I've taken selegiline before at 5mg/day for 30 days and was very pleased with the results. So this isn't my first rodeo with sel. generally speaking. It did take about 2 weeks for full effects.
Given that sel. effects aren't related to how much is in the body at a given moment, but to how much MAO-B is inhibited, I was wondering if an initial attack dose would have me seeing the effects kick in sooner. It sounds reasonable. Higher single dose of selegiline would mean more MAO-B inhibited at that particular dosing than a lower dose of selegiline.
The only issue I can think of are tolerability and MAO-A inhibition. I'm not too worried about the latter since I wouldn't be taking enough loading doses to appreciably decrease the amount of MAO-A in my body I think. Not to mention, I also take a medicine highly selective for NRI which reduces to eliminates the tyramine pressor response (cheese effect).
I was thinking of taking 20, 15, and 10mg of selegiline on my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd day respectively. After that, it would be 5mg/day.
The only thing I could find that was readily and publicly available in the medical literature in regard to taking a loading dose of selegiline is about preventing parkinson's disease-like syndrome from exposure to MPTP which suggest 1 initial dose of 20mg followed by 10mg/day for 4 weeks.
The following link is the downloadable Microsoft Word Document about the MPTP stuff in case anyone is curious: