Wizard, you sound offended -- I don't know how it happened and in what you found offense, I assure you this was not my intention, so please accept my apologies for inadvertently saying something I should not have.
Again, please accept my sincere apologies for saying whatever it was that offended you. Peace? 
Hi xEva... No need to apologize. I wasn't offended at all. I've been busy at work and was tired when I wrote the note you responded to. And I left out a few positive sentences about your contributions at LongeCity. I appreciate your directness even if I disagree sometimes.
[1} About your thread, I noticed that the heading keeps on changing and now it is "An Ancient "Heat Shock" and OSKM Related Epigenetic Turn Initiates an Aging Process in Humans that can be Modulated". No comment on "OSKM Related Epigenetic" but re heat shock protein, which was shown to be downregulated in C. elegans a few hours after it reached sexual maturity, that's the seminal study that showed that aging is part of the developmental program, just like growth and sexual maturation are -- in other words, that aging and the ensuing death are programmed.
[2] So in this thread you're saying that you can modulate the program via upregulating the repairs through therapies like "heat adaptation"? [3] I agree that whatever upregulates the repairs will slow down the programmed decline, but I disagree that the changes will be significant. I base my opinion on observation of a vast empirical evidence of use of fasting by all peoples throughout history and "heat adaptations" traditions prevalent among people living in cold climates. Yes, these are very useful practices that have been found to promote health and longevity -- but never to a significant degree.
[4] To this you seem to be saying that the ancients did not have science and, therefore, their traditions should not be trusted, coz they could have gotten some crucial details wrong -- and thus you're keen on finding a truly scientific method that will negate the aging program. Did I understand you right?
[1] Yes. Somewhere up thread, I stated that I'd be changing the thread title to be as specific and bold a statement as possible that I feel is consistent with the literature. Sometime in 2019, I may change the abbreviation "OSKM" to "(N)OSKM" because, in fact, both NF-kB Activation and Inhibition have been shown as required for iPSC reprogramming.
[2] I believe the damage theory of aging has been decisively falsified by the fact of the existence of The Inflammatory Reflex and the fact that TIR's existence means that The Cytokine Theory of Disease has been validated. But I'm not fond of the phrase "programmed aging".
I strongly believe that the use of abstracted labels like "programmed aging" that can slow my open-minded thinking about evidence. Notice that I didn't say that the Cytokine Theory of Disease has been "proved". I wrote that it had been "validated" by the fact of the existence of TIR. And, in that, I'm merely quoting Kevin Tracey here.
[3] re: "never to a significant degree..." I've posted the diagram below a couple times upthread, but I've never posted it with dotted lines drawn in illustrating the survival probability benefit achieved in the WILD-TYPE HUMANS who spent more time triggering heat shock protein 70 than others. I emphasize the words WILD TYPE to differentiate the people in the study from who we are. And who are we?
We are people who are informed about that study and can act to more aggressively discover and then trigger the mechanism they triggered.
Do you really believe a 15-year survival probability benefit is not significant? (Note: I'm not talking about maximum lifespan.)

[4] Nope. That's not what I'm saying.
I've recently attributed non-trivial insight to the ancients at LongeCity regarding means for achieving greater health and longevity, including how to do that via triggering a mechanism in the hypothalamus.
I believe ancient traditions had insight into many significant techniques for increasing health and longevity, including the triggering of the "Heat Shock" response. The advantage science and technology provide us is that we can attempt to increase, to Optimize, the benefit of ancient techniques in ways they could not.
My take on aging is much different from yours. I think the jamming of the inherent repair mechanisms is accomplished via some paracrine signals that, in humans, originate in the brain (likely, in the part of hypothalamus that keeps track of time). These mysterious paracrine signals are the integral part of the cellular environment, the milieu that determines how a cell behaves (this is supported by heterochronic parabiosis studies, especially the ones that showed that old tissues, when transplanted into a young host, revert to a younger phenotype). So naturally I believe that rejuvenation can be accomplished via identification of these signals and then finding ways of eliminating their impact.
We agree that aging factors in the blood are critical for understanding aging.
But I think we know a lot about what these aging factors in the blood are and even how to aggressively go after them. An even bolder claim...
--> We know a lot about what these aging factors in the blood are and even how to aggressively go after them in The Way evolution has established that we go after them.
THAT is precisely what the science of The Inflammatory Reflex is about...

Edited by HighDesertWizard, 02 December 2018 - 03:10 AM.