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Propranolol for amphetamine tolerance

propranolol amphetamine adderall

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#1 John250

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Posted 07 January 2019 - 09:49 PM

What do you think about adding Propranolol to help with amphetamine tolerance? From what I read it’s a nonselective beta blocker that blocks block β1 and β2 which could give energy.


Also on Reddit a member posted the following:

Part1: What we are trying to do:

Adderall increases the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine/adrenaline flowing between the brain cells/nerve cells.

We want to do this for with ADHD treatment we want to activate certain types of Dopamine receptors (Dopamine receptors are labeled with a D). We want to do the same thing with certain types of norepinephrine receptors. We do not want to activate all the dopamine receptors nor all the norepinephrine receptors but only certain ones. We are trying to reach a goldilock zone. Not too hot, not too cold.
Beta blockers block a specific type of adrenic receptor called beta receptors, there are three β receptors, β1, β2, β3. Propranolol blocks two specific types of beta receptors called β1 and β2 ( β being the greek letter B). β1 and β2 receptors get turn on by norepinephrine and adrenaline.

We want to block β1 and β2 for increased amount of norepinephrine with this receptors do things such as increased your heart rate, dilate your blood vessels, increased breathing, slowing digestion, etc.

Part 2 Explaining a little background so you can see the interaction.

Norepinephrine responding receptors are called Adrenergic receptors. Now there are norepinephrine pathways and adrenaline pathways and they are not the same thing but either adrenaline and norepinephrine can trigger the same receptors but it takes different quantities of norepinephrine and adrenaline to trigger the receptor. For example it only takes low amounts of adrenaline to trigger your heart racing while it would take much higher amounts of norepinephrine to do the same thing.

Now there is a different type of adrenic receptor (responds to norepinephrine and adrenaline) called the alpha receptor. You do not need to understand why they are called alpha and beta. The alpha receptor has 2 subtypes α1 and α2 and these receptors have even more subtypes such as α2a, α2b, and a2c.

Well your alpha receptors have many functions but one (of many) of these functions is the strength of electrical neural connections. And which part of the brain gets the stronger connections and which part of the brain get weaker connections. If you increase the norepinephrine / adrenaline from low you activate the alpha 2a receptor port you strengthen the electrical signal between nerve cells especially in the prefrontal cortex (the main adrenic receptor in the frontal lobe of your brain is the alpha 2a receptor). Once again there is goldilocks too much adrenaline or norepinephrine though you activate other alpha receptors in your brain which decrease the electrical activity in your frontal lobe but turn on other areas of the brain (aka the fight or flight areas, pay attention to the now and not the future for I am scared.) In simple terms we want your norepinephrine in a goldilocks zone where we are activate the alpha 2a receptor but not the other alpha receptors for we are in that perfect middle.

Part 3 The interaction

*A) * The beta receptors and alpha receptors control blood flow. Thus you may see a worsening of migraines on adderall or you may not.

B) With adderall and beta blockers you will see this interaction. If the adderall is low enough and the beta blockers are high enough you will see no change in heart rate and bloodflow. Think of it as a plateau That said if you increase the adderall enough your heart rate will go up. This is because adderall since it increases norepinephrine and adreanline, will raise your heart rate since it interacts with your beta receptors. Eventually if the adderall is high enough it will just overwhelm the beta blockers and it can't stop the increase in heart rate.

Thus you need to be very mindful for you may see no difference, but all of a sudden you see a huge difference with a subtle change/increase.

C) Do note though you can still suffer anxiety and such while on adderall and beta blockers. You may not have panic attacks, you may not have an increased heart rate but you may experience "a cloudiness of your mind" where you "can't concentrate or focus." This means you are on too high of adderall or we need to find a different drug for you or a different combination of drugs. The reason this happens is the brain is affected mostly by alpha receptors but the body is affected by both alpha and beta receptors.


1) So pay attention to your migraines and see if they return. You should obviously notice this but you should also pay attentnion to the more subtle things.

2) So please keep an eye out on your heart rate. If it goes too high please tell your doctor.

3) Also keep an eye out if your ADHD improves or if it actually gets worse and it is harder to focus, and your working memory decreases. If that is the case there are other meds that you can talk to your doctor about.

One such med is Intuniv. Intuniv is a drug that is called an agonist, it is the opposite of a blocker. Intuniv activates the alpha 2a port in your frontal lobe but not the alpha 2b or your alpha 2c. Intuniv calms you down, relaxes you, helps working memory and impulsivity. Intuniv also helps with anxiety. You do not want to give Intuniv to a person who is already half asleep, you do want to give this med to someone who is wired and over aroused. Intuniv to my understanding will not help your migraines (I am not a doctor) but it may allow you to need less Adderall if your problem is norepinephrine related and not dopamine related.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: propranolol, amphetamine, adderall

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