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Does money make you more attractive (or is money itself attractive)?

money money money money oh yea

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#1 TheFountain

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Posted 15 January 2019 - 11:10 PM



My Wife is Chinese. And I am an "up and coming" business man, my repertoire grows by the year. In other words I am doing better "all the time".


I started doing some research on chinese culture because I wanted to try understanding her and the place she comes from as much as possible. 


So, I studied the "human relationships" a lot, particularly man/woman, husband/wife dynamics and I did a LOT of observing since I live in a high chinese populated area in LA now.


One thing occurred to me. Almost every single Chinese relationship involved a inequality of physical attraction that always immensely favors the woman. 






This disparity is strikingly large compared to most American couples I see. I mean IMMENSELY!


So I researched further and I realized that the man always had 


1-The legacy and

2-The MONEY!


In the case of Legacy, NAME MEANS EVERYTHING apparently. It's based on the history of the family. In other words in Their culture, they are gold diggers and proud of it. 


In the case of money, that comes from a sparkling clean legacy. Even if the man himself did not work for it, or had a hand out to start his business, legacy played a 95% role in his success. 


So, this leads me to the original title of the post. Does money make an otherwise physically unattractive man more attractive than he would ever be considered had he never have access to it, or is this a complete crock of shit and what attracts these women is money and only money? 


Let's rub our philosophical noses in this shit. I'm serious. 

#2 Slobec

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Posted 25 May 2019 - 04:42 PM

Small percentage of woman are attracted to money only. Most women are attracted to underlying traits that are needed to make more money (intelligence (general, social, emotional, verbal...), will power, ambition, success, capability...), but also physical strength, aesthetic style... . You can read something from Geoffrey Miller (Mate) or David Buss (Why Women have sexon subject. Its very important subject and completely neglected by "modern" society. 

Edited by Slobec, 25 May 2019 - 04:44 PM.

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#3 TheFountain

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Posted 28 May 2019 - 08:45 PM

Small percentage of woman are attracted to money only. Most women are attracted to underlying traits that are needed to make more money (intelligence (general, social, emotional, verbal...), will power, ambition, success, capability...), but also physical strength, aesthetic style... . You can read something from Geoffrey Miller (Mate) or David Buss (Why Women have sexon subject. Its very important subject and completely neglected by "modern" society. 


I think the women who put biological incentive second on their attractant list probably put money first. I don't know how much Money has to do with biology but I would guess it still takes a back seat to perpetuation of the species physically. 

#4 MichaelFocus22

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Posted 28 May 2019 - 11:43 PM

1. I've been wondering about this for a while and frankly I just suck at life or at least I feel like a constant failure. That's probably the ADHD speaking but the point is simple, is that women are hypergamous by definition they want a men who have money and who are independent. This isn't rocket science really and it makes sense, they will date the winner and not the losers. There is really no way around this and serves as a filtering mechanism for the "fittest male" so that way humans are producing the best possible offspring. So we, should be grateful of the hyperamy imperative because it means all men MUST IMPROVE themselves and  SUPPORT THEMSELVES with resources or your going to have problems with getting ladies. I'm easily jacked as fucked still, responsible, disciplined, fairly attractive, hyper-intelligent and my GPA is solid but that really doesn't mean anything because I've been unable to bring ANY TYPE of substantive income for longer than a month 1/2 without getting fired or quitting. The moment I had ANY money, I was being eyefucked left and right. I don't really care anymore but the game of life is simple. Whomever has the MOST resources will reproduce with any X attractive lady he wants. If you have no resources then you will be effectively invisible. This doesn't even count the fact, that I'm a fucking amazing dancer too with 7 different dance styles, ambitious as fuck, hungry and I do so many other things. Lmao frankly, I more attractive than most girls on the market tbh...Just accept it for what it is. All women are ATTENTION SLUTS AND All men are superficial as fuck. Once you accept this imperative you will see things for what they are. Why do you think women want attention SO BADLY? It gives them validation about themselves... Life is A SUPERFICIALITY.. People want STATUS, power, GOODLOOKS, resources, achievement,  SMALL-TALK etc. This is when you begin to see the greater reality. No one gives a fuck about your meaningless philosophical mumbo jumbo no one cares about your little special world you keep yourself in. No one gives a fuck about a stupid VIDEO game you invested 2500 hours in haha. I've done this too and I was sad. No one cares that you know lots of stuff. No one cares that your a little nerd who wants to protect himself from the real world. Oh and chicks also don't give a fuck how hard you work UNLESS you have the result. This is hard for the beta-males to accept but that's just the way it is. Girls Fuck the winners who WIN the race they DON'T CARE about the struggle. They don't care that you hurt in pain or none of that shit. That's the objective reality and it makes sense TBH... The rational male open my eyes... I'll probably be negged by the beta-males but I've approached hundreds of women for dancing and got rejected tons of times. I've dancing and flirted with MODELS easily 10/10. They want RESOURCES, if you don't got it johnny then you don't get that eye candy. It's really that simple.....Haha If I was normal I'd be dating all the sorrority girls...Frankly if one is neurotypical, I'm not really sure what the problem is. All you have to do is DO one thing and do it everyday and then amass money and take your pick of the ladies. For me, I've all but accepted my invisibility and I don't really mind it.  That's the OBJECTIVE REALITY, we young men have to face... we either have to IMPROVE or we can continue to dig are heads into more hardcore pornographic materials. One day though johnny you'll be 40 and you'll wonder what you did with your life...It'll be too late by then..Oh well Life moves on. 

