I'm pretty much at the end of my rope and very close to calling it quits on quitting. After nearly a year of trying different things, all with varying degrees of success, nothing was ever consistent, and I'm in way worse shape than I was when on treatment.
My control was my non-ADHD partner who does not have the knowledge or care to know about supplemental nootropics. All the supplements and regimes that I've trialed worked fabulously for him, with results akin to positive reviews one reads, but did next to nothing for me. He now has a supply that he'll probably eventually get through in a couple of years.
Going back to ADHD treatment, with the focus on harm reduction and keeping tolerance in check via nmda antagonism, and finding root issues of fatigue that stimulants may both contribute to, as well as mask.
Also ready to go back to possible neurotoxic and cardiotoxicity warnings, being a slave to these meds, hardly sleeping, raging mood swings, horrible withdrawal every time there's an issue with getting a refill (happens a lot) or can't see your doc that month, and constantly being questioned about abuse, questioned about whether I'm selling them or going to self-harm, being told that it's unnecessary, and that I'm evil for treating that way, sometimes by the same person who prescribed them in the first place. What a joke.
No other condition that's treated functionally and managed with meds is stigmatized in the same way, but no other treatments show the same success rate for efficacy in ADHD management. And once you start, prescribed after diagnosis and treatment and therapeutic doses, going back is very difficult (impossible for me apparently).
Moving or changing docs, or insurance is also a nightmare as every time you do, you're subjected to varying degrees of BS. So the trade off is being told by everyone what an awful druggie you are, and feeling horrible for being so dependent, but at least, still functioning way more effectively in the "normal" ways of life that society expect and forces you to have to be. With treatment, at least I'm getting out of bed with goals every morning. Without, I barely get past the first part of that equation.
I don't care anymore. I guess I have to deal with it, as going through all that is worth that bit of clarity that those stupid stims provide and that I can't seem to have without them. There has to be a better way, and maybe further time would change things, but I'm still feeling like hell after a year, and so ready put an end to my misery. This last year, was spent with nothing done or accomplished or learned and all the goals progressed on in the past, further deteriorating. Wasted too much of life waiting for this to get better and it never does.
Negatives: Weight way up. Goals obliterated. Cognitive function reduced. Exercise regimes nonexistent. Depression rampant. Activity reduced. Basics of life unattended. Severe anhedonia. General health feels worsened. Relationships worsened. Positive outlook gone.
A year and a half ago, while medicated, I vaguely remember being at a point of saving funding and scheduling my calendar to get a fitness certification. The idea is laughable and inconceivable now.
Positives: Sleep is better. I don't have to deal with the hassle of staying on treatment.
About ready to go on the doc run-arounds and the nonsense it takes to resume. I can't continue to feel this way. This is my post and marker to remind me to not ever attempt anything like this again.
Edited by cat-nips, 11 December 2018 - 04:38 PM.