Personally, I think the likelihood of the earth getting warmer is high, however, the sun activity is a wildcard. It is loosely correlated with other cooling periods, Unfortunately, it is difficult to discuss without being labeled as a "stupid denialist".
As I mentioned earlier, I have heard "the earth is going to be destroyed" (very literally) for 30 years. I have to tune it out. Better to focus on positive methods of lowering our impact, instead of "we are all doomed!!!!".
Well, people have been predicting that the cooling will start soon due to The Sun since the early 2000s and still the warming has continued. Also, I haven't heard people saying that "the Earth is going to get destroyed". Sure, if the average temperature goes up enough the old weather patterns will get fucked up and it will probably not be possible to feed 9 billion people. But that's the future that people who plan to be dead do not care about that much...