPICALS will not tell you what's wrong. They will not communicate your fuck up to you. This happened on at least 6 occasions where I was totally unaware of what I said or what happened but it caused me in loosing many privileges that were totally avoidable. The cost? People aren't going to want to help you, don't expect access to the same institutions anymore. Expect to be reprimanded ALOT. This is probably a huge cause to ALOT of my employment issues along with performance deficits. So BE MINDFUL, of what your saying and taking some group therapy classes. I'll probably start taking some and work on my group dynamic skills. Again your, goal is to BETTER mimic being a neurotypical your goal is not to become one.It's impossible to do but we all know. So, we want to better be able to understand what there thinking and how to better predict what they will do, so that you ARE in control. The whole issue, is neurotypicals have a huge advantage because they can INHIBIT information. Everyone knew what I did wrong except me. This means, that NT'S will let you do something wrong and you will be oblivious to your fuck ups. So first, off we need to be able to better read how these neurotypicals are hiding this info, and look for facial expressions and other indicators, so we can deduce the issue. Neurotypicals do not like straightforward conversations or they will feel threatened. So, we want to mimic their communication styles better and mimic their assimilation process. Are goal, is to pass off as one of them. Also in conversations, do not talk about random things, stick to their linear style thinking mode. You NEED to tailor yourself to THEM or they will get angry quickly. NT'S are also very good at hiding their resentment and anger. Learn to anticipate this. I've been caught off guard several times by this and I was unaware.
3. Don't Chase Money: This one might not so obvious for younger people but trust me on this, the more you chase money the more it will evade you no matter how much you need it. Don't get me wrong I love money and I still want to get very wealthy. However, the problem therein lies with the fact, that you will FOCUS and pick Jobs for money and not because you love what your doing. Don't do this to yourself. Especially with ADHD, it's not going to end well for you. Trust me, if you were neurotypical you could pull this off because your able to perform and execute past periods of boredom for a long term reward. However, for us it's POINTLESS, we NEED to be rewarded to gain any satisfaction and to get PROMOTED at a position. You will likely be very mediocre at your job and hate your life. ADD people thrive in CAREERS where they can dedicate their whole life and being to. DO This, instead and the money will come. The issue arises because their will come a point when your UNDERAROUSED and your brain won't prioritize the money or the GOAL anymore when your bored. It will prioritize STIMULATION, over the money. What is the result of this? You will rush through your work and make careless mistakes. You will hate your life and one day you will simply quit and jump to another entry and say you had a good life. One day you will be 35 having gone through 25 jobs and made a little chump change and thats it's ok to be mediocre because we all go at are own pace. Don't be this person or your life will be a waste. ADHD NEED to be in a vocation they LOVE or you can be self-employed. Those are the only 2 options. You don't get to do a job you dislike, you will never make a progression and your earning power will be fairly medicore because you have a disorder of DOING WHAT YOU KNOW. Your issue is your incapable of showing your boss what you can do. Your issue is that your incapable of improving and Learning from past mistakes. You have an disorder of PERFORMING which means it's also an economic dsyfunction. Thus, if you are bored you will perform WORSE and your boss is paying YOU for what YOU DO and is looking for a GOOD RESULT. So, if you do what you hate you will perform less of what you less and eventually get fired regardless of what you do. I hope this makes sense. This is super duper important if you have ADHD-PI.
4. Your Incapable Of Sustaining Focus Towards the Future: I want to make this very clear, you are literally blind to the future. The future does not exist to you.You will NOT finish any task without sustained brutforce effort or medication because you will get diminishing returns on whatever you will do. So why does this matter? STOP picking paths that require sustained focus, you will SET YOURSELF up for failure. We work best in bursts or sustained bursts. Anything that demands us to FOCUS and SUSTAIN ourselves into the future for months to years will FAIL. This is coming from a very high functioning person. I am INCAPABLE of sustaining activities and hobbies because I have no internal stimulation motor going. You will not ever ever be able to sustain a task unless it's stimulating. Accept this right now. You will be dependent upon EXTERNALIZATON of events to inform you because your INCAPABLE of doing a task towards the future. No, ands, if's nor buts. To be frank I can see maybe 2 months in the future if I'm LUCKY. Neurotypicals can see YEARS into the future and delay gratification for that goal. Let that sink in for a bit... Your best bet, is to run lots of marathons and find a CAREER that stimulates you to a certain threshold so you can do what you know. The nice, thing about this is your able to sustain yourself without medication. Finally, make sure to break apart tasks and use lots of timers. We NEED breaks. So don't feel guilty about it.
