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Restoring Dopamine Neuros with Isradipine (calcium channel blocker)?

isradipine dopamine

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#1 O3PH4N

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Posted 20 November 2018 - 08:12 PM

I have dopamine issues (too much fucking around over the last 10-15 years).  


I came across this article sometime ago and been wondering if I should give Isradipine a go (OTC access).  


June 19, 2007 | by Marla Paul
CHICAGO --- Northwestern University researchers have discovered a drug that slows - and may even halt - the progression of Parkinson's disease. The drug rejuvenates aging dopamine cells - whose death in the brain causes the symptoms of this devastating and widespread disease.

D. James Surmeier, the Nathan Smith Davis Professor and chair of physiology at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, and his team of researchers have found that isradipine, a drug widely used for hypertension and stroke, restores stressed-out dopamine neurons to their vigorous younger selves. The study is described in a feature article in the international journal Nature, which was published on-line June 10.

Dopamine is a critical chemical messenger in the brain that affects a person's ability to direct his movements. In Parkinson's disease, the neurons that release dopamine die, causing movement to become more and more difficult.

Ultimately, a person loses the ability to walk, talk or pick up a glass of water. The illness is the second most common neurodegenenerative disease in the country, affecting about 1 million people. The incidence of Parkinson's disease increases with age, soaring after age 60.

“Our hope is that this drug will protect dopamine neurons, so that if you began taking it early enough, you won't get Parkinson's disease, even if you were at risk.” said Surmeier, who heads the Morris K. Udall Center of Excellence for Parkinson's Disease Research at Northwestern. “It would be like taking a baby aspirin everyday to protect your heart.”

Isradipine may also significantly benefit people who already have Parkinson's disease. In animal models of the disease, Surmeier's team found the drug protected dopamine neurons from toxins that would normally kill them by restoring the neurons to a younger state in which they are less vulnerable.

The principal therapy for Parkinson's disease patients currently is L-DOPA, which is converted in the brain to dopamine. Although L-DOPA relieves many symptoms of the disease in its early stages, the drug becomes less effective over time. As the disease progresses, higher doses of L-DOPA are required to help patients, leading to unwanted side-effects that include involuntary movements. The hope is that by slowing the death of dopamine neurons, isradipine could significantly extend the time in which L-DOPA works effectively.

“If we could double or triple the therapeutic window for L-DOPA, it would be a huge advance,” Surmeier said.

The work by Surmeier's group is particularly exciting because nothing is known to prevent or slow the progression of Parkinson's disease.

“There has not been a major advance in the pharmacological management of Parkinson's disease for 30 years,” Surmeier said.

Surmeier, who has researched Parkinson's disease for 20 years, had long been frustrated because it wasn't known how or why dopamine cells die in the disease. “It didn't seem like we were making much progress in spite of intense study on several fronts,” he said.

Because he's a physiologist, Surmeier decided to investigate whether the electrical activity of dopamine neurons might provide a clue to their vulnerability. All neurons in the brain use electrical signals to do their job, much like digital computers.

First, Surmeier observed that dopamine neurons are non-stop workers called pacemakers. They generate regular electrical signals seven days a week, 24 hours a day, just like pacemaker cells in the heart. This was already known. But then he probed more deeply and discovered something very strange about these dopamine neurons.

Most pacemaking neurons use sodium ions (like those found in table salt) to produce electrical signals. But Surmeier found that adult dopamine neurons use calcium instead.

Sodium is a mild mannered ion that does its job without causing a whit of trouble to the cell. Calcium ions, however, are wild and rambunctious. Remember when Marlon Brando rode into town with his motorcycle gang in “The Wild One”? Those guys were like calcium ions.

“The reliance upon calcium was a red flag to us,” Surmeier said. Calcium ions need to be chaperoned by the cell almost as soon as they enter to keep them from causing trouble, he noted. The cell has to sequester them or keep pumping them out. This takes a lot of energy.

“It's a little like having a room full of two year olds you have to watch like a hawk so they don't get into trouble,” Surmeier said. “That's really going to stress you.” With three boys under age eleven, he can relate to the stressed dopamine neuron.

Surmeier theorized that the non-stop stress on the dopamine neurons explains why they are more vulnerable to toxins and die at a more rapid rate as we age.

But these findings still didn't offer him a new therapy.

Then, serendipity struck when he was working on a different problem. He discovered that young dopamine neurons and adult ones have an entirely different way of operating.

