I know I know this isn’t my first thread about this lol but I’m always on a never ending quest to find the best/easiest/most productive methods. I posted this on Reddit so I mine as well post it here lol
Everyone says amphetamine withdrawl is easy and to just suck it up for a few weeks. Well that’s simply not the case for a lot of people, especially those who have a career in a family they cannot risk losing and don’t have the time to be in bed with no cognitive function for up to 3 months.
I’m thinking the following could be the most extensive tolerance reducing and eventually going off method. Why not imply all extreme measures? Not including drugs like MAOi’s, SNDRi’s, Dopamine Agonists,etc.. that will
just cause their own withdrawal defeating the whole point of getting clean.
No medication is currently approved by the FDA for use in amphetamine dependence and only Psychotherapy is recommend which is absolute bullshit! The only randomized trials of amphetamine withdrawal agents have been of antidepressant drugs (amineptine and mirtazapine). Every other drug has more advanced withdrawl treatment and if you look at the mechanism behind amphetamine it shouldn’t be that hard and recovery should be much faster than opiates, benzodiazepines,etc.. Restore dopamine and norepinephrine and minimally restore Serotonin. Opiates negatively impacts he dopamine system worse than amps so similar therapy should be helpful.
If anyone has any advice to chime in feel free.
The goal is to hit it from all angles and just for this theory let’s say cost is no issue. And first off I do not believe amphetamines or and drug should apply the COLD TURKEY method. Just because the risk of a seizure is very low from amphetamine withdrawl does not mean there could not be major physical and mental side effects only to be ex’s exacerbated from not tapering.
Drugs with low side effects/withdrawal(PAWS):
Most drugs to help with withdrawal attenuate the reinforcement positives of amphetamines which will just lead the user to abuse them more. Even though methamphetamine is GREATLY different than amphetamine whatever treatment works for Meth will definitely work for amphetamines. I also searched under cocaine as some methods could help but treatment may be different since cocaine is mainly involved with the reuptake inhibition vs a releasing agent from the synaptic cleft. However amphetamine is still technically a reuptake inhibitor as well.
Topamax which seems interesting:
“The experimental combination of topiramate and methamphetamine appeared to be safe and well tolerated, with few adverse events. Acute dosing with up to 200 mg topiramate appears to enhance, rather than attenuate, the positive subjective effects of methamphetamine. Perhaps this indicates a partial inhibition of methamphetamine's reinforcing effects.”
This is very interesting as you rarely find a drug to enhance rather than dull the positive effects.
The only other drug that may help is Low Dose Naltrexone(LDN):
“Moreover, naltrexone alone dose-dependently increased amphetamine-induced rotational behavior. These studies show that some mu opioid receptor agonists can potentiate stimulant-induced rotational behavior and that blockade of opioid receptors can also produce a potentiation. The role ofmu opioid receptors in these effects remains unclear.”
Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH)
This is very important and often overlooked.
Long term amphetamine use can deplete TH in the dorsal striatum taking up to 4 months to recover:
So how do we restore TH?
1.) Increase GDNF
2.) Directly increase the reuptake of TH:
a.) Uridine Monophosphate with Omegas, Citicoline and B vitamins.
b.) Tributyrin
c.) N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (NALT)
{although I did read a study that L-Tyrosine is better than NALT}
3.) Bromantane (Ladasten):
Perhaps the strongest yet somewhat safe drug to increase TH:
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
Brain Stimulation Therapy:
(Why use just one? Can multiples interact?)
#1.) Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)
proven to help:
And perhaps add:
*Vagus Nerve Therapy(VNS)
*Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
*Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)
*Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT)
(Perhaps Blue Light and Infrared Therapy?)
Also this is important. It’s not well known as most focus on the dopamine system but GABA is greatly effected by amphetamine use. Although the absolute worst drug you could withdrawl from would be one that interferes with Gaba like benzodiazepines and Phenibut so natural methods to increase Gaba should be preferred.
Also there are lots of supplements to use to combat neurotoxicity but they have already been covered many times.
There are lots of other ways to increase/restore dopamine like BPC-157, 9-me-bc, Jiaogulan,etc.. but I wanted to mainly focus on restoring TH and using non traditional therapy to reverse tolerance and restore levels.
Edited by John250, 24 February 2019 - 06:43 PM.