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David's music

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#1 David

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 01:35 PM

It just occurred to me that I could be accused of "spamming" by repeatedly putting announcements on my introduction page regards my music. I could bother the hell out of the leadership about perhaps uploading my stuff through them, but that would be a hassle for both them and I. Considering the annoyance many of them seem to express when I put in my "two bobs worth" I reckon this might be a better idea. I'm putting tunes on the net from time to time and if anyone is interested I'll announce them here. I have two on there right now, one called "Come out of the Wilderness" (Topic: racism) and one called "Your Eyes" (A bloody love song!).

They can be found at


And please, let me know what you think! [lol] or [sick] , all comments gratefully recieved. So far my record in a month is 92 hits. Pitiful, I know, but you gotta start somewhere!

(May 2nd, 2006)

#2 David

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 01:42 PM

Oh yea, if you like it, feel free to let anyone you think might enjoy it know!

#3 David

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Posted 01 June 2006 - 03:00 PM

New tune, only one this month. 105 hits last month. Coooool! This one is called Coming home. No prizes for guessing what it's about! Same address...



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#4 David

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 03:13 PM

Ok, I had a massive crash, lost my hard drive and half my thesis. But worst of all, I lost a newly written song! Supersonica Highway. Not to worry, it's in me 'ead, I'll record it again for next month.

I've put on something I wrote in Cairns before I left, its called I just wanna tell you. If you listen hard enough, there is a reference to my desire for immortality in there. It's in the last verse.

Free to choose forever if it comes along!

Once again, same address, we got up to 295 hits last month, but I'm sensing that it's a cumulative thing dating back to when I started. Still, 290 - 105 is still 185 hits over a month and a half. Better than the 20 hits I got the first month I started!


Heh, someone please say something! Or not, whatever. [tung]


#5 Bruce Klein

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 11:58 PM


Most of the regular posters are more hard-core science guys... but it is hard to believe that no one has replied yet!

I'm unable to find your other songs.. but ""justa wanna tell you" is a song style to my taste... nice. Have you checked Charlie Kam's work as he's found a way to mesh futurist ideas into a few fun, good production value songs here: http://www.imminst.o...ST&f=16&t=11317

Could you create a similar song w/ an Immortalist and/or Singularitarian theme?

#6 David

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 05:39 AM

Yea! I liked the singilaritarium song. Nothing like the melding of ideas, music and comedy.

I probably could, probably will one day Bruce, I don't have much control over what comes out when I write. Any time I've ever tried to take control it sounds mechanical, wooden. My muse is a control freak, I don't get much of a say at all! Some of the ideas she hits me with are so badly timed, nothing like getting inspiration in the middle of a statistics exam! Luckily I passed.....

Oh yea, you can't access the other tunes on account of the limited hard drive space on indi911. When I put new stuff on there I have to wipe the old. More space costs money and as I'm sure you are aware I'm still doing my post grad. If you get the urge and want more, send me a PM and I'll send you a home burnt CD.


#7 Bruce Klein

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 07:04 AM

Dave, I've sent via PM an access to more space to upload your songs here.

#8 David

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 12:25 PM

I'll check it it out. How many songs can I fit on there? I have hundreds.....

#9 David

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Posted 03 September 2006 - 02:50 AM

'Ullo! I've put a newie on Indie 9:11, its called "First Prize".

It's all about when you work really hard to get yourself something nice, like an X-box, a motorbike, or a canoe, you know, stuff that's not essential or really necesary, but you want it to fill some void in your life.

This is the prize, and if it's substantial enough it is YOUR "First Prize".

But the irony of the "First Prize" is that you probably never have enough time to enjoy it. It sits in some safe place, like the lounge room, or the garden shed, and gathers dust for at least 5 days out of 7. For the unlucky ones, it never comes out.

Thats wot dis song be about. Reeeeely simple, a little sad and a bit on the frustrated side of things. A song for our overworked times.

