Nootropics News 009: Beta-Alanine, Folate, Best Blueberries, Maximizing Sulphoraphane, and more!
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01:12 Beta-Alanine
β-Alanine supplementation reduces anxiety and increases neurotrophin expression in both young and older rats https://www.scienced...271531718308364
04:29 Gynostemma
Supplementation with extract of Gynostemma pentaphyllum leaves reduces anxiety in healthy subjects with chronic psychological stress [...] https://www.ncbi.nlm...pubmed/30599899
06:18 Polygala tenuifolia / PSM-04
The protective effects of PSM-04 against beta amyloid-induced neurotoxicity in primary cortical neurons and an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease
09:12 Folate deficiency
Folate deficiency drives mitotic missegregation of the human FRAXA locus
12:30 Nutrient biomarkers
Nutrient biomarker patterns, cognitive function, and fMRI measures of network efficiency in the aging brain https://www.scienced...053811918321517
17:02 Best blueberries
Improved Preventive Effects of Combined Bioactive Compounds Present in Different Blueberry Varieties as Compared to Single Phytochemicals https://www.ncbi.nlm...pubmed/30597948
19:27 Myrosinase potentializes sulphoraphane
Supplementation of the Diet by Exogenous Myrosinase via Mustard Seeds to Increase the Bioavailability of Sulforaphane in Healthy Human Subjects [...] https://www.ncbi.nlm...ubmed/29806738/
21:44 Maximizing lutein
Liberation of lutein from spinach: Effects of heating time, microwave-reheating and liquefaction https://www.scienced...308814618319617
25:06 Alaproclate
A small molecule ApoE4-targeted therapeutic candidate that normalizes sirtuin 1 levels and improves cognition in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model https://www.nature.c...598-018-35687-8
27:21 Anti-inflammation diet
An anti-inflammatory diet as a potential intervention for depressive disorders [...] https://www.clinical...2540-8/fulltext
29:28 Magnesium regulates Vitamin D
Magnesium status and supplementation influence vitamin D status and metabolism [...] https://academic.oup.../6/1249/5239886
31:29 Dry January (no alcohol)
How ‘Dry January’ is the secret to better sleep, saving money and losing weight
32:52 Ketamine clinics
Many say ketamine eased their depression, but is it safe? https://medicalxpres...ssion-safe.html
37:14 Senolytics (e.g. Fisetin)
Obesity-Induced Cellular Senescence Drives Anxiety
and Impairs Neurogenesis