Edited by DrewMichael21, 28 May 2019 - 11:53 PM.

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#5 TheFountain

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Posted 29 May 2019 - 09:34 PM

1. I've been wondering about this for a while and frankly I just suck at life or at least I feel like a constant failure. That's probably the ADHD speaking but the point is simple, is that women are hypergamous by definition they want a men who have money and who are independent. This isn't rocket science really and it makes sense, they will date the winner and not the losers. There is really no way around this and serves as a filtering mechanism for the "fittest male" so that way humans are producing the best possible offspring. So we, should be grateful of the hyperamy imperative because it means all men MUST IMPROVE themselves and  SUPPORT THEMSELVES with resources or your going to have problems with getting ladies. I'm easily jacked as fucked still, responsible, disciplined, fairly attractive, hyper-intelligent and my GPA is solid but that really doesn't mean anything because I've been unable to bring ANY TYPE of substantive income for longer than a month 1/2 without getting fired or quitting. The moment I had ANY money, I was being eyefucked left and right. I don't really care anymore but the game of life is simple. Whomever has the MOST resources will reproduce with any X attractive lady he wants. If you have no resources then you will be effectively invisible. This doesn't even count the fact, that I'm a fucking amazing dancer too with 7 different dance styles, ambitious as fuck, hungry and I do so many other things. Lmao frankly, I more attractive than most girls on the market tbh...Just accept it for what it is. All women are ATTENTION SLUTS AND All men are superficial as fuck. Once you accept this imperative you will see things for what they are. Why do you think women want attention SO BADLY? It gives them validation about themselves... Life is A SUPERFICIALITY.. People want STATUS, power, GOODLOOKS, resources, achievement,  SMALL-TALK etc. This is when you begin to see the greater reality. No one gives a fuck about your meaningless philosophical mumbo jumbo no one cares about your little special world you keep yourself in. No one gives a fuck about a stupid VIDEO game you invested 2500 hours in haha. I've done this too and I was sad. No one cares that you know lots of stuff. No one cares that your a little nerd who wants to protect himself from the real world. Oh and chicks also don't give a fuck how hard you work UNLESS you have the result. This is hard for the beta-males to accept but that's just the way it is. Girls Fuck the winners who WIN the race they DON'T CARE about the struggle. They don't care that you hurt in pain or none of that shit. That's the objective reality and it makes sense TBH... The rational male open my eyes... I'll probably be negged by the beta-males but I've approached hundreds of women for dancing and got rejected tons of times. I've dancing and flirted with MODELS easily 10/10. They want RESOURCES, if you don't got it johnny then you don't get that eye candy. It's really that simple.....Haha If I was normal I'd be dating all the sorrority girls...Frankly if one is neurotypical, I'm not really sure what the problem is. All you have to do is DO one thing and do it everyday and then amass money and take your pick of the ladies. For me, I've all but accepted my invisibility and I don't really mind it.  That's the OBJECTIVE REALITY, we young men have to face... we either have to IMPROVE or we can continue to dig are heads into more hardcore pornographic materials. One day though johnny you'll be 40 and you'll wonder what you did with your life...It'll be too late by then..Oh well Life moves on. 

Hypergamy does not presuppose that the man chosen is the "fittest" particularly if we are taking the term "fit' as literal and not analagous to including financial access into this term. We also have to question where the term "chosen" is applicable or not. Particularly if money is what is truly being chosen over physiological attractants, which would render the individual with access to such inconsequential. One would presume that when money trumps biology the neo-cortex is being used more than the deeper recesses of the Brain and Psyche and that this type of selection may possibly be less natural than basic biological selection processes. 


Now that i've said this much, let's discuss the terms "winner" and "loser". Why? Because what defines what a winner and a loser is? Money alone? Hows about this, let's say you have a 10,0000000 Bank account but someone else only has a 100,000 Bank account, the one with the 10 Million is the "winner" you say? What if his health sucks but the guy with the 100k Account has incredible health? What if Mister 10 Mil dies of a chronic illness within 2 years of meeting a woman? What if Mister 100k Lives till he's 90? So what exactly are we defining as winner and loser? 


Furthermore what if Mister 10 Mil has inherited that bank account but 100k guy has earned every god damn cent of it? Who is the winner and who is the loser? To win or to lose requires effort in the face of adversity in either case. If you try and win you are the big winner, if you try and lose and/or give up, you are the big loser. But in either case effort to gain a result is required. An individual who makes no effort their entire life is not a "loser" per say, they are just lazy. A person who has inherited 10 million dollars is not a "winner" per say and might be as Lazy as the person who inherited nothing.


There are far too many variables to determine definite "winners" and definite "losers". Your argument implies every man out there with money worked his ass off for it instead of inheriting it. And the term winner requires explanations of ones winnings, inheritance does not count. Nor does laziness with regard to one not attaining such. 

Edited by TheFountain, 29 May 2019 - 09:37 PM.

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