i dunno man a lot of poisonous plants are red too. in fact, if i was born in the wild and saw strawberries red color, i would think of it as a warning sign. you know, red is not usually welcoming color like take for example traffic lights. i remember poisonous snakes being reddish in some of the Caribbean.
anyway, anytime i ask about things like fisetin, NR or resveratrol people's reaction at best is, WELL TAKE A LOOK AT THOSE MICE! you know, dont bother me with mice studies anymore. im not 12 and i moved on past them
So, I ASSUME you are practicing intermittent fasting and limiting your eating windows to promote atophogy? And you're limiting carbs, of course? If not, you just seem to be bloviating...
No one is suggesting you go out on a scary limb and chug fisetin...Indeed, befor experimenting,I would encourage anyone to get full lab workups and periodically update them as the liver, kidney and other metabolic indicators are kinda important to keep a handle on.
We live in exciting and precarious times... the explosion of information is quite mind blowing. Personally I hope to stick around to see how things work out! At 68 I entered a phase well over a decade ago where longevity and quality of life became a priority and as an infomaniac and science based human, I find the exploding field of metabolic sciences to be VERY timely... I have incorporated MANY new insights into my lifestyle... doing as deep a dive as is possible in all the areas I find are under study...I do my homework and asses risks, given my state of life... and cautiously share my experiences as well as disclose my age... I don't preach about things I don't fully understand like how to ensure a higher rate of uptake...and while I may raise my eyebrows at some of the experimentation of folks on this particular thread...I have been doing fisetin for YEARS and I'm now periodically mega dosing for atophogy...based on current protocols, sometimes during a fast and sometimes between them. I eagerly await REAL insights into improved absorption as is now available for curcumin...
If you're a relatively young person, I can understand your caution...and regardless, some folks are just more cautious than others...Most folks are still shoving garbage in their faces despite the latest science refuting current dogma still being promulgated by idiots everywhere! I'm constantly amazed at the sometimes infantile postings of people who REFUSE to post their age while commenting...I mean, we're dealing with LONGEVITY here! I consider most of these posts irrelevant and/or just trolling as they often seem to come from young folks...dont really know but I come here for science and it seems to me, given the scientific focus of this entire forum, DISCLOSING YOUR AGE is a pretty relevant factor.
I dunno, man... just my reaction...kind cathartic and just needed to vent...apologize if I offended anyone.
Post your friggin ages in your bios, people!
Edited by Vastmandana, 12 April 2019 - 12:15 AM.