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My Self Hypnosis Experiments & My Trance Training Success Story

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#1 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 29 July 2018 - 06:14 AM

OK wonderful people! Excited about life more than ever currently. Me, an analytical thinker when it comes to hypnosis, someone who has a hard time switching off and going with the flow and into trance, is finally finding trancing easier rather than a hit and miss experience. This as you may know, opens a world of possibilities when it comes to changing your behaviours more easily.


So I made myself a script/mp3 called Train Hypnosis, it's currently on its 4th iteration. My plan was to use that for a month to train trance, then move onto other goals. However it sort of worked so well, that I've already moved onto my first goal, where I still add some of the train hypnosis suggestions at the end of the file so I can work on my goal and trance training simultanously.


Anyway let me explain the parts now (rather than below the long quoted post):


Belief Suggestion: This helps convince you the hypnosis file and its suggestions are working on you (good if you're someone like me who questions frequently whether you're in trance or not).


Resistance Suggestion: This basically gives a lot more power to the subconscious mind to put/force you in a hypnotic trance, whether your conscious mind likes it or not.


Body Distractions: I added this, because you may randomly get itching or tingling while going into hypnosis that can distract you, where you want to move or scratch the area. One thing that happened to me, was a random tingling nerve started activating randomly in my right shoulder blade and up my neck.


Easy Breathing: I added this because when going into hypnosis, my breathing became really relaxed or shallow, where it would feel like it stopped long enough that it would make me more conscious again, just like sleep apenea.


Trigger: This is to create a trigger so eventually I should be able to go into hypnosis instantly from that trigger phrase. I have felt this have a slight effect when saying it, however getting the trigger to work 100% isn't that important, because as long as it helps nudge my mind a little bit toward trance, that's fine with me.



Below are the main suggestions in my train hypnosis script/mp3:



Belief Suggestions:

Now you will accept all the suggestions in this file positively.
You will find all the suggestions in this file natural and normal to you.
Just like you find breathing natural and normal.
Now all the suggestions in this file are natural and normal to you.
And you fully believe all the suggestions and the hypnosis in this file are working on you.
You 100% believe all the suggestions and the hypnosis in this file are working on you and your subconscious mind.
Any doubt of this, instantly gets washed away every time you breeth out. 
And is replaced with 100% belief when you breeth back in again.
And any negative emotions that a suggestion might bring up.
Instantly gets washed away every time you breeth out. 
And is replaced with 100% positive belief in that suggestion.
So that suggestion now firmly becomes a part of your subconscious mind.
And now this 100% positive belief.
Is associated with every suggestion in this file.
And all negative emotions you have associated with any suggestions in this file have been completely washed away.

Resistance Suggestion:


Now as soon as you start listening to a hypnosis file.

Your conscious mind will give all control to the subconscious mind, so it can do it's work.
The more your conscious mind tries to resist giving up control, the more control it loses to the subconscious mind.
The more control the conscious mind loses, the more blank your conscious mind becomes.
The more blank your conscious mind becomes, the deeper you go into a hypnotic trance.
This is because the subconscious mind, is much more powerful than the conscious mind.
The subconscious mind is just like a trained marathon runner, because it is trained to handle many of the bodies tasks subconsciously.
While the conscious mind is just like the average person with no training. And however hard they try to resist losing a marathon, they are always going to lose to a trained marathon runner.
This is why the subconscious mind is much more powerful than the conscious mind.
So the subconscious can easily overcome any resistance the conscious mind is creating.
It doesn't matter what resistance the conscious mind creates, because the more it resists, the more control it loses.
And the more control it loses, the more blank your conscious mind becomes.
And the more blank your conscious mind becomes, the deeper you go into a hypnotic trance.
Resistance is futile for the conscious mind when listening to a hypnosis file.
Because the subconscious mind is fully in control, and is much more powerful than the conscious mind.
And so the conscious mind can willingly give the subconscious full control, or the subconscious will just take it by force.
Because resistance is futile for the conscious mind when listening to a hypnosis file.

Body Distractions:

Also when listening to a hypnosis file.
Any distractions or sensations that come from your body will disappear, and will send you deeper into a hypnotic trance.
That's right, any distractions or sensations that come from your body will disappear, and will send you deeper into a hypnotic trance.
This is because all the nerves in your body will have become completely relaxed, making them disappear, and you fall deeper into a hypnotic trance.
If any sensations in your body tries to distract you, those sensations will disappear and send you deeper into a hypnotic trance.
It doesn't matter what distractions or sensations might happen in the body.
It could be an itch, numbness, tingling, twitching, or maybe even a random nerve activating.
Or anything else, it doesn't matter.
Because all distractions and sensations in the body will disappear, and send you deeper into a hypnotic trance.
This is because your subconscious is the control center of your body.
So it can easily shut down nerves and impulses from the body.
And so if your body tries to cause any sensations and distractions, your subconscious can easily make any of those distractions and sensations disappear, and send you deeper into a hypnotic trance.

