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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans


What type of anti-ageing project management system are you using ?

sens complexity software

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#1 BrainBoxer

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Posted 16 October 2018 - 06:21 PM

Hi, not sure where to put this.. but it seems like the place to start.


After some years in the transhumanist community, I am just starting to get geared up to more seriously implement my own longevity plan which should hopefully at the bare minimum goal, help to keep me (midlife) in good health to cryo in 30 years.   This I felt  required building my own home lab and am also taking on more bioscience courses and longevity related projects at university. Now I got my space sorted with basic lab gear and science workstations I am sifting through literally mountains of data, opinions and treatments about how to go about trying to prevent you know what. But just with all the info I gathered..   It’s a big project !


First there is SENS approach, but within that all the main categories of diseases and a plan for where you are on the roadmap for each. Then for each of these categories one has to be mindful to apply SENS 7 principles again to monitor of them (leaving room for any undiscovered cell death programs). Then all the possible treatments for all this have their own protocols.  Meaning one could eventually be involved in dozens of biohacks at once with new data coming in from research all the time and growing.  So the combinatoric matrix for all the side effect interactions (and figuring what works) is getting large and perhaps needs machine learning applied.  Now again, if we zoom from there back to just one treatment.. this often involves looking at personalized genetics and biology pathway mapping.  So I am thinking a very in depth, multi-level management system is required.


I saw this recently regarding keeping a track of SENS, and I thought its kind of a very simple start, you need this style of Gantt timeline as a base…. but so much more is required from just my notes on what to do from this starting out point.




Longevity planning appears to be a lot of data which requires major project management involving mapping tools, visualization, protocol databases, monitoring methods, probability analysis.  Now I could spend years setting up my own system, but then its just me.. how would I compare it to group data ? So I presume other people do have a system at least ?  And is there a group system that’s being shared on patients4me or the like ?  If so what are they (or the group) using, can you plug me in.. and if you are not going to such lengths.. then why not ?


Edited by BrainBoxer, 16 October 2018 - 06:25 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: sens, complexity, software

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