5. Mimic Neurotypical: This is a play from my psychopathic brethren. People with psychopathy have no emotion but their incredibly charming and they can get what they want. They are INCAPABLE of FEELING emotion, it's impossible for them to feel anything. Just like it's impossible for us to SUSTAIN an activity into the future, despite it being incredibly boring. Remember you have incapability or minimal ability to self-regulate. So, if we are not able to beat a neuortypical at performance, we can Mimic them to appear as if we are. Now, you might say this is manipulative and blablabla but you will do what you must to get what you want. Now, if you don't like this and want to achieve your goals then I'd just stop reading. For those, that actually want to get into TOP TIER grad schools, get HIGH paying careers, and NOT LET ADD limit, you. You MUST learn to do this. What psychopathy teaches us, is that we need to be anything that, the person wants us to be. Neurotypicals NEED similiarity and they NEED linear CONVERSATIONS. They NEED indirect talk. You have NO CHOICE, if you actually want to achieve some great things in life. Most psychopaths use this thing called a "mask", which is a form of emotional facial manipulations and the basically mimic all the responses of what that person WANTS in a human being. This means, when your in a group of NT'S don't standout, don't blabber, don't say what your ambitions are, don't talk outloud, don't do anything stupid. When your with a group of neurotypicals, find and imagine what they might want in a person and BECOME that character, even if so temporarily. Watch their voice, tonality, pitch, body posture, and FOLLOW their INDIRECT LANGUAGE. This is a super big one. These are the more advanced social skills you and I must learn. In doing so, we want to create a Detatched character, that gives them what they need and you can remain unseen. Now, we probably won't be able to do it like a psychopath but we can learn some aspects. People with ADD, can be very charming. Use this towards, your advantage. Don't pride yourself on your abnormality. Adapt to THEIR needs like a psychopath and give them what they need. Don't say this is how you are. You won't get very far..Trust me.
6. Get someone with GOOD executive Functions: This is a bit more advanced but have someone in the backround who can assist OCCASSIONALY with executive issues and can help with your fuckups. Their executive abillities will calm you down and guide you. Just make sure to not become dependent upon them. Your goal is to USE THEM, so that you can better organize your existence and to thrive in your life. I have a girl that assists me with issues occassionally and it's innumerably helpful in making my existence much more tolerable. Now, if your dating I recommend a TYPE-A, they are super fucking helpful with assisting with finances and affairs. This DOES not mean, that you don't do anything or you do something really retarded or become a leech. That is NOT your goal. Make sure to SAY thank you and to PAY them back EVERY TIME. Make this a habit. You should only get a good executive person to date, when your already growing and developing yourself. As I write, this I'm taking 20 units with a 3.5+ GPA , writing 2 policy papers with a regular routine, executive coach, therapist, and psychiatrist. I have a whole fucking army that assisting me to REACH my potential. You should be doing EVERYTHING possible to reach your potential. Only then, should you get a high executive. When you do, it's super magical.
7. QUIT with ALL ADDICTIONS: I mean just stop quit all of them, whether that's porn, gaming 20 hours a day, smoking tons of weed, snorting heroin, binging internet, instagram, youtube, snorting hotsauce. Just do this your will feel innumerably BETTER.
8, Diet, DIET, DIET: Eat good and eat a WHOLE organic diet. I know one thing, when I get a good deal of money I'm going to get a STRONG diet that is TAILORED to my ADHD. When I eat clean I focus like a king. When I don't you can kiss my day of productivity goodbye.