When the neurons are young, Surmeier found they actually use sodium ions to do their work. But as the neurons age, they become more and more dependent on the troublesome calcium and stop using sodium. This calcium dependence - and the stress it causes the neurons --is what makes them more vulnerable to death.

What would happen, Surmeier wondered, if he simply blocked the calcium's route into the adult neuron cells? Would the neurons revert to their youthful behavior and start using sodium again?

“The cells had put away their old childhood tools in the closet. The question was if we stopped them from behaving like adults would they go into the closet and get them out again?” Surmeier asked. “Sure enough, they did.”

When he gave the mice isradipine, it blocked the calcium from entering the dopamine neuron. At first, the dopamine neurons became silent. But within a few hours, they had reverted to their childhood ways, once again using sodium to get their work done.

“This lowers the cells' stress level and makes them much more resistant to any other insult that's going to come along down the road. They start acting like they're youngsters again,” Surmeier said.

The next step will be launching a clinical study on the drug's safety for Parkinson's patients. For information call 312-503-2593.

Surmeier's research was funded by the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) through Northwestern's Udall Center and by the Picower Foundation.

"This animal study suggests that calcium channel blockers, drugs currently used to reduce blood pressure, might someday be used to slow the steady progression of Parkinson's disease," said Walter J. Koroshetz, M.D., deputy director of the NINDS.

Edited by O3PH4N, 20 November 2018 - 08:13 PM.

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#2 BrankLucas

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Posted 29 November 2018 - 05:28 PM

I did personally look into it but never got it because strangely the Indian pharmacies on google don't seem to carry it. Might as well try it, a doctor is not going to give you anything other than a denial of the issue or offering you SSRI's. Also look into 9-ME-BC, it grows dopaminergic neurons and is sold on Amazon from the UK with 2-3 day shipping, that might give you more long term relief. But I would highly recommend BPC-157 for an almost definite form of temporary but effective relief, the results are glorious. Also, what did you mean by OTC access, how does that work for this drug?

Edited by BrankLucas, 29 November 2018 - 05:32 PM.

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#3 xenon

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Posted 29 November 2018 - 05:45 PM

I did personally look into it but never got it because strangely the Indian pharmacies on google don't seem to carry it. Might as well try it, a doctor is not going to give you anything other than a denial of the issue or offering you SSRI's. Also look into 9-ME-BC, it grows dopaminergic neurons and is sold on Amazon from the UK with 2-3 day shipping, that might give you more long term relief. But I would highly recommend BPC-157 for an almost definite form of temporary but effective relief, the results are glorious. Also, what did you mean by OTC access, how does that work for this drug?


Have you tried 9-Me-BC already for that purpose? Are the effects more long-lasting than with BPC-157?


I thought BPC-157 was also permanently changing / repairing dopaminergic receptors that have been damaged by overstimulation?

That you say its only temporary makes me curious. Would you mind to elaborate a bit more on that? 

#4 BrankLucas

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Posted 29 November 2018 - 06:01 PM

Well, here's the issue with me making statements and saying what will happen to other people. By everything I've observed, I have some sort of dopaminergic issue where it's been downregulating progressively as I get older, to the point where I have no almost no emotions left. I've tried all sorts of prescription drugs, TMS, and nootropics and the only category of drugs that has ever provided any relief have been dopaminergic drugs. I have the symptoms of someone who's been smoking meth for 20 years. But for me, the "tolerance" on those drugs increases extremely rapidly, I don't know the issue or why. So people can take uridine for years at slowly increasing doses or at the same dose, and me within a month I'll be taking so much powder that my liver hurts just to feel relief from my baseline. Currently dihexa seems to be "reversing" some of this effect, where previously ineffective drugs become more effective the more I take it, but I have no reason to believe this will last for now. 9-ME-BC was very dopaminergic for me immediately, both as far as even me making me mildly psychotic when I took too much, and stimulating my muscles and making me twitch. But unlike other people who can take the same dose every day and have a slowly increasing effect, for me within days the immediate stimulatory effect required double the dose to achieve, and as I took more of it eventually the mental effects were gone and all I had left was the twitchiness. I previously experimented with microdosing amphetamine(bad idea) which makes me more prone to twitchiness though and sensitized whatever cells control the muscles, nobody else that has taken 9-me-bc has reported this or felt this. So I can tell you it's legit from Amazon, and is psychologically active, but I can't tell you what exactly will happen to you because it's so different for me.


