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David Sinclair appears on Joe Rogan podcast today


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#1 Phoebus

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 08:36 PM


interesting to note these two are the same age


who looks healthier to you? 

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#2 Phoebus

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 10:57 PM

wow, he's talking about injecting "reprogramming DNA" into viruses and then infecting patients with those viruses. They already have a human trial set up for eye sight problems in 2020. Really interesting! Does anyone know what the therapy is called? 


Discussion begins at about 38 minutes

#3 Phoebus

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 05:23 AM

Joe yammering on and on about Nootropics and Sinclair obviously doesnt give a shit, lol 


Sinclair says he is on high statin  dosage due to genetic pre disposition to very high cholesterol, "battling bad Ashkenazi Jew genes" 


@128:45 Sinclair says he takes no vitamin or mineral supplements at all. 


@130:00 nations are working on using crispr to modify bugs that could wipe out millions in a flash. Well gee golly thats nice to hear. 


@147:00 mice given NMN in their drinking water broke the tread mill, no mice had ever run that far on the treadmill before. Old mice, equivelent of 65 y o human. NMN decreased lactate build up in muscles 


he also discussed some drugs that beef up NAD that he is working on 


might post more notes later 

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#4 Oakman

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 03:45 PM

I give kudos to Joe for asking a lot of  direct questions of Dr Sinclair that many of us have wanted to ask him.


For better or for worse, Dr Sinclair comes across as a harried scientist focused on research of his own/his own labs and his close friends/associates. He mentions time constraints, and is often unaware of other research or supplements offering longevity possibilities. He takes very few supplements himself. Also, he mentioned once again that he has a kilo or so of Resveratrol in his basement so therefore he takes it.


Although a bit disappointing that he can not offer opinions on current research and supplements, it makes sense given the workload and demands made on his time by work/family/friends and associates. Life goes on, and we wish him well.

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#5 able

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 05:24 PM

I give kudos to Joe for asking a lot of  direct questions of Dr Sinclair that many of us have wanted to ask him.


For better or for worse, Dr Sinclair comes across as a harried scientist focused on research of his own/his own labs and his close friends/associates. He mentions time constraints, and is often unaware of other research or supplements offering longevity possibilities. He takes very few supplements himself. Also, he mentioned once again that he has a kilo or so of Resveratrol in his basement so therefore he takes it.


Although a bit disappointing that he can not offer opinions on current research and supplements, it makes sense given the workload and demands made on his time by work/family/friends and associates. Life goes on, and we wish him well.



Good point about his time constraints.  He is exposed to so much interesting research, but doesn't have the time we do to follow up on some things.  Of course he can't be expected to be an expert on everything.  I find a few things I would quibble with his assessment but for sure he is brilliant and I believe he is making huge progress for our benefit.


I found the bits about nerve regeneration and restoring sight to mice fascinating.  There are clearly things going on in labs now that will be astounding and the pace accelerating.


He did say he is currently taking:




1000 mg NMN

1000 mg resveratrol





and vitamins K and D.


He might favor resveratrol because he has kilos of it, but something seems to be working well for him - looks at least 10 years younger than he is, and could easily pass for 20 years younger imo.

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#6 Bushi84

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 07:54 PM

But why does he take NMN? Because he has it lying around in his basement?  Isn't NAD+ the better option?


Am seeing my doctor tomorrow and will ask him a bout Metformin.

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#7 Fredrik

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 07:57 PM


@128:45 Sinclair says he takes no vitamin or mineral supplements at all. 



Thanks for the show notes. He says that he takes vitamin D and vitamin K2 though.


He also takes the following geroprotective cocktail of non-vitamin drugs and supplements:


  • NMN powder 1000 mg in yogurt. Not sublingually as he knows it is orally available.
  • Resveratrol powder 500 mg in yogurt because resveratrol is fat soluble and the yogurt works as an emulsion to solubilize the compound.
  • Metformin 1000 mg with the evening meal

He has increased NMN from 750 mg to 1000 mg since the last time he talked about dosages. Also increased metformin from 500 to 1000 mg and decreased resveratrol from 1000 mg to 500 mg.

#8 Phoebus

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 09:09 PM

I didn't realize how many pies this guy has his finger in. Working on curing anthrax for the gov? So many different projects he has going on, its crazy. 