Easy Breathing:

Also when listening to a hypnosis file.
Your subconscious will take over your breathing.
So you can continue to breeth easily, while falling into a hypnotic trance.
It doesn't matter how relaxed your breathing becomes.
Because your subconscious will take over, allowing you to breeth naturally and easily.
Giving you the right amount of inhaling, and exhaling, so you can continue to breeth wonderfully, and fall deeper into a hypnotic trance.
If your breathing tries to distract your conscious mind, your subconscious will intervene, and take over your breathing, knowing exactly the perfect breathing pattern for you.
That's right, your subconscious knows exactly the perfect breathing pattern for you, and will take control of your breathing so you can breeth easily, while falling into a hypnotic trance.

So now you can easily and naturally breeth while falling into a hypnotic trance, because your subconscious will do this for you.

Direct Suggestion Repeated 12 times:


And now I am going to give you a suggestion.
When I say this suggestion, I want you to shout it out with me. 
Shout it out with me SILENTLY in your mind. 
Feel it penetrate every part of your mind, body and spirit and become your absolute reality. 
As you hear me say it, shout it out SILENTLY and feel it become a part of who you are and how you feel.
OK let's begin.
My subconscious mind will absorb all hypnotic suggestions without question.

And I easily fall into a hypnotic trance. 

[Those 2 lines above are repeated 12 times]


Now the following trigger will only work when it is safe to use. 
For example, it will not work while you're driving.
Now every time you hear the words. Sleep, for, me, now.
You will return to this hypnotic trance which you're experiencing right now.
And you may even go deeper than you currently are.
And you easily, simply, and wonderfully surrender into trance.
Surrender into hypnosis.
Surrender to the hypnotic suggestions.
Because trance and hypnosis feels so wonderful.
Trance and hypnosis feels so pleasurable.
Because you know it can help you with your goals in life.
So your subconscious rewards you by making it a wonderful and pleasurable experience.
It knows how to do this, and does it.
You enjoy trance and hypnosis.
You feel pleasure with trance and hypnosis.
Which makes it easy for you to do even more.


Edited by manny, 29 July 2018 - 06:20 AM.

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#2 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 29 July 2018 - 08:04 AM

Now I wanted to create a separate post to explain in a bit more detail of how my trance training went and how effective it was.


So I created the earlier version of the file on the 21st of July and today is the 29th of July, so in 8 days I've had a lot of success. I wasn't just listening to the file to help train my hypnosis, I also used a modified version of the script (changing "you" to "I") with the Instant Self Hypnosis - Hypnotise with your Eyes open method. This method is where you read to yourself out loud an induction, then a script, then an awakener (rather than listen to a file). I thought this would help condition my mind when listening to the file.


So what is my success so far?


1. Well the first thing is, before I would listen to files before bed in a hopes that it would help get me in trance, now I can listen to the files during the day and get into trance (that's a big success for me).


2. However it doesn't mean I always get into trance on first go either. I haven't mastered getting into trance, and if the induction doesn't get me under the first time, I'll replay it and usually the 2nd I'll go, and sometimes a 3rd time, but never more than 3 times is needed I believe. (I'll expand on this in tips).


3. While I can do it during the day, I like to be up for a few hours before attempting it. And after I do it once, it's usually enough for me and I don't want to do it again, even though I may logically want to. There is a resistance to doing hypnosis/trance constantly, maybe because one session of mine can take up to 40 mins and it's kind of boring, or it's early days and my mind isn't used to being in that state for long periods. Also I've read sometimes if you play a file too much in a short period of time, the suggestions can become less effective for some reason. Once a day over a longer period is a better strategy in my opinion.


My Self Hypnosis Tips


So I never really understood what to do when listening to a hypnosis file. Do I just drift off or do I focus on the voice. Well now with a little more experience and understanding, I think the focusing is actually a very important part of hypnosis. Once you focus enough and enter into trance, then your conscious mind usually drifts off naturally. Anyway here are my tips.


1. So the first and most important tip I can give you is focus. You goal is to try and narrow down your focus to a single thing, this then helps put you into trance. Now I find if I try to focus on 1 thing (such as the voice), it's easier for my mind to drift off (in a bad way i.e. lose focus), and then I realize and think crap I need to refocus on the voice again. So what I do is switch my focus between 2 things, my breathing, and the voice. I don't know whether this is an established method or not, but it seems to work for me. Basically you've got to train your mind that as soon as it wants to drift off, you switch your focus to the other thing. So for example I'll be focusing on my breathing, after a few seconds my mind will start to lose focus or get bored (and other thoughts are creeping in), so I start focusing on the voice, and then when I start losing focus there I switch back to my breathing. It can be very rapid, it doesn't matter, because you want to shut down everything else and narrow all your focus down to your breathing or the voice in the file.


2. Something I learnt a couple days ago and seems to be quite good, and is especially meant to be good for analytical thinkers. Basically when I first put the file on, I do a little side induction. It's very simple. You count out load from 100 downwards, closing and opening your eyes with every other number, until you just want to leave you eyes closed. 100 [eyes open], 99 [eyes closed], 98 [eyes open], 97 [eyes closed] etc...  Eventually I want to leave my eyes closed, and then I listen to the rest of the file. When I first started I was getting down to like 50, but last few times I get to like 89 and don't want to open them again. I definitely feel like this puts you into a light trance of sorts.


