Actually, I really started to doubt if the wellbutrin was having any effect a few days ago. Until me and my wife were watching a show on tv last night. I couldn't stop laughing at one of the jokes. At a certain point I had to walk away to catch my breath. It's literally been YEARS since that happened. Having so much fun with "stupid" little things is great: Riding my bike with my daughter to the store while she's talking non-stop. Going to a restaurant with the three of us. A short walk during my lunch-break. I enjoy all those things again. Some make me feel euphoric I think.
Hopefully this is a long term solution. Wellbutrin reaches its full function after 2 to 4 weeks. I really hope I also get the raised libido-effect that it's supposed to cause. That's been suffering as well obviously.
I'll make sure to update or at least bump this thread. I'm still trying to find out how to keep this stuff working as long as possible.
You were right. Before your edit I saw you guessing that I was diagnosed with ASD. That's true. I was diagnosed at 40 years old last October. And I probably have ADHD-I to go along with it. High functioning enough to pass as neuro-typical with all expectations and duties that go along with it, but low functioning enough to have a really "interesting" time fulfilling those.
Ha, yeah you cought that one really fast, I did edit it after scrolling up I noticed you said only ADHD-PI.
Ive been talking with my psychiater before about possibly trying wellbutrin, this gets me somewhat excited to actually give it a go. Reward deficiency is underestimated in ADHD and ASD imo, its a large part of the social problems aswell. wellbutrin seems to address this (increases dopamine in the nucleus accumbens in pretty much 9 out of every 10 studies done on it).
Like you I was also diagnosed with ASD(aspergers) from pretty much age 5-6 or something as low as that, been constantly bombarded with ssris which only made things worse for me.
Currently only use resveratrol (grapes), it really seems to actually help as weird as it might sound. I know it does a lot of things but one of things in a recent human study that Ive seen is that it increases functional connectivity between mPFC,hippocampus and Anterior Cingulate Cortex (this one is big as this is a major brain area implicated in affection).
Im thinking of combining resveratrol with wellbutrin if all goes well, It might just be my way out.
Another option would be aripiprazole (abiliify), this is a very atypical antipsychotic, and AFAIK know restores dopamine balance in the caudate/putamen (this is where anticipation and meaning of both love and hate takes place), my psych (and also the studies on the internet), show high efficiency in high functioning ASD types, but the possible side effects put me off.
So thats why I prefer doing wellbutrin first.
I hope it keeps working for you, my guess would be that as long as the 'high' and 'euphoric' effects arent too potent the tolerance will be minimal. Living healthy (diet, going bed in time) and maintaining a low stress state would probably your best bets.
Once again thanks for your reply!