Although BPC-157 gave me incredible relief for a year, I could have lived off of that without taking any additional drugs. Eventually it stopped working for me though as it did others, but again, there is something wrong with me that makes these types of drugs lose effectiveness several times faster than it would for a regular person. I couldn't tell you if there's a permanent dopaminergic effect from BPC-157. It may be, but I can only guarantee that it would probably be temporary. Some people report 0 mental effects, but I suspect those are mentally healthy people. But this was the most effective drug that lasted the longest for me.

Edited by BrankLucas, 29 November 2018 - 06:02 PM.

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#5 MankindRising

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Posted 29 November 2018 - 08:17 PM

I did personally look into it but never got it because strangely the Indian pharmacies on google don't seem to carry it. Might as well try it, a doctor is not going to give you anything other than a denial of the issue or offering you SSRI's. Also look into 9-ME-BC, it grows dopaminergic neurons and is sold on Amazon from the UK with 2-3 day shipping, that might give you more long term relief. But I would highly recommend BPC-157 for an almost definite form of temporary but effective relief, the results are glorious. Also, what did you mean by OTC access, how does that work for this drug?

9mebc is too much of a sketchy compound, there are real concerns with purity (predatornutrition refuses to profice a COA for example) and possibly dna damage.

#6 O3PH4N

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Posted 29 November 2018 - 08:47 PM

I did personally look into it but never got it because strangely the Indian pharmacies on google don't seem to carry it. Might as well try it, a doctor is not going to give you anything other than a denial of the issue or offering you SSRI's. Also look into 9-ME-BC, it grows dopaminergic neurons and is sold on Amazon from the UK with 2-3 day shipping, that might give you more long term relief. But I would highly recommend BPC-157 for an almost definite form of temporary but effective relief, the results are glorious. Also, what did you mean by OTC access, how does that work for this drug?


Fantastic! Thank you for your feedback, I will absolutely try those!  And by OTC, I mean over the counter :) (I'm in Istanbul and everything is available OTC). 

#7 MankindRising

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Posted 29 November 2018 - 09:53 PM

Fantastic! Thank you for your feedback, I will absolutely try those!  And by OTC, I mean over the counter :) (I'm in Istanbul and everything is available OTC). 

Suggest you do your own research and stay save rather than nodding yes to an anonymous stranger telling you what to do. Both 9mebc (see my response) aswell as bpc can have side effects.

Once again do your research...

#8 John250

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Posted 29 November 2018 - 11:00 PM

9mebc is too much of a sketchy compound, there are real concerns with purity (predatornutrition refuses to profice a COA for example) and possibly dna damage.

Irc.bio posted their testing it was good.

Well, here's the issue with me making statements and saying what will happen to other people. By everything I've observed, I have some sort of dopaminergic issue where it's been downregulating progressively as I get older, to the point where I have no almost no emotions left. I've tried all sorts of prescription drugs, TMS, and nootropics and the only category of drugs that has ever provided any relief have been dopaminergic drugs. I have the symptoms of someone who's been smoking meth for 20 years. But for me, the "tolerance" on those drugs increases extremely rapidly, I don't know the issue or why. So people can take uridine for years at slowly increasing doses or at the same dose, and me within a month I'll be taking so much powder that my liver hurts just to feel relief from my baseline. Currently dihexa seems to be "reversing" some of this effect, where previously ineffective drugs become more effective the more I take it, but I have no reason to believe this will last for now. 9-ME-BC was very dopaminergic for me immediately, both as far as even me making me mildly psychotic when I took too much, and stimulating my muscles and making me twitch. But unlike other people who can take the same dose every day and have a slowly increasing effect, for me within days the immediate stimulatory effect required double the dose to achieve, and as I took more of it eventually the mental effects were gone and all I had left was the twitchiness. I previously experimented with microdosing amphetamine(bad idea) which makes me more prone to twitchiness though and sensitized whatever cells control the muscles, nobody else that has taken 9-me-bc has reported this or felt this. So I can tell you it's legit from Amazon, and is psychologically active, but I can't tell you what exactly will happen to you because it's so different for me.

Although BPC-157 gave me incredible relief for a year, I could have lived off of that without taking any additional drugs. Eventually it stopped working for me though as it did others, but again, there is something wrong with me that makes these types of drugs lose effectiveness several times faster than it would for a regular person. I couldn't tell you if there's a permanent dopaminergic effect from BPC-157. It may be, but I can only guarantee that it would probably be temporary. Some people report 0 mental effects, but I suspect those are mentally healthy people. But this was the most effective drug that lasted the longest for me.