3. So previously I mentioned I listened to the induction 2 or maybe even 3 times to go under. But a very important note, especially when starting out, and something I learnt with the Instant Self Hypnosis Hypnotize with your Eyes Open method, is light trancing is okay, and you may be going into a light trance and getting beneficial effects, but don't realize it because that's not your view of what trance should be. What I mean by this, is if you find your mind isn't drifting off completely or going blank (deep trance), and you still feel quite aware, you may still be in a light trance so keep going to the end of the file, and do the first tip I wrote (switch focus between breathing & the hypnotists voice). I also do this a lot of the times rather than repeating the induction a 2nd or 3rd time. Basically you don't always have to go under in the induction, remember you're training yourself to trance, once you get better, you will go in earlier.



Other Notes:


1. I'm not a Self Hypnosis master. I actually didn't want to create a thread until I was absolutely sure. But I guess the belief suggestions are kicking in, and so at the moment I've very confident I'm doing it. I also wanted to write down my thoughts and tips while they were fresh in my mind.


2. The current hypnosis goal I've been listening to the last 2 days is being able to fall asleep faster and waking up at 6.30am. I didn't seem to fall that much faster last night, but I ended up waking up at 5am, when usually I sleep until 8-9am. Coincidence? It could have been I didn't eat enough carbs last night, and I did have quite a high protein/fat meal, and I know ketosis previously gave me shortened & worse sleep. And waking up at 5am today, I am tired. But it also could be the fact my subconscious is making the changes to my sleeping pattern like I've written in the file.


3. My amygdala's definitely activated during going into hypnosis. I've stopped amygdala tickling these last few weeks, as my interest in hypnosis has come back, and I was worried my amygdala tickling might interfere with my trance training, because I read somewhere amygdalas are less active during hypnosis. Anyway, and this happened a few times while listening to hypnosis, but on the 27th July when listening, I could feel my brain pushing forward, and my muscles around my temples and eyebrows scrunching up naturally. Now it's funny, I used this "method", the amygdala tickling "feeling" method as opposed to "visualization" method in the past. In fact I believe it was this method I was using for a month in 2011 when I had my mini pop. However I always questioned the method, because of the physical muscle activations that came with it, i.e. was I really clicking my amygdalas, or was my muscles just tensing up; I also asked Neil Slade about it ages ago and he only recommended the visualization method, hence why I dropped it. So anyway when I go into hypnosis, these physical muscle activations happen automatically, but the question is, was I clicking? Well the rest of the day I was in a damn good mood, felt a bit silly, and the music sounded great. And then would you believe, there was a little bit of stress later on with my wife and my mother which I found myself in the middle of trying to diffuse the situation, anyway after it was sorted, I was very emotional, on the verge of crying (I held it together, but I should of let it out to discharge that trauma or whatever). All sure signs of my experiences with amygdala tickling! So yes, the feeling method does work without needing the visualization technique, and, going into trance/hypnosis, you may experience you amygdalas click hard forward automatically! In fact I should note amygdala stimulation is one thing I want to test within hypnosis, but it was the last on my hypnosis goal list, so by then I had sufficient training in trance, and proof the hypnosis was working (quit smoking, wake up early, exercise more, etc...). Good things to come!

#3 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 29 July 2018 - 10:55 AM

OK. So instead of making this a chitty chatty thread, as theres not much to talk about other than what results I obtain; I'm going to try and reduce my posts to an overview tracking thread for my hypnotic experiments.


Here is the current list of hypnosis goals I have. While there is somewhat of an order, it may be subject to change which order I do the hypnosis in. For example the reason I skipped the stopped smoking/alcohol/drugs goal and went straight to the early rising/falling asleep goal, is because currently via will or whatever, I don't have an urge to do those vices. So it would be better spending my time doing hypnosis on things that are more noticeable at first, and then come back and sort out the on and off problems.


Last point is I cba to track exactly how often and how many days I spend on each file, so I'll just make posts when the current goal is a success, and which next goal I've moved onto.


Current Hypnotic Goal List:


  1. Train trance, hypnosis, suggestibility, and trigger - (Successful enough that I can start my other hypnosis files, while adding hypnotic training suggestions at the end of each file) 
  2. Live a sober life, no smoking, alcohol, or drugs
  3. Wake up at 6.30am in the morning, and the ability to fall asleep instantly at night or nap during the day - (Currently training, woke up at 5am today, I'm hoping that's a sign of a couple more times and early rising will be a success)
  4. Make exercise routine (goes in hand with waking up at 6.30am), and appetite suppressant & healthy diet
  5. Increase libido to the max
  6. Experiment with Amygdala Clicking & Trauma release
  7. Experiment with Lucid Dreaming
  8. Experiment with body hair loss

Edited by manny, 29 July 2018 - 10:58 AM.

