i want to review her product btw;
1) vitamin c. who doesnt get vitamin c now days? is it possible NOT to get ascorbic acid?? its fortified in tons of product, but also available in hundreds of foods too.im sure even the worst eater gets SOME vitamin c now days. at 3 capsules!? for 10mg?! wow.
i can get such tiny dose without gulping 3 caps a day from just a small dose of the most processed pasteurized orange juice hah
2) nicotinamide. this stuff is also available everywhere. shitload of supplements have it, excluding the foods. maybe because its high dose, at 3 caps again, which is such a pain in the ass to take, but hey, its a high dose. if that supposedly means good...
3) zinc. zinc is also in most foods people consume now days. plus tons of supplements have it. but she offers one of the worst forms, citrate. i mean, it is the easiest cheapest most available form on the market so it makes sense from business perspective that she will put this weak form.
4) now here it just says Botanical Blend 1g and it doesnt specify how much of each which is a very old trick in the supplement industry. in this manner you get away with cutting down on important expensive herbs. i know this because i worked in the industry and its very common place.
SO, the blend contains things we likely consume regularly anyway, again! green tea, parsley, rutin (present in all foods in some amounts), black pepper and then finally specifying alpha lipoic acid at 300mg. now, last one is fine and all, but its not in the R-lipoic acid form which is natural more bio available and of course, more expensive! https://www.google.c...pha lipoic acid
CONCLUSION: at 55 dollars for one purchase, requiring you to take 3 caps a day, containing substances widely available in much better forms too, i say, this product is GENIUS with the grade of F
Edited by Mind, 01 December 2019 - 09:30 PM.