What was your bpc protocol? Brand, dose, roa,etc? Thanks

#9 MankindRising

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Posted 30 November 2018 - 04:31 PM

Irc.bio posted their testing it was good.

What was your bpc protocol? Brand, dose, roa,etc? Thanks

irc has been closed now. Also I never bothered with bpc, theres a bunch of adverse effects aswell and too little is known about it imo.

#10 O3PH4N

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Posted 30 November 2018 - 06:56 PM

Irc.bio posted their testing it was good.

What was your bpc protocol? Brand, dose, roa,etc? Thanks


Hey John, I noticed you come up in a lot of the posts I'm reading.  What are you recovering from?  Are you on TRT? 

#11 BrankLucas

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Posted 30 November 2018 - 07:22 PM

Irc.bio posted their testing it was good.

What was your bpc protocol? Brand, dose, roa,etc? Thanks

I'm on a phone so I can't easily look for it, but it literally doesn't matter. I've tried probably 5+ brands, just going down the list on google, and it's all the same quality and effect. Probably one of those drugs that are cheap from the same place in China and there's no point in selling bullshit. I would do sublingual generally, but IM or SubQ works too. Anecdotally I would say the half life or effect of sublingual was more than IM but I didn't write it down to be able to compare and it's been a long time since taking it. In line with what I said above about not being able to maintain a regular dose like normal people, I literally took it in 200 mcg doses sublingually until I felt better. And then the effect would last 1 or 2 weeks.


And Mankind yes obviously if you're here you should be an adult and do your research before you take it. This is what happens always in this type of thread regarding dopamine deficiencies, people repeatedly posting only that you shouldn't try the only solutions available, or people showing off how smart they are and saying how there's no proof the issue exists without contributing much. And correct me if II'm wrong but 9MBC only induces DNA damage in the way of photosensitivity via exposure to your son cells with UV. Meaning you have to put on sun screen and avoid going outside, not that it will give you cancer just sitting in your house. Probably shouldn't be harping on researchand trusting strangers if you're not doing any research and spreading false information.

#12 John250

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Posted 30 November 2018 - 08:18 PM

Hey John, I noticed you come up in a lot of the posts I'm reading. What are you recovering from? Are you on TRT?

Been on TRT for years but not really recovering from anything. Just battling a 4yr on and off amphetamine addiction.

#13 John250

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Posted 30 November 2018 - 08:20 PM

I'm on a phone so I can't easily look for it, but it literally doesn't matter. I've tried probably 5+ brands, just going down the list on google, and it's all the same quality and effect. Probably one of those drugs that are cheap from the same place in China and there's no point in selling bullshit. I would do sublingual generally, but IM or SubQ works too. Anecdotally I would say the half life or effect of sublingual was more than IM but I didn't write it down to be able to compare and it's been a long time since taking it. In line with what I said above about not being able to maintain a regular dose like normal people, I literally took it in 200 mcg doses sublingually until I felt better. And then the effect would last 1 or 2 weeks.

And Mankind yes obviously if you're here you should be an adult and do your research before you take it. This is what happens always in this type of thread regarding dopamine deficiencies, people repeatedly posting only that you shouldn't try the only solutions available, or people showing off how smart they are and saying how there's no proof the issue exists without contributing much. And correct me if II'm wrong but 9MBC only induces DNA damage in the way of photosensitivity via exposure to your son cells with UV. Meaning you have to put on sun screen and avoid going outside, not that it will give you cancer just sitting in your house. Probably shouldn't be harping on researchand trusting strangers if you're not doing any research and spreading false information.

200mcg SubQ everyday? I’ve used bpc in the past on and off for injuries but never used it for amphetamine tolerance.

Also I noticed you said you used dihexa. That’s one of the few things I haven’t tried. Positives/negatives? Brand, dose, oral/transdermal? Thanks

Edited by John250, 30 November 2018 - 08:29 PM.

#14 BrankLucas

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Posted 02 December 2018 - 04:01 AM

200mcg SubQ everyday? I’ve used bpc in the past on and off for injuries but never used it for amphetamine tolerance.