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#4 Rocket

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Posted 30 July 2018 - 12:22 AM

I used to do self hypnosis and esoteric meditation techniques in my youth. You can definitely experience some crazy stuff that you have never imagined.... only people who are well grounded, mentally, should practice this stuff. If you're unbalanced some of the experiences like I have had could send someone off the deep end.


#5 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 31 July 2018 - 04:21 AM

Haha I'd go off in the deep end, my amygdala clicking already increases my emotional sensitivity to discharge traumas. Really I should allow myself to cry, and I've thought of creating a hypnosis on this with my later hypnosis experiments, such as controlled trauma release through crying. Basically tell your subconscious to bring up a feeling of a trauma it can release through crying, at an appropriate time where you have privacy to release it (preferably at night just before bed). Or I could tell it there is no shame in crying and let it out whenever it arises, although I really don't want to be the man who cries randomly in front of people. And the other idea was letting the subconscious work the traumas out within my dreams.


Also while I agree people shouldn't mess with anything esoteric, whether mentally well grounded or not. I don't see any harm for the majority of  people in using self hypnosis to solve problems in their life. We all have traumas buried deep inside us, and many people have way worse traumas than the average person (such as those sexually abused or who experienced very bad child abuse). However I wouldn't think these traumas would reveal themselves in trance to most people, unless directed to them. For example if you go into a hypnotic trance, and then the suggestions you heard were just about exercising and eating more healthily, then this is what your subconscious would be focusing on. Also they say when we daydream we're in a type of trance, and I'm sure dreams are all about the subconscious workings too. But then again I'm not an experienced therapist or hypnotherapist so NO ONE TAKE MY ADVICE! These are just my thoughts, each person is unique, and you should consult a professional if you're worried about using self hypnosis.


Anyway I popped here to say I woke up at 4am today (after falling asleep at around 11pm last night). Yesterday I woke around 8am, and the day before was 5am. So my sleeping pattern is definitely adjusting in weird ways, as my usual wake up time is 8.30-10am. So it's happened twice now where I've woken up too early, and I'm feeling quite tired right now, so I definitely need to try and get some more shut eye before I go to work today. I'm going to rework my hypnosis script on sleepings/early rising now, see if I can tweak it to be better. Wish me luck!

#6 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 01 August 2018 - 04:47 AM

OK, first thing. I have not done hypnosis for 2 days, and probably won't today either. The days where I have free time to myself are every day except Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday. The only reason I didn't do hypnosis this Monday was because my wife's friend was down from afar, and my wife took time off work to see her, and so I wasn't going to get time to myself that day.


Anyway guess what time I woke up today guys! 3:40am! WTF, I wanted 6:30am, not 3:40am! 


I use to have extreme early rising goals in my life previously such as 4, 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, & 6. But I never achieved them long term, and that was before I was married. The reason I chose 6:30am in particular this time, was it would allow me to function around most people's waking life because I could go to sleep at a reasonable time, while also waking up early and hitting the gym at 7am everyday (gym opens 6am weekdays, 7am weekends).


Anyway I won't blame the hypnosis in total. Because my self sabotaging self came out yesterday, and I bought KFC and cigarettes. KFC I knew if I ate this, would give me a dodgy stomach, and low and behold I woke at 3:40am to go to the toilet, not only because I had a full bladder and needed to pee, but because my stomach was bloated and I needed to shit. But because it was pure KFC, I was constipated, and well, I got half of it out, but I still feel bloated right now at 5:30am, which also pisses me off because I feel like I could hit the gym at 6am.




I do feel optimistic of this all. I feel like, well if my bodies naturally waking up around 4am, why not see if I can normalize this sleeping pattern, and not sabotage myself with crap food or cigarettes. I'm not even a huge fan of junk food, I rarely touched it before when I was younger, but I think I disillusioned myself at one point when my friends would eat it at college and talk about how great and tasty it was, and my psyche keeps falling back on this "everyone seems to love, shouldn't I? Let's give it one more chance and find out" lol. I'm a fool!


Anyway, I think I can make this work.


Oh and the other thing I'm a little annoyed, is I don't know what time I went to bed. I think it was around 10pm. So I reckon I got around 6 hours sleep.


But I think this is the exciting thing about the new 4am goal. Because my original goal was wake up at 6:30am, and go to sleep at around 10:30pm, giving me 8 hours sleep. But if I can wake up at 4am, and go to sleep around 10pm, I will only get 6 hours sleep! Sounds exciting! I might finally be able to be a 6 hour sleep guy, and function in the real world with an acceptable bed time (10pm). But for me to do this, I would have to be very routine on my sleep, my diet, my supplements, and exercising.


So lets see if I can push the envelope further! THINK BIG!

#7 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 01 August 2018 - 05:00 AM

Oh, and I need to make a big point I forgot to make.


Yesterday when I woke up around 4am I was hella tired.


Today when I woke up, I'm background tired.


So I've just gone and taken my morning supplements, and saw a supplement I took last night which I don't usually take and forgot I had taken. 5-HTP!


I've seen so many reviews on how people take 5-HTP and feel like they get a wonderful refreshed sleep. So this is something that will be definitely part of my night stack,along with the usual 1mg melatonin and liquid magnesium I take before bed.



