Update Report November 2019
I am currently running my second SES (Statin-Epitalon-Sartan) 20 day cycle.
I’ve made some changes to the protocol:
1. Epitalon 10mg subQ injection, reduced to every other day (from every day, total over 20 days 100mg)
2. Addition of AFA (stemEnhance Ultra) 1 capsule a day (I found 2 capsules a day too tiring)
3. 500mg powder of 10% triterpenes from Kota gola for additional telomerase activation
4. I’ve added Vit D (with K) because of the season (everyone around me has a cold) and for additional telomerase activation
Some observations:
1. My weight training has jumped up a level; I’ve hit new personal bests on deadlift and bench press and more impressively, I seem to be able to lift more often, sometimes with only a 1-day break. I also experienced weight training benefits last time I took epitalon.
2. Again, I’m suffering from allergies. Last time I blamed it on hayfever season, this time it could be a cold.
Other experiments since the last update
I been experimenting with high dose glycine in order to increase collagen synthesis [https://www.ncbi.nlm...bmed/30006659].This is in addition to hydrolysed collagen powder. In the past I healed a knee injury with collagen powder where glycine alone failed. My hair and nail growth also noticeably improved since using collagen powder.
This time I went as high as 45g/day glycine. Glycine seems to give me an energy boost, and a slight increase in libido. Notable were the increased intensity of orgasms. I did high dose glycine for 2-3 months, varying from 10g/day to 45g/day. Towards the end of this period I began to suffer very mild acne on my face, and worse acne on my back. After taking a dose of 10mg rapamycin (I do this once every 3 or 4 months) the acne on my back became very bad. This is unusual for me. I hypothesize that the glycine in my skin has gone up to the extent that it is helping otherwise small infections grow. Combining this with suppression of the innate immune system with rapamycin was disastrous. Is there any support for this theory? Some. [https://news.stanfor...ion-111412.html, https://rapamycintherapy.com/, see ‘Neutrophil Dysfunction].
I was forced to go on antibiotics and 3 weeks later the acne on my back has subsided, although not completely gone. I tried to reintroduce glycine at 5-10g/day but almost immediately got new eruptions, even without rapamycin. I’ve not taken pure glycine since as a result, but have continued with the collagen powder, which contains 2.5-3g of glycine.
I (warning!) speculate that the excess glycine I’ve been taken is being mostly diverted to glutathione production (I also take NAC), and that is what has given me the benefits, with possibly only a small contribution to collagen. I suspect the figure of 95% collagen recycling rate (from https://www.ncbi.nlm...ubmed/20093739)is too low and consequently the glycine deficit is not as high as has been supposed. Collagen powder probably gives better results than pure glycine because it also contains proline and lysine in the right quantities. There might also be an effect from actual collagen peptides making it into the blood and fooling the body that it needs to incorporate new collagen. When you look at the above reference, it is also interesting that bone and muscle require the most collagen, skin’s requirement is relatively minor. Hydrolysed collagen may be working to target the skin more efficiently (speculation on my part).
I hope in the future to add back in 5-10g/day of glycine if I can do this without causing acne.
Interestingly I used azithromycin to control the acne I got from high dose glycine, using it for 3 days a week at 500mg per dose (due to the long half-life). Just as an experiment on the final day of azithromycin per week I also took 100mg of doxycycline. As I expected, this caused fatigue, although this has diminished after doing it 3 times over consecutive weeks. Have I destroyed some senescent cells? Possibly [https://www.ncbi.nlm...pubmed/31002656, https://www.ncbi.nlm...bmed/30428454].
The downside of using antibiotics is you kill helpful bacteria in the gut. In the 3 weeks I’ve been using azithromycin, I now find eating cheese uncomfortable. I’m lactose intolerant, but cheese is normally okay for me. I’ll now have to rebuild this capacity. In the future if I use AZ-DOX as a senolytic I’ll need to use much lower dosing and keep the protocol short. I think 250mg/day of AZ and 50mg of DOX, for a maximum of 3 days, should be about right.
I experiment with a new skin serum every few months. I’ve been really surprised by how good mitovitan has been. Even using a small amount once or twice a day keeps my skin moist and healthy looking. I’d buy again (which is an extreme rarity for me and skin creams). I’ll probably buy the concentrate form next and make myself a stronger serum to see if I can get even better results. Interesting that this recent paper [https://www.embopres...mbj.2019101982]supports a role for senescent melanocytes inducing ROS in neighbouring keratinocytes underlying skin aging.
In conclusion, I’m reminded of the importance of cautious trial and error experimentation over theory. The things that work are generally not what you’d expect based a priori understanding.