9. SLEEP ROUTINE: Get your sorry ass to bed on TIME. 10 PM is your bed time and thats the bed time. Make sure you rise SUPER EARLY. This is how you prevent the LAZY ADD in you from getting a hit on you. Sleep routine has never failed me.
10. TAKE Your MEDS: Take YOUR damn meds, it doesn't matter if you don't like being a zombie, sometimes you gotta take em. If you could be without them, you would have graduated on time huh? You wouldn't be divorced if you didn't need them? You wouldn't have gone through 20 careers if you didn't need them? Don't pretend you don't need them. Wear your fucking glasses and USE them SPARINGLY.
12.Your ADD isn't your PERSONALITY: Don't confuse the TWO. Imagine 2 of you, one with ADD and one WITHOUT. You have a CORE self and an ADD you. Your ADD Isn't YOU. Stop pretending it is.
13.Do it when you DON'T FEEL LIKE IT: Just...fucking do it... All the things I accomplished was because I did it when I didn't FEEL LIKE. Just do it and don't think.
14. STICK WITH IT: This is sooo important with ADD, we have such a shitty habit of picking up new hobbies because we get impatient with what we have. STOP IT, STOP DOING IT. You don't need more. Less is MORE. Stick with it and beat patient. Sure it can be boring but that's what meds are for. That's how I got so ripped and buff. I STUCK WITH IT. All the amazing things in life is because you commit.
15. Your Planner is your working memory: I use my planner like it's my bible. IF it's not on my planner it's not going to happen. I'm still guilty of not following through on what I'm saying but that's what should happen in theory. USE THE DAMN PLANNER.
16. Calendars: CALENDAR, CALENDAR, CALENDAR. This will HELP YOU SEE into the future a LITTLE. USE it RELIGIOUSLY.
17. Pomodoro Timers. USE THEM, THEIR MAGIC BUTTONS WITH artificial consequences that give you EXTERNAL feedback to get a task done.
18 Don't Limit yourself. I don't give a fuck, If I'm unrealistic or not. i genuinely believe I'm destined for glory. I believe, people will MAKE statues in my honor. I believe in my own HYPE. I believe I can do what I set my mind to. Don't let your ADD define you, or it will have won. If you believe you can do something then fucking do it. If you fail then you will fail. FAIL amazingly and fail awesomely. It's better to FAIL and TO HAVE put your best effort then to be too scared to not having done anything at all. You are unique you have one life, Make the most of it. We are cursed but YOU as a person. You are a GIFT. Just believe in yourself even when no one else will.
19. STOP THE OVERTHINKING: STOP DOING THIS TO YOURSELF, I overthink like NO OTHER. All these problems you think EXIST, they don't exist. Here's my remedy, when you keep overthinking, then DO SOMETHING for every thought that you have I find when I DO something however, minescule I feel ALOT better.
20. DO THE THERAPY. I don't give a fuck how pointless it is and it probably is pointless. Just do it and vent to that dude. That dude keeps my mind sane and gives me his executive
functions on DEMAND, so I can USE it for my own goals? That sounds pretty awesome to me. Since, I don't really have one anyways.
21. Stop complaining, stop with the self-pity: I see this very commonly among the immature ADD kids, yall stop with your complaing. SUCK it the fuck up. Meds or No meds, I'm still accomplishing my goals one way or another. Your ALIVE be grateful for it. That's it's own gift. Sure, we were given a fucked card but QUIT playing the victim card. Whereever you are, whether your 30 at your moms basement chronically playing video games and masterbating to hardcore porn or something else. Just remember, ADD people like to play THE VICTIM CARD. Don't let this BE YOU. You are the one in fucking control of your dog I call ADD, You tell it WHERE TO GO. Even if you can never get rid of it..Would be nice though.. If I could only shoot the dog...