#9 Phoebus

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 09:14 PM

But why does he take NMN? Because he has it lying around in his basement?  Isn't NAD+ the better option?




NAD+ is likely not orally available 



He might favor resveratrol because he has kilos of it, but something seems to be working well for him - looks at least 10 years younger than he is, and could easily pass for 20 years younger imo.


he looks young and energetic and spry


really, consider Joe, Sinclair and joey diaz are all the same age, its crazy how different they look 

#10 Phoebus

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 09:18 PM



I found the bits about nerve regeneration 




do you have a time stamp for that? thanks 

#11 able

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 09:25 PM

NAD+ is likely not orally available 


he looks young and energetic and spry


really, consider Joe, Sinclair and joey diaz are all the same age, its crazy how different they look 


NAD+ is definitely not orally available.  It is at least somewhat available sublingually.


He takes NMN because that is what he has been studying for years and what he knows.


He has said many times he thinks we will likely find NMN and NR have different effects thru different pathways.  


If he had firm proof that NR  or NAD+ was clearly better for everything, I don't believe he would continue taking NMN only just because he get it for free.


Although he says he would never advise anyone to take something he hasn't tried himself, he is clearly risk averse, compared to many of us here.

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#12 to age or not to age

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 09:39 PM

I have a cut of my new aging film "To Age Or Not To Age - Transforming the Human Condition" - David Sinclair is featured prominently. I will try to put up a link the Vimeo -runs 88 minutes. David viewed it within the past few days. I think It may also be viewed on Irina Conboy's Berkeley lab website (she watched it in the past couple days and asked to put it up there) Irina also appears in the film.   Personally, I think Sinclair is very special, restrained yet straight forward. 



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#13 Bushi84

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Posted 31 January 2019 - 12:24 AM

But why does he take NMN? Because he has it lying around in his basement?  Isn't NAD+ the better option?


Am seeing my doctor tomorrow and will ask him a bout Metformin.


Ok, i meant nicotinamide riboside. Why does he take mononucleotide instead of ribose?



Edited by Bushi84, 31 January 2019 - 12:35 AM.

#14 LawrenceW

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Posted 31 January 2019 - 06:02 AM

But why does he take NMN? Because he has it lying around in his basement? 




Apparently you didn't listen very closely to the video.  He has kilos of Resveratrol in his basement.

#15 LawrenceW

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Posted 31 January 2019 - 06:05 AM

Ok, i meant nicotinamide riboside. Why does he take mononucleotide instead of ribose?



This is a great video to watch to get your question answered.  In it Dr. Sinclair speaks about both NMN and NR.


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#16 QuestforLife

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Posted 31 January 2019 - 01:32 PM

Sinclair says he is on high statin  dosage due to genetic pre disposition to very high cholesterol, "battling bad Ashkenazi Jew genes" 



Statins are ROCK inhibitors, known to de differentiate cells into progenitors, see here: https://www.longecit...es/#entry864097


Also Ashkenazi Jews, despite some genetic problems, are known to live a long time. See: https://en.wikipedia...enetics_of_Jews

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#17 Mind

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Posted 31 January 2019 - 06:18 PM

wow, he's talking about injecting "reprogramming DNA" into viruses and then infecting patients with those viruses. They already have a human trial set up for eye sight problems in 2020. Really interesting! Does anyone know what the therapy is called? 


Discussion begins at about 38 minutes


If genetics is downstream of bioeletric control of body composition/function, then genetic alterations might not produce as much benefit as many expect. See here: https://www.longecit...ctricty-thread/

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#18 bluemoon

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Posted 31 January 2019 - 06:25 PM



he looks young and energetic and spry


really, consider Joe, Sinclair and joey diaz are all the same age, its crazy how different they look 


I wouldn't say Sinclair looks younger than he is because of NMN. I've taken NR for 2 years and people say I look 7 or 8 years younger but people  have since I was in my late 20s. This is true of a 64 year old I know who has also taken NR for 2 years and looks closer to mid 50s, but he looked almost a decade younger than 60 when I  first met him. Sinclair looked boyish in his 30s.     

Edited by bluemoon, 31 January 2019 - 06:26 PM.