Edited by manny, 01 August 2018 - 05:01 AM.

#8 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 01 August 2018 - 07:46 AM

OK I've made my next hypnosis script and file to start tomorrow. Assuming my sleeping pattern is sort of set at the moment around 4am.


I've combined removing bad habits, with living a healthy life when it comes to exercise and eating.


Below are the main suggestions in the script. They are repeated twice in the file, and are wrapped around my basic script which I use for all my files.


Also note the reason I make these so fast are because I use Text to Speech software, so once the scripts written and sounds correct in the text to speech software, I just export it as an mp3.


Main suggestions in new script/file:



Now I'd like to make your subconscious aware of a few terms I will use in this hypnosis file.

So your subconscious can understand what I mean when I say these words.
From now on, whenever I mention vices or bad habits, I'm talking about smoking, drinking alcohol, recreational drugs, and pornography.
That's right, whenever I mention vices or bad habits, I'm talking about smoking, drinking alcohol, recreational drugs, and pornography.
So whenever I mention vices or bad habits, I'm talking about smoking, drinking alcohol, recreational drugs, and pornography.
And whenever I mention being sober or living a sober life, I'm talking about an abstinence of these vices and bad habits.
That's right, whenever I mention being sober or living a sober life, I'm talking about an abstinence of these vices and bad habits.
Which would mean abstinence from smoking, drinking alcohol, recreational drugs, and pornography.
So from now on, you want to live a healthy and sober life.
You desire to live a healthy and sober life.
Because you know, that living a healthy and sober life, is the best way to feel great and full of energy.
And you can do this easily, with the help of your subconscious mind now, so this is exactly what it will do.
This is exactly what the subconscious mind will do for you.
It will help you live a healthy and sober life.
Because you know it can be done, and you know your life will benefit immensely from this.
So your subconscious mind will help you do this.
Because all emotional attachments to vices and bad habits are now being completely washed away every time you breeth out.
And is being replaced with pleasure and motivation to live a healthy and sober life, every time you breeth back in again.
That's right, all emotional attachments to vices and bad habits are now being completely washed away every time you breeth out.
And is being replaced with pleasure and motivation to live a healthy and sober life, every time you breeth back in again.
Because all emotional attachments to vices and bad habits are now being completely washed away every time you breeth out.
And is being replaced with pleasure and motivation to live a healthy and sober life, every time you breeth back in again.
That's right, all emotional attachments to vices and bad habits are now being completely washed away every time you breeth out.
And is being replaced with pleasure and motivation to live a healthy and sober life, every time you breeth back in again.
So you forget about vices and bad habits.
You completely forget about vices and bad habits.
Because all emotional attachments to them, have now been completely washed away.
And have now been replaced with pleasure and motivation to live a healthy and sober life.
And this pleasure and motivation to live a healthy and sober life, will cause even more changes in your behaviours and actions.
That's right, this pleasure and motivation to live a healthy and sober life, will now cause even more changes in your behaviours and actions.
And these changes in your behaviours and actions, are to exercise regularly, and to eat and drink healthily.
That's right, these changes in your behaviours and actions, are to exercise regularly, and to eat and drink healthily.
And you know exactly what exercises to do when you do them, and the right food and drink to consume when you consume them.
Because you will always make the choices you know will help you live a healthy and sober life, at the times you're faced with these decisions.
That's right, you know exactly what exercises to do when you do them, and the right food and drink to consume when you consume them.
Because you will always make the choices you know will help you live a healthy and sober life, at the times you're faced with these decisions.
And you also know that sometimes, we may not have control over the circumstances that we are faced with. But we always have control over the choices and decisions we make.
This is what allows you to adapt.
You are the decision maker of your choices, regardless of the circumstances.
Because sometimes not everything goes to the original plan, but you adapt and make a new plan to keep you on the right path.
This could be as simple as abstaining from eating, or changing your exercises for the day, or whatever else, it doesn't matter.
Because you will always make the choices inline with your belief, to live a healthy and sober life, regardless of the circumstances.
And your subconscious rewards you with lots of pleasure and motivation to live a healthy and sober life.
That's right, your subconscious rewards you with lots of pleasure and motivation to live a healthy and sober life.
And this pleasure and motivation makes living a healthy and sober life so easy for you.
It makes living a healthy and sober life so natural to you.
That's right, this pleasure and motivation makes living a healthy and sober life so easy for you.
It makes living a healthy and sober life so natural to you.
And this pleasure and motivation accompanies all the actions and behaviours which promote a healthy and sober life.
So you will feel this pleasure and motivation when exercising and eating and drinking healthily.
That's right, this pleasure and motivation accompanies all the actions and behaviours which promote a healthy and sober life.
So you will feel this pleasure and motivation when exercising and eating and drinking healthily.


#9 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 02 August 2018 - 06:50 AM

OK a quick update on my early rising.