22. TAKE RISKS: Be risky and be responsible, we thrive in RISK WE THRIVE WHEN WE ARE in chaos.
23. Be in the center of Action: You've seen me say this before, BUT be in the middle of the action BE WHERE it's happening, you will become so busy and inspired that you will accomplish more than you ever thought possible.
24. Surround yourself with Great People. One thing I learned from my poor decision of roomates, is that who you hang out with MATTERS. ADD people have a tendency to attract TOXIC People WHO will HOLD YOU down or reflect underachieving fucking looserness INTO YOU. Do not befriend these fucking losers. Toss them away like trash. FIND people who BUILD YOU UP. Find a GF that believes in YOU. A friend who says you can OVERCOME. Find people WILL SUPER good habits. EX. A girl I talk to tells me about god x y z, but inspires me to be positive and gives me GOOD HABITS that I need to integrate. You are the SUM of who you HANG OUT WITH.If you want greatness then BE AROUND IT.
25 ADHD IS NOT A GAME: This isn't some daisy rainbow disorder where you get to fuck around. This is a serious disorder, that causes issues with emotional regulation, impulsive spending, inability of sustaining into the FUTURE, poor attention to detail, inability to consistently censor words, poor driving dynamics, poor depth perception, inability to execute what you do, inability to develop hierarchical patterns of higher achievement, consistently inconsistent, Economic performance dsyfunction. This is not a game. This disorder, if treated like a "GIFT" or left untreated could destroy your entire life. It will manifest into every aspect of your life, friendships, work ,hobbies, driving record, money, economic earnings, ability for promotion. You can literally waste Years of your life just "floating" through life and get treated by the time it's too late. You don't want to be 45 and just barely getting diagnosed. By this time, it's too late. Your life is over and your youth has been wasted. For all those who disagree, enjoy your "gift". Don't pretend an executive function is a myth. It's not and your just hurting yourself. If you are, then have fun.
Bonus: This is my preference, but if this one bothers the living fuck out of me. I've been studying this disorder for years and I always see ADHD people getting attracted to one another and having kids. Now, you might disagree with me but I don't give a fuck. Please reproduce responsibly, don't go spreading your "gift" to your children. Your goal, should be to end the genetic defect with yourself. You don't need to be spreading this torture to a child with so much potential. Don't make them become outcasts who develop emotional problems, addiction dependency, exposure to hardcore pornographic materials, and other things. I just despise, people who reproduce like this knowingly. If you are going to, at LEAST, date a person who is neurotypical, so they have a chance to be born normal. Your kid will THANK YOU a thousand fold when they can actually INTEGRATE into their social clique and DO What they know. As for me, I'm hoping when I have kids that I can burnout the genetic component hopefully. I will be the FIRST & last of my ADD lineage. Period and IDGAF it's not a gift, never was never will be. All those poems I wrote when I was 15 were of despair and wanting to end my life multiple times. Is that really a gift?
Conclusion: If you've read, this far then congratulations because I successfully wasted 45 minutes instead of doing my assignment, but that's just an ADD thing. Remember, that your journey is to continue to push that ROCK up a hill that sisphus will never get to the peak. He was sent to the underworld by Zeus because of his arrrogance. How poetic isn't it? He will continue to push that rock up a hill but will never reach the top no matter what he does. This is your journey and these are the cards we were dealt. Accept it and get over it. Life isn't fair, that's how it works. However, Take heart in your journey being alive and the challenge of ADD that no one else gets to play. You and I get to play on HARD MODE or VERY hard mode on the GAME OF LIFE. If you succeed then your that much more of a winner. This is are challenge. This is are battle. Do not let ADD define you. You define yourself. You are the master of your own destiny. As for, we will see what path I will make for myself. The next few years will be interesting and risky to say the least... Fuck luck, Embrace the struggle and embrace pain. These are your teachers.
/TLDR SUPER LONG LIST OF ADD reccomendations RECAP from the YEAR, Things I learned, CHECK 1-25 index??? ADD, Needs management, high executive function etc.
Edited by DrewMichael21, 25 April 2019 - 05:07 AM.