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#19 to age or not to age

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Posted 31 January 2019 - 06:46 PM

A couple of notes:

What I have noticed filming scientists since 2006 - and my new film starts in 2006 and moves through 2018 - is that there will always appear a further

upstream cause. To my mind, what's important is that in a way it's akin to conquering flight: We don't have to know the ultimate cause of aging /disease

in order to change it (we don't have to be birds to fly).  Each new level of intervention will do a certain level of slowing/reversal of aging.  Bel Monte's transient administration of the Yamaka factors opens the door to selectively backing up the epigenome.  Whether the methylation "Scratches"- as David labels them - are a result of damage, 

semi or significantly programmed, we can still back them up. I could give many examples of how this is playing out. Sinclair is also a businessman/scientist and

knows you have to identify a condition and cure it in order to stay in the economic side of this game.   

If longevity people want to view this film now (and I am still working on the soundtrack etc) if an email is provided so that I can give the link and private password,

I will send it out.  I'm not quite ready to distribute the film quite yet but am willing to share it with this valuable website. I've received notifications from lonegecity before so 

this should be doable. Robert Kane Pappas

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#20 Ambrosia

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Posted 31 January 2019 - 09:23 PM

Sinclair looks damn young for someone 50 years old, even Joe Rogan commented on that (Joe said he looks 40) his stuff is working.

His routine is NMN, Res, Metformin, statin, vitamin D, K2 and fasting. He did comment that in mice fasting acted as a booster when combined.

This podcast was great, I recommend everyone watch the whole thing.

Edited by Ambrosia, 31 January 2019 - 09:57 PM.

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#21 able

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Posted 01 February 2019 - 12:16 AM

I wouldn't say Sinclair looks younger than he is because of NMN. I've taken NR for 2 years and people say I look 7 or 8 years younger but people  have since I was in my late 20s. This is true of a 64 year old I know who has also taken NR for 2 years and looks closer to mid 50s, but he looked almost a decade younger than 60 when I  first met him. Sinclair looked boyish in his 30s.     


Sinclair has always looked younger than his age.  But I have known many people in that boat, that really age fast in their 50's.  We'll see how he holds up.


I do think he looked very good in this podcast - younger looking than in previous talks over the last few year.  


I wouldn't credit NMN, as that is a fairly recent addition to his routine.  But I would say  his appearance (and demeanor) make him 10x more effective than Dr Brenner.

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#22 xEva

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Posted 01 February 2019 - 02:18 AM

wow, he's talking about injecting "reprogramming DNA" into viruses and then infecting patients with those viruses. They already have a human trial set up for eye sight problems in 2020. Really interesting! Does anyone know what the therapy is called? 


Discussion begins at about 38 minutes


I guess it should be called 'gene therapy using modified adenovirus'  -? I am interested in this on behalf of a relative who has lost sight due to glaucoma. Sinclair says in the podcast that they have regenerated the optic  nerve in mouse model and will start the human trial "early 2020". I could not find his papers about the genetic therapy for glaucoma in mice. Maybe did not look hard enough -? (turned out, Sinclair is a common name in the scientific community)


If anyone knows of a study please post a reference. Thanks.

#23 chipdouglas

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Posted 01 February 2019 - 04:04 PM


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#24 bluemoon

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Posted 01 February 2019 - 06:28 PM



I wouldn't credit NMN, as that is a fairly recent addition to his routine.  But I would say  his appearance (and demeanor) make him 10x more effective than Dr Brenner.


Actually, Sinclair has taken NMN for at least three years and probably four or five years. He was at 500 mg most of the time and last year said 1,000 mg.

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#25 LawrenceW

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Posted 01 February 2019 - 09:21 PM

Actually, Sinclair has taken NMN for at least three years and probably four or five years. He was at 500 mg most of the time and last year said 1,000 





At the 36 minute mark of this video:   there is a slide of Dr. Sinclair's monthly biological age tracking.  According to that chart he began taking NMN in April 2016. So in this coming April it will be 3 years.

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#26 porthose

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Posted 04 February 2019 - 10:11 PM

Ok.  Its been many years since I've posted on these forums and what prompted the post is the above Joe Rogan/David Sinclair podcast and the dosage for NMN.  I enjoyed the podcast very much by the way.


At one point (I can't remember the time slot), Sinclair mentions taking 1g (1000mg) of NMN because of the current science indicating that this is the amount required to boost NAD levels (as I'm 52 years old, I would like to boost my NAD levels). Now, I've been taking the Revgenetics NMN product for several months now and as indicated on the bottle, the dosage is 2 x caps/per day for a total of 50mg.  The difference with Sinclair's dose is obvious.


So what am I meant to do? Take 40 capsules (1000mg/25mg = 40 caps) of the Revgenetics NMN product?!?!?!?!  Seems kind of insane...  and on a personal level, I don't want to go with a different brand....


Thoughts and suggestions anyone?

#27 VP.

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Posted 05 February 2019 - 01:12 AM

Full podcast notes: https://podcastnotes...01/30/sinclair/

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#28 able

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Posted 05 February 2019 - 01:31 AM

Ok.  Its been many years since I've posted on these forums and what prompted the post is the above Joe Rogan/David Sinclair podcast and the dosage for NMN.  I enjoyed the podcast very much by the way.


At one point (I can't remember the time slot), Sinclair mentions taking 1g (1000mg) of NMN because of the current science indicating that this is the amount required to boost NAD levels (as I'm 52 years old, I would like to boost my NAD levels). Now, I've been taking the Revgenetics NMN product for several months now and as indicated on the bottle, the dosage is 2 x caps/per day for a total of 50mg.  The difference with Sinclair's dose is obvious.


So what am I meant to do? Take 40 capsules (1000mg/25mg = 40 caps) of the Revgenetics NMN product?!?!?!?!  Seems kind of insane...  and on a personal level, I don't want to go with a different brand....


Thoughts and suggestions anyone?


Revgenetics was maybe the first good brand to offer an NMN product that they backed up with real testing.  


Prices were 10x higher then, so they had to make small dosages to keep it remotely affordable.


For some reason, they haven't updated their capsule size. Likely stuck with with a lot of older product they don't want to dump.


In general, recommended dosages for NMN have been moving up from 500 to 1,000 mg a day.  Influenced by what Dr Sinclair says he takes, and somewhat matching what people are recommending for NR.


I like and trust Revgenetics myself, but don't see the point of taking 25 mg capsules

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#29 porthose

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Posted 05 February 2019 - 02:48 AM

Revgenetics was maybe the first good brand to offer an NMN product that they backed up with real testing.  


Prices were 10x higher then, so they had to make small dosages to keep it remotely affordable.


For some reason, they haven't updated their capsule size. Likely stuck with with a lot of older product they don't want to dump.


In general, recommended dosages for NMN have been moving up from 500 to 1,000 mg a day.  Influenced by what Dr Sinclair says he takes, and somewhat matching what people are recommending for NR.


I like and trust Revgenetics myself, but don't see the point of taking 25 mg capsules


Right, and until if/when Revgen update, I suppose the key then is to move onto another supplier.  Come on Revegenetics, what's going on?


Am I allowed to ask which supplier given now the recommended doses here in the public forum?  If not, could anyone make a reasonable suggestion via PM..?



#30 Rays

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Posted 05 February 2019 - 10:44 PM

Ok.  Its been many years since I've posted on these forums and what prompted the post is the above Joe Rogan/David Sinclair podcast and the dosage for NMN.  I enjoyed the podcast very much by the way.


At one point (I can't remember the time slot), Sinclair mentions taking 1g (1000mg) of NMN because of the current science indicating that this is the amount required to boost NAD levels (as I'm 52 years old, I would like to boost my NAD levels). Now, I've been taking the Revgenetics NMN product for several months now and as indicated on the bottle, the dosage is 2 x caps/per day for a total of 50mg.  The difference with Sinclair's dose is obvious.


So what am I meant to do? Take 40 capsules (1000mg/25mg = 40 caps) of the Revgenetics NMN product?!?!?!?!  Seems kind of insane...  and on a personal level, I don't want to go with a different brand....


Thoughts and suggestions anyone?


I understand that taking NMN sublingually makes it more bioavailable, so you don't need as much as when swallowing. To my knowledge, there is currently only one supplier of NMN for sublingual administration, which is AliveByNature.

(Just FYI, I'm not involved with the company.)

Or, maybe you can crush your current pills and take them under the tongue.

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