Can someone please tell me what happened to me and what could cause this craziness. It's heart palpitations and fear 24/7 and I can barely get sleep or leave the house. Please keep in mind I am 4.5 years out from healing from SSRI withdrawal and then subsequent benzo withdrawal that i used for 2 months. I never recovered after that benzo use.
3 months ago I was given glutathione which cause massive menstrual bleeding for a month. I went to gyno and they gave me a low dose birth control Alesse which I would need to take 4 pills a day just to keep it to a light bleeding. I took it for a month and went certifiably mad with anxiety and fear. I got so scared that I stopped taking it on Aug 30th and saw an acupuncturist and they stopped the bleeding within 9 days. Now it's Oct 9th and the anxiety is becoming unbearable. Depressed, anxious out of my mind, fear of being left alone and clinging to anyone. It's day 29 of my cycle and my period isn't here yet the anxiety is getting worse. I don't know if anxiety is ramping up because my hormones are suppose to be raising or my cortisol is continuously going up.
Via genetics testing I am told I have Low COMT gene. Now my serotonin had already plummeted due to ssri withdrawal and most likely gaba too. Birth control further lowers serotonin?? I tried to supplement with 15mg 5htp just to see how I would feel. I felt the brain fog lift slightly and the depression but the anxiety hummed in the background. I took that at 2 pm and by bedtime I could feel the OCD/anxiety return a bit. That little dose kept me up all night and I wasn't tired one bit yet it made me nap during the day when I took it! Or maybe it was me having no sleep past couple days and the dose calmed me down enough to sleep. I was afraid to take another dose at night just in case it kept me even more wide awake. I'm pretty sure I have something that is called pyroluria and the birth control further depleted zinc and B6. I'm afraid to take B6 because on withdrawal forums they say b6 is stimulating. I'm white as a ghost and look like someone who has never seen sun. Almost albino ooking except I have black hair. I feel my brain and heart just dying.
The thing is I woke up this morning with what felt like worse anxiety or maybe its the anxiety returning idk. But i swear it feels like the anxiety returned with more force after that 15mg trial yesterday. My chest is so heavy and feels like its going to burst, like I'll scream uncontrollably or start punching things just to release it. Is this heaviness caused by no sleep and cortisol instead? I took 150mg relora but it doesnt seem to help much with the cortisol rushes. Can i take it with 5htp and melatonin all together?? Please someone help me decipher what happened to me or else I'll be trying every supplement under the sun and exacerbating my withdrawal symptoms. I am very afraid. sorry if I don't make sense...I'm really delirious at this point.