So the times I woke up these past few days roughly went like this: 5am, 8am, 4am, 4am, 7am (Today)


My usual wake up time before the hypnosis was between 8:30-10am


I thought the hypnosis had screwed up, because it was waking me up so early (5am/4am), but I wonder whether my subconscious knew this was the best way to shift my sleeping pattern to 6:30am?


I.E. Sleep deprive the hell out of me a few days by forcing myself to wake up early and not being able to sleep longer, and then on the day my sleep debt had built up so much, make me be able to sleep throughout the night and wake up near my target time (and this was without any alarm).


In fact my alarm was set for 4am. I have one of those sunrise alarms, which gets lighter near the time it's set to, until it's fully bright and then beeps. I woke up due to the light (before it hit 4am), switched it off, and went back to bed. 


Then! I don't know whether this was my subconscious or what. But I sort of woke up a little to check the time, and it was 6am, and then in my mind all I wanted to do was get ready to wake up, but I went back asleep, and then the next time I woke up a little to check the time is was 7am, and I got up. So I wonder if my subconscious was trying to check the time so I woke up at 6:30am, hence all my mind was trying to get me up soon.


Anyway screw that 4am and 6 hour sleep goal, it was never my original goal anyway, I just thought I had to settle with it because I thought the hypnosis screwed up and wasn't letting me sleep past 4am. I'd rather wake at 6:30am just to hit the gym in the mornings, and get 8 hours sleep.


So here's me hoping because I woke up at 7am today. Hitting that 6:30am goal won't be so hard and will be routine in the future.


Also I got about 9 hours sleep last night (was asleep by 10pm, woke up by 7am), and I still feel a bit tired rather than refreshed (I still have that sleep debt built up). But it does seem my sleep pattern has shifted into going to sleep earlier and waking up earlier.


Anyway we'll see the results in the next few weeks if this has worked. But I won't be listening to my sleep hypnosis file again, because I don't want to risk waking up at those really early times again.



#10 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 02 August 2018 - 05:27 PM

Ok quick update.


I started listening to my healthy living/sober life hypnosis file today, and was able to do it twice. The 2nd time I fell a little bit asleep toward the end (since I'm still tired/in sleep debt).


However even after these 2 listens, my choices are being influenced slightly. It's weird as well, because sometimes the thoughts are still there to make the wrong choices, but just before I make the wrong choice, I decide to make the right choice.


For example:


1. I thought of watching some porn, so I typed the URL in the address bar. But instead of pressing enter, I just closed the web browser.

2. I was hungry and thought of eating some oreo thins. But decided to eat some clementines instead which we've had for like 3 weeks.

3. Since there is no food in the fridge, I decided to go get a foot long sub from Subway, instead of junk food from McDonalds (they're right next to each other).

4. And when I ordered my usual salad on the sub, I said "some" jalapeños instead of "a lot" jalapeños, because I was worried I'd screw up my gut later (note, I love the taste of some spicy stuff such as jalapeños in my sub, but I regret it later).

5. I asked what drinks were included in the deal, hoping a bottle of water was included rather than just their refill pepsi crap. And it was! so I gladly got the bottle of water.

6. Was just talking to my wife who's coming from work now, and said we should walk up to the small town Tesco and refill our groceries, rather than driving to the big Tesco or Asda. I was thinking it would be a great way to get some exercise! And to fill up on some healthy food. And that's what we're going to do when she gets back!


All very small changes in my thinking in my first day of this new hypnosis file from 2 listens. They're so slight and small, it feels like placebo (and might even be).


However I'm excited to give this a hell of a lot more listening to in the following weeks, and hope it really does change me to live a much more healthier and sober life!


It will be very interesting if tomorrow is the first day I wake up at 6:30am, and hit that gym at 7am. We shall see...


Whatever the case I've gone from Train Hypnosis file, to the Sleep/Early Rising hypnosis file, to the Healthy Living/Sober Life hypnosis file in 12 days! (I started on the 21st of July). And remember I wasn't listening every day either.


The results aren't 100% in yet, but it feels like I'm moving fast in the positive direction toward my goals. We shall see!

#11 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 03 August 2018 - 09:23 AM

OK that was a FAIL!


I could not for the life of me fall asleep last night. I did notice even before hand, the rising early suggestions were working well, but the falling asleep fast suggestions weren't.


I'm going to leave my sleep schedule and hypnosis for now, and focus on other things. The reason being is going into sleep debt sucks ass, and I'd rather wake up at 8:30-10am and feel like I've slept well, so I can live my days awake lol. 


When I go back to the sleep hypnosis eventually, I'm going rewrite it, taking out the early rising suggestions, and just focusing on being able to fall asleep fast and whatever time I desire to; because if I can do this, I can just adjust my time myself, oh I want to wake up at 6:30am, ok, I need to fall asleep at this time now, and boom, fall asleep.


I'm not discouraged though, because I still now I'm trancing, and I know the suggestions are having an effect. But I'll leave sleep till later on.

#12 XenMan

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Posted 03 August 2018 - 11:52 PM

Well done for the experimentation.


I was into self-hypnosis a while back, many decades actually. I definitely experienced some interesting results, but nothing spectacular or that couldn’t be achieved with better alternatives.


