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Drink HRW: Cutting edge clinically backed products

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#1 Mind

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Posted 27 March 2019 - 08:00 PM


This thread is sponsored by Drink HRW. It can be used for promotion or informal interaction with existing or potential customers. Drink HRW is free to delete any of their own contributions from this thread at their sole discretion, but cannot edit/alter the content of a contribution by another user. LongeCity is not affiliated with Drink HRW in any way and does NOT endorse or vouch for the safety of its products or services. LongeCity provides, at its discretion, this thread to Drink HRW in grateful acknowledgement for a donation made to LongeCity. This thread is not, and must not be used by anyone, including Drink HRW, as a means of conducting "official" business, recording transactions or serving official/legal notices or otherwise be relied on in any way. LongeCity may withdraw access to this thread, or remove this thread at its sole discretion at any time for any reason. v may decide to render this thread inaccessible by visitors at any time or remove, but not alter, posts made by others in this thread. With the exception of an express permission to advertise in this thread, the LongeCity User Agreement (Bylaw A) applies as normal in this thread.


Edited by Mind, 27 March 2019 - 08:04 PM.

#2 Terrell

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Posted 28 March 2019 - 01:26 AM

Thank you for viewing our thread. Drink HRW was founded 28 months ago to bring the first high dose consumer friendly Hydrogen Water delivery system to the World. We currently have the highest dose of molecular hydrogen commercially available. So far, we have 2 published clinical trials on sports performance, our 3rd trial on non alcoholic fatty liver disease is “In Press”, our 4th on metabolic syndrome is being written and we have 5 more underway. These are all publicly funded research teams, with donations from our company coming in the way of product and funds for testing additional markers.

On top of the H2, our IP delivers the majority of the Magnesium in free ions in the water, unbound to a salt. This would make it the most bioavailable Magnesium supplement on the market. Our water tests indicate 90% of our Magnesium is free in the water.

We also have two other lines: Elite Biohacking, with the first product a proprietary formulation to protect against and inhibit advanced glycation end product formation (more products in development)

Our final line is our “Essentials”. Our first two essentials are Omega 3 and Vitamin D. Both are priced at $2/bottle for a month’s supply, with the purchase of a H2 or Elite line product.

Thank you for viewing our thread, and feel free to visit our website at drinkhrw.com

We also have weekly health articles and video interviews with research scientists, and other experts.

#3 Mind

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Posted 01 April 2019 - 08:34 PM

What is the method of action? Why does hydrogen water improve health?

#4 Terrell

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Posted 01 April 2019 - 09:02 PM

First, to clarify, molecular hydrogen is the molecule doing the work and water is simply the delivery method. Other delivery methods such as inhalation of H2 gas have shown to need roughly 100x the volume(https://www.ncbi.nlm.../pubmed/26483953 ) and have not worked as well in some indications such as Parkinson’s Disease(https://www.ncbi.nlm...les/PMC3407490/)
While the precise mechanisms remain elusive despite over 1200 publications indicating a benefit in 170 different models across every mammalian organ, and 64 published human trials, a new hypothesis is that H2 is an exercise mimetic and works as a mito-hormetic effector. 
We do know that H2 alters thousands of different gene expressions working at least in part by cell signal transduction(https://www.ncbi.nlm...les/PMC4704061/)
Hydrogen has shown to regulate production of proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and TNF-alpha, as well as promote homeostatic function of our redox via the Nrf2 pathway. In fact, H2 has shown to both increase and decrease both OS and inflammatory markers, especially during exercise, and then quickly regulate back to homeostasis. This may explain why H2 has shown to not blunt hypertrophy gains in conjunction with strength training but in fact potentiate the results of exercise. Perhaps we will find more rolls in H2s regulation of IL6 in it’s myokine function, as well. More research is still needed.
An acquaintance of our founder had previously posted parts of an older version of our white paper on the forums, the full version can be found here:
There is 147 pertinent references attached. This update was written in January and we are currently deconstructing and writing a more comprehensive paper. Not only have our 2nd, 3rd and 4th trials finished(2nd published, 3rd is in press and will be online any day- clinically significant on NAFLD, and 4th, a larger trial on metabolic syndrome being written), but new reviews and papers have come out, or been shared with us “In Press” over the last 3 months that further clarify certain rolls.

#5 Terrell

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Posted 13 April 2019 - 08:10 PM

 Our 3rd trial finished on Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease NAFLD 




Here is our article on the subject. Follow the link below 



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