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Reversing possible damage from scopolamine and cannabis?

scopolamine cannabis working memory damage reversal

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#1 fiftyyy

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Posted 13 April 2019 - 04:07 PM

Hey guys,


Long story, but im fairly certain a group of ill-minded individuals got me high on scopolamine about two months ago, while i was smoking pot daily. I've discontinued smoking weed since the beginning of March, however, i'm fairly certain that i