I am the original fun extinguisher and don’t want to rain on your parade, as I admire anyone similar to me who tries any crazy stuff just to see what happens.


I also lived with a psychologist for 20 years who does self hypnosis, so I’m slightly more knowledgeable that the average punter.


I will give a short diatribe that you can ignore, explore or ask further questions.


Self hypnosis is good for relaxation and promoting suggestions. Self CBT is probably better for anything that involves your thinking patterns and cognitive processes, with meditation better for relaxation.


It is important to remember that your brain is like a muscle and if you work it, it has to physically change its structure which can lead to a variety of effects.


As for your list, it is mixture of psychological and physiological changes that may be outside of homeostasis which means it may change but your body will fight to get it back as before.


Lucid dreaming is battle in itself, as some are naturals and others like me, a challenge and a rare treat.


Hair loss could be unsuccessful, and libido is best increased with Taoist or Tantric techniques of minimal ejaculation, or use supplements; depending on your age.


Good luck and enjoy.


#13 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 05 August 2018 - 08:39 AM

Hi XenMan, thanks for your input I appreciate it. My experiences with hypnosis, is when the suggestions work/stick, getting results from anything else pales in comparison. For example struggling with diets for years, and now I'm naturally eating less and losing weight without even thinking about it (or trying to diet). And I got a major result today which I will now explain.




OK. So basically these last 2 days I've found it harder to trance and go into hypnosis. Very worrying. Yesterday I couldn't go in once at all during the day. So having a look at my "Supplements for Hypnosis, Trancing, and increased Alpha Waves?" thread, I ended up taking 5mg of Melatonin at around 4pm, in a hope to decrease my brainwaves to theta/alpha waves, so I could at least trance once yesterday. After around 4 hours, I was heavily feeling the effects of that 5mg melatonin, and the effects were kind of spaced out/tired, but not ready to fall asleep, a perfect time to try some hypnosis. However even the best laid plans of Mice and Men often go awry. A family member popped round for an hour when I was ready to do my hypnosis, so I ended up staying up, and then soon afterward was ready to sleep. So I put the hypnosis on, and went to bed, not knowing whether I was really trancing or sleeping.


Anyway I woke up at 6am! WOOP! But that is not the result, because that could have been as much to do with my previous hypnosis, as it was the 5mg melatonin that night.


So I was awake, did some stuff, 7am approaching, I thought to myself, should I hit the gym? Nah... I need to listen to more hypnosis on that first. Then at 7:30am I thought, screw it, I was hitting the gym a few months ago through sheer will (as noted in this thread Thiamine (B1) - The Motivation, Anti-Procrastination, Calm/Zen Stimulant Vitamin!), lets see if I can do 30 minutes at least on the cross trainer. So I get ready, get my ipod, bottle of water, and gym membership, and go.


Now here is the result! I started doing the cross trainer and it was super easy! Now what do I mean super easy? I mean I was just chilling to my music, and kept going at a quick steady pace (my heart rate was in the 160's). There was no mental resistance, no mental agitation, no constantly checking the time left, I just kept on going and listening to my music, just really enjoying my music, rather than using it at as a distraction (just like if you sat down at home and chilled to some music). This was the result!


And guess what, after the 30 minutes countdown was over, I thought to myself, well I've done my minimum goal, should I do another 30 minutes? Then the thought came into my mind, well it doesn't have to be another 30 minutes if I don't reach it, any more I do is just a bonus as I've already reached my goal. Basically there's no pressure if I do an extra 30 minutes or an extra 1 minute, these are just bonuses. And guess what, I ended up doing another 30 minutes no problem! No mental agitation, no mental resistance, no wanting it to be finished now, I just kept going and chilling to my music!


And this is the opposite to my results in the Thiamine (B1) - The Motivation, Anti-Procrastination, Calm/Zen Stimulant Vitamin! thread. Where I started off big because the B-Complex I was taking was giving me motivation, 1 hour a day originally, but slowly and surely 1 hour seemed to much off a struggle, so I lowered it to 30 minutes, and that started to seem as a struggle and I eventually stopped going. While today I went, did 1 hour easily with no mental struggle, and I haven't taken a b-complex for about a month now, or my other supplements regularly (though I plan to get back on top of this).


So in my opinion, yes, when the suggestions in hypnosis work/stick, they work better than anything else. Dieting and exercising isn't a struggle, if you mind believes it's something you just have to do, just like taking a shower or brushing your teeth. Honestly 1 hour a day exercise is nothing if we really think about it, it such a small part of your day, that even now I already feel like I've not even done any exercise today, even though I have.


And I don't want anyone going on about oh it was easy because it was the crosstrainer/long cardio, because I've always found pushing myself and progressing with weights has always been easier for me rather than any cardio exercises. My focus on cardio at the moment is to become healthy overall and get use it while I lose weight, and when I hit 80kg, switch to a more balanced routine of weights + cardio.


Lastly I think I might switch to listening to hypnosis only before bed again rather than during the day, this way I can use my daytime for day activities, and not waste my time trying to get into trance during the day, or risk screwing up my sleeping pattern.