Also I noticed you said you used dihexa. That’s one of the few things I haven’t tried. Positives/negatives? Brand, dose, oral/transdermal? Thanks


I don't have amphetamine tolerance, if you started out normal and merely used it too much then what I say doesn't apply to you. It may help with that, but you should search for that elsewhere. There's a lot of talk on reddit about that, probably have some reports for people on tolerance there. And not 200 per day, I meant I would take 100-200mcg at a time, and keep taking more immediately until I felt better, not recommended or necessarily safe but it lasts a week or 2 this way without redosing. The brand doesn't matter, I have obtained it from 6+ sources just searching for it on google, pick anything. It all comes from the same factory in china probably, it only comes in a small amount, and probably not worth faking at the vendor level. Progen, maxim, limitless, nootropics source, madison james(he waited a week to ship out my shit after paying for express, don't know if he was on vacation or he's better now). I was doing sublingual.


As for dihexa



I have limitless dihexa. I suspect it may be stepped on, because if I put it in coconut oil it immediately dissolves and makes it cloudy, but there are still white particles that remain regardless of me shaking it or adding more coconut oil. But it definitely works, I have this sort of complete anhedonia where dopamine releasing drugs like modafinil or amphetamine literally do nothing for me, and not even tyrosine or citicoline helps anymore. I took some dihexa and it suddenly made all the tyrosine in my system that I'd been taking for a week to no effect start working, among other drugs like modafinil and DXM. Irresponsibly I was not aware of the 2 week half life and took 25 mg 1-2 times a day for 3 days, and have had some moments where I've bordered on psychotic from other drugs I've had in my system, it goes up and down, so I've severely reduced my intake of substances down to modafinil only. Now I even get the dry mouth and absence of hunger, and lack of desire to drink liquids from the modafinil, which will be useful for losing weight. But it's real, don't be a dumbass like me.




Edited by BrankLucas, 02 December 2018 - 04:02 AM.

#15 John250

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Posted 02 December 2018 - 05:23 PM

I don't have amphetamine tolerance, if you started out normal and merely used it too much then what I say doesn't apply to you. It may help with that, but you should search for that elsewhere. There's a lot of talk on reddit about that, probably have some reports for people on tolerance there. And not 200 per day, I meant I would take 100-200mcg at a time, and keep taking more immediately until I felt better, not recommended or necessarily safe but it lasts a week or 2 this way without redosing. The brand doesn't matter, I have obtained it from 6+ sources just searching for it on google, pick anything. It all comes from the same factory in china probably, it only comes in a small amount, and probably not worth faking at the vendor level. Progen, maxim, limitless, nootropics source, madison james(he waited a week to ship out my shit after paying for express, don't know if he was on vacation or he's better now). I was doing sublingual.

As for dihexa

Yes that is exactly my problem. Started out normal and then became dependent on amphetamine to function. So with BPC-157 you would just add bacteriostatic water to the vial, draw the dose out with an insulin syringe and squirt it in your mouth sublingual? In the past I would inject 250mcg 2x/day into injuries like tendons and it would heal about 5x as fast as normal. Never “felt” anything from it though nor did I expect to as this was maybe 8+yrs ago and it was only known as a healer for injuries in the bodybuilding community. I’ve never used it to rebalance neurotransmitters though.

Edited by John250, 02 December 2018 - 05:27 PM.

#16 xenon

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Posted 02 December 2018 - 10:49 PM

Well, here's the issue with me making statements and saying what will happen to other people. By everything I've observed, I have some sort of dopaminergic issue where it's been downregulating progressively as I get older, to the point where I have no almost no emotions left. I've tried all sorts of prescription drugs, TMS, and nootropics and the only category of drugs that has ever provided any relief have been dopaminergic drugs. I have the symptoms of someone who's been smoking meth for 20 years. But for me, the "tolerance" on those drugs increases extremely rapidly, I don't know the issue or why. So people can take uridine for years at slowly increasing doses or at the same dose, and me within a month I'll be taking so much powder that my liver hurts just to feel relief from my baseline. Currently dihexa seems to be "reversing" some of this effect, where previously ineffective drugs become more effective the more I take it, but I have no reason to believe this will last for now. 9-ME-BC was very dopaminergic for me immediately, both as far as even me making me mildly psychotic when I took too much, and stimulating my muscles and making me twitch. But unlike other people who can take the same dose every day and have a slowly increasing effect, for me within days the immediate stimulatory effect required double the dose to achieve, and as I took more of it eventually the mental effects were gone and all I had left was the twitchiness. I previously experimented with microdosing amphetamine(bad idea) which makes me more prone to twitchiness though and sensitized whatever cells control the muscles, nobody else that has taken 9-me-bc has reported this or felt this. So I can tell you it's legit from Amazon, and is psychologically active, but I can't tell you what exactly will happen to you because it's so different for me.


