funny, I was just reading about transcription regulation and chromatin modification genes, following the exceedingly rare cases of developmental program arrests. Remember Brook Greenberg, the girl who never aged? In her and 4 other patients,
coding de novo mutations were found in five different genes which fall into similar functional categories of transcription regulation and chromatin modification. (wiki)
Rocket may find this interesting: apparently, cases of developmental program mishaps are very very rare. All are girls, and there is a unique case in Australia (wiki):
Nicky Freeman[18] of Australia (born in 1970), a middle aged man who looks like a preteen boy.
[18] Forty-year-old trapped in child's body, The West Australian, 2015
University of WA medical genetics professor David Ravine said Mr Freeman's case was extraordinarily rare and he had never come across anything like it in his 22-year career.
Take a look at the picture. The wrinkles look appropriate for a 40yo

Yes I am familiar with this syndrome. There is a lady in south America trapped in a 2 or 3 year old body.
Its just further evidence that when things go wrong with "programming" they don't lead to people who don't age. This man and the other woman I am referring to are aging right on time even though their bodies are not developing past very early ages.
I sincerely hope this isn't an attempt to prove me wrong because it doesn't. There are NO people alive or dead who never aged because their aging program malfunctioned.... I will say it again, that man and the other woman I know about are aging just like every other living human.
Please don't confuse aging with developing. They are totally different quantities. Just because their bodies stopped growing and developing does in no way mean that their cells have stopped aging. They most assuredly have aging cells... Senescent cells.... Lipofuscin... Glycation... Atherosclerosis... Faltering mitochondria, issues with ELLPs and calcium channels... Failing immune systems, weakening bones, muscle loss... And on and on.
Nature's aging program has never failed in a positive manner, ever. Period.
Why? Because it does not exist. There is no death program. Else why whenit fails does it only shorten life? Why should it never fail and prolong youth and health? It doesn't exist. That man in the picture is aging and dying and losing health right on track.
And by the way, that guy looks 15 years older.
Edited by Rocket, 18 December 2018 - 01:14 AM.