Hi all,
There has been a lot of interest in substances that reverse atherosclerosis. It seems the list of such substances grows by the day. I have grown convinced that a dysfunctional or misfiring immune system is at the center of both atherosclerosis and hypertension. It has been known for decades that hypertension can be avoided or reversed by inhibiting the immune system. It is also known that things like inflammation (CRP) and Immune reaction (WBC count) can be better actual predictors of risk than cholesterol, for example.
Anyway, there are couple intriguing studies that show the substance 2-HOBA (2-Hydroxybenzylamine) can prevent or reverse these conditions much further upstream and therefore better. The first study shows that it prevents or reverses hypertension in mice given angiotensin. Another, older study shows that it can prevent Alzheimer's, which we are now finding is also driven to disease state by immune dysfunction.
I do not think this is the silver bullet by any means. But it does target probably the main cause of immune over-reaction, called isoketals (oxidized lipids), Until we can get restoration of the immune system or true age reversal, this is a great targeted approach for the biggest killers out there.
The best part is that it is nothing more than a derivative of Buckwheat, and therefore relatively cheap. By all means start chowing down on Buckwheat, couldn't hurt. But I took the liberty of getting a quote from a Chinese company. There is none of the usual B.S. as with the more synthesized chemicals. I got an actual quick response and a quote for $500/KG. Since this acts to inactivate isoketals, it probably won't need to be taken constantly, but periodically. And I don't think anyone needs a Kilo of this right away, I personally would like to get 200G of that, meaning I need 4 other interested people. I haven't run the HED on the mouse studies just yet but will do so as soon as I see some interest.