Although BPC-157 gave me incredible relief for a year, I could have lived off of that without taking any additional drugs. Eventually it stopped working for me though as it did others, but again, there is something wrong with me that makes these types of drugs lose effectiveness several times faster than it would for a regular person. I couldn't tell you if there's a permanent dopaminergic effect from BPC-157. It may be, but I can only guarantee that it would probably be temporary. Some people report 0 mental effects, but I suspect those are mentally healthy people. But this was the most effective drug that lasted the longest for me.


Thanks for your in-depth reply! You really seem to be a special case with your tolerance issue, makes it a little difficult to draw conclusions for me but still helpful to put things in perspective, even if the effects may vary. 


I have been abusing amphetamine on and off for a while and have some cognitive issues and anhedonia that I want to recover from if possible. BPC157 seemed to be a good candidate for that, that's why I got interested in it. Although I hoped the effects would be permanently, assuming that I would not take dopaminergic drugs again after I finish the treatment with BPC157.

#17 BrankLucas

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Posted 03 December 2018 - 01:13 AM

Yes that is exactly my problem. Started out normal and then became dependent on amphetamine to function. So with BPC-157 you would just add bacteriostatic water to the vial, draw the dose out with an insulin syringe and squirt it in your mouth sublingual? In the past I would inject 250mcg 2x/day into injuries like tendons and it would heal about 5x as fast as normal. Never “felt” anything from it though nor did I expect to as this was maybe 8+yrs ago and it was only known as a healer for injuries in the bodybuilding community. I’ve never used it to rebalance neurotransmitters though.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see the need for bacteriostatic water here, if regular water is good enough to drink I don't see how mixing it with a drug and putting it in your mouth is any different. At 500mcg per day on consecutive days I guarantee you were taking more than me, some people don't respond to the mental effects, but since it's 8 years ago and since you say things have changed it's probably worth getting a 5mg bottle to try it if you can afford it. Although eventually it did stop working for me. You can also try things like citicoline and tyrosine in addition to amphetamine, but lower your dose.

#18 zorba990

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Posted 03 December 2018 - 03:06 AM

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see the need for bacteriostatic water here, if regular water is good enough to drink I don't see how mixing it with a drug and putting it in your mouth is any different. At 500mcg per day on consecutive days I guarantee you were taking more than me, some people don't respond to the mental effects, but since it's 8 years ago and since you say things have changed it's probably worth getting a 5mg bottle to try it if you can afford it. Although eventually it did stop working for me. You can also try things like citicoline and tyrosine in addition to amphetamine, but lower your dose.

It's possible tap or bottled water would contain something that would accelerate breakdown of the peptide, but otherwise I agree. I use bacteriostatic water just to be safe even though using it orally.

#19 John250

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Posted 03 December 2018 - 04:53 PM

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see the need for bacteriostatic water here, if regular water is good enough to drink I don't see how mixing it with a drug and putting it in your mouth is any different. At 500mcg per day on consecutive days I guarantee you were taking more than me, some people don't respond to the mental effects, but since it's 8 years ago and since you say things have changed it's probably worth getting a 5mg bottle to try it if you can afford it. Although eventually it did stop working for me. You can also try things like citicoline and tyrosine in addition to amphetamine, but lower your dose.

Typically with things like hcg and hgh they come with just sterile water and it’s supposed to be used with a few days. Bacteriostatic water will prolong the life around 2weeks. Regular water is fine as far as not getting infections since your using it orally but I’d think it could mess with bpc’s stability. Bac water has gone up around 500%+ because it’s on a nation wide back order but some places still have it:



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#20 Ghola

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Posted 20 April 2024 - 10:11 PM

I am in agreement with BrankLucas as we've converged on similar treatment courses. Dihexa is the only long term effective compound I've tested to work, whereas BPC-157 works but seems temporary.


Citi-choline in rats will increase receptor d2 density (I can't find where), Inositol will increase striatal d2 density, sulbthiamine will increase d1 in the prefrontal and singulate cortex. It appears that b-vitamin groups that can pass the BBB are essential to the growth of these receptors.


Quite interested in nicotine, as it has been shown to reverse hypofrontality in rat models. Hypofrontality is associated with dopamine desensitization or receptor damage, and I would presume this causes a regenerative action.


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: isradipine, dopamine

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