As you all know, the Dasatanib + Quercetin combo has been widely discussed as a senolytic.
Recently, Azithromycin has been brought up as well... see below
Now, all three substances above appear sufficiently well-studied and safe on their own. So, let us talk about combinations:
1- Can we combine all three in a Azitromycin + Dasatanib + Quercetin stack?
We can talk all day about dosages, so perhaps best not to go on for 18 pages about what exact combo we should use. Rather, I am wondering if some adverse drug reaction is to be feared from this combo and if there is so much overlap between the Azitromycin and the (Dasatanib + Quercetin) in terms of pathways involved to make this combo unproductive -I really doubt that would be the case.
2- Where do we stand in terms of combining such senolytic agents with fasting?
Would you recommend to combine this stack with fasting? How many days after the start of the fast should one start such a combo?
3- What should the rest of the plan look like?
Is it really best to stop any and all anti-inflammatory anti-oxidant supplements beforehand?
How about pro-inflammatory pro-oxidant items and actions? Shall we try to create inflammation right before we take this combo?
Where does exercise fit in? Shall we do extra heavy and hard exercise or refrain from even light exercise during this period?
And other suggestions please....
I am ready to do it after just a little more research really , so chime in please....