Keep believing y'all!

#14 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 04 October 2018 - 09:09 AM

Hi wonderful people.


So I stopped self hypnosis as trancing got difficult again. But if any of you were following my other thread Supplements for Hypnosis, Trancing, and increased Alpha Waves?. You will know I very recently discovered lavender as a very good hypnotic aid, and so far used it 4-5 times to trance successfully before bed (sometimes having to repeat the induction once). 


I’ll post the research below which proves why lavender would be a great hypnotic aid, though for more info on this, check the above thread out (currently it’s the last post).


Anyway I thought I’d update you, that the self hypnosis experiment is back on, and hopefully I’ll be able to share my results by Christimas time or earlier.



It is felt the effects of lavender inhalation on the brain wave activities are well demonstrated in the present study. During inhalation with lavender, the power of theta (4-8 Hz) and alpha (8-13 Hz) activities are significantly increased in all brain regions. This result is consistent with the study of Diego(8)that found after lavender inhalation that frontal alpha power was significantly increased. Furthermore, a study conducted at the University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Kitakyushu Japan(26)used changes of electroencephalogram (EEG) to measure the effects of aromas. The present study found relaxing effects with increases of alpha wave activities after administering lavender, cineol sandalwood, and alpha-pinene. The EEG evidence of relaxation can be seen in various practices such as meditation. Meditation is a way of balancing the body and the mind as well as controlling the mind to experience feelings of peace and relaxation. The study among people meditating can demonstrate similar EEG changes with lavender inhalation, which presented as an increase in theta and alpha activities in the brain during meditation(27). The increase in theta and alpha activities can also be observed even during pre-meditation states in people who frequently practice meditation(28). These results lend support that increases in theta and alpha wave activity causes a range of general relaxation effects and can be induced by a range of chemical and non chemical techniques.


Edited by manny, 04 October 2018 - 09:11 AM.

#15 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 23 December 2018 - 01:05 PM

General Update


I didn’t listen to my hypnosis files as I said I would since my last post. However I restarted them recently and I’m trancing very well. I listen to them when going to bed at night and after ingesting a lavender pill.


No Induction Needed!


I’m trancing so well in fact, that I no longer need the standard induction anymore. I just put the file on the playlist several times, focus all my attention on the voice or my breathing, and soon drift off into a trance.


But I believe it’s a combination of:


1. Doing it before bed (minds getting tired and slowing down anyway)

2. Lavender pill for theta and alpha waves

3. Hypnotic suggestions for trancing better

4. Learning what works, trying to put all your focus on the voice or your breathing


I did attempt doing it during the day once, but I couldn’t trance easily or very long even when taking the lavender pill. So doing it before bed when winding down works better for me.


1. Result - I’ve Quit Smoking!


So a couple of weeks back I bought that famous Allen Carr book in audio format. I got half way through it, and it somewhat had some effect (it’s like positive brainwashing). However I stopped listening to it and was still smoking, albeit has cut down.


But since I recently restarted listening to my healthy living hypnosis file again, my urge to smoke has pretty much dissappeared, and I’m not really struggling with it, unlike when I try to do it via willpower.


2. Result - Libido and Erections Are Way Up!


So part of the suggestions in my healthy living file revolve around increasing my libido to the max. Well it’s working very well, I’m popping boners so easily and am needing sex at a much higher rate.


There was nothing physically lowering my libido (except maybe being a casual smoker and a bit overweight). But when you use hypnosis to increase your libido, you are increasing the arousal in your mind, and it works amazingly.


I find it amazing how you can hypnotise yourself to increase your libido and horniness, and you subconscious can do just that for you. 


3. Result - Intermittent Fasting


Another part of the suggestions in my file revolve around being able to intermittently fast and having my mind ignore hunger when I decide to fast. I can safely say this works well, but maybe too well.


You see I can cut calories much easily now, I just end up naturally eating less, and holding out longer before I eat. But sometimes I end up cutting too many calories, and this just causes me insomnia and non-restorative sleep. 


So I’ve decided to try and eat around maintenance, and slowly lose the weight through exercise instead.


4. Result - Exercising


My desire to exercise has increased, and my mental resistance to avoid it is way down. And it’s getting better with every listen I believe.


Unfortunately it’s Christmas time and my gyms opening times are very restrictive atm. But even that being the case, I still want to try and get a session in tomorrow (Christmas Eve) if I can. I already did one today, and another one a couple days ago.


Concluding Thoughts


Now I don’t want to jump the gun as I’ve only started relistening this past week, and I actually wanted to wait until March 2019 to post results. But results are coming in very quickly in all areas of my life in which my hypnosis file addresses, and feel like they’re compounding subtlety. When was the last time I hit the gym several times in a week, when was the last time I quit smoking t-total for 5 days straight (& counting), when was the last time I felt so horny lol, and what are the chances they all happened in the same week I started listening and trancing well to my hypnosis file again. And I haven’t even listed everything the hypnosis file addresses and every result I’m getting. Whatever the case I’m feeling very empowered at the moment, and hope more results are to come.


Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year guys! 

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