Not me! My guitar is in my lap as we speak! Listen to it here:


In addition, one of our radio stations here is running a competition, and I've entered 3 tunes. you can hear and download them here:


You can also review them....

#10 David

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Posted 16 November 2006 - 08:14 AM

Finally did it, got a myspace site. You can check it out and dounload the songs for keeps at


There is a newie called "Butterfly Girl" on it, the first and only song I have ever written with my wife. Bit of mushy lovey stuff with a bit of an edge.

#11 David

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Posted 21 November 2006 - 05:10 PM

Where the hell is everybody. This site got really quiet all of a sudden....

#12 David

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Posted 08 January 2007 - 12:10 AM

New tune for perusal: Take Control. Bit strange this one. Doesn't quite fit the mold.


#13 David

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Posted 10 February 2007 - 12:53 PM

'Nother newie. Got something to do with wanting to know somebody's name. I hate it but others have disagreed with me and "bullied" me into putting it up.

I'm actually thinking about changing the picture of the guitar under my name into a picture of a pretty girl so that people will take notice. Sort of, make believe I'm a female with a deeper voice. Wocha reckon, would it work?



#14 David

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 04:06 AM

Nobody seems to have picked up on what the name Hydraphonica means. Oh well. New tunes up at the moment. It's a dedication to Muddy Waters. You have to click on it though, it's the last tune on the list, called Muddy Water Views. It's about not being sure which side of the divide you belong. Whatever that divide may be.


#15 David

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Posted 16 February 2008 - 12:33 PM

New tunes. All about working instead of playing my beautiful Nellie. Oh Nellie, how I love thee............................

#16 Richard Leis

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Posted 16 February 2008 - 05:45 PM

Good stuff! What does Hydraphonica mean? Singing under water? Predatory fish under water? Terrifying multi-headed monster's audio? Predatory fish under water and in harmony?

I only saw four songs on your MySpace page. Are the other ones located somewhere so I can listen (like "Muddy Water Views")?

Do you have a Facebook Fan page?

#17 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 16 February 2008 - 07:29 PM

I added your myspace page as a 'friend' to mine, you'll see me as 'Shannon Vyff' so you can verify.

I like your music, certainly it is better than some of the bands that play popular venues here in Austin ;)

#18 David

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Posted 17 February 2008 - 03:28 AM

The Hydra is a mythical 6 headed beast from Greek mythology. One of the heads is immortal. If you cut off any of the other heads a new one grows back. The separate heads part refers to my love of different styles of music. And my belief that if I keep plugging away one day I might look over and notice other heads, joined with me on this great musical journey.

I put new music on there all the time. I'll put Muddy Water Views up for you this afternoon. How about that? I take requests!

I would love to play in Austin! You Americans, naming your cities after cars..................... ;)


#19 Richard Leis

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Posted 17 February 2008 - 08:24 AM

Now that is service...good song...thanks for putting it up. My favorite of the five I have listened to is "Butterfly Girl", but they are all good. When you put out an EP or album, let us know!

#20 David

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Posted 02 July 2008 - 03:16 AM

Butterfly girl is about Beverly, my wonderful wife and life partner. She came up with the melody in the Chorus while I was struggling with the guitar. I stole it from her, but upon realising what I had done, gave her a credit in the song. Unfortunatley, so far, no royalties.............. Feel free to approach me to use the song and send me millions :)

#21 David

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Posted 02 July 2008 - 09:39 AM

One of my old bandmates has put together a site celebrating our exploits in our twenties. You can wander in here


and check us out. See if you can figure out which one is me!


#22 David

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Posted 09 July 2008 - 02:31 PM

I think this is a link to a film clip of me in the 80's. Its a protest song against feeling hepless in a society ravaged by consumerism.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.c...></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.c...efc&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


#23 David

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Posted 09 April 2009 - 06:26 AM

New stuff up there............ work has taken over, which I never thought would happen. I guess working with the unsaveable is more absorbing than I thought! Go to


and have a listen to what life is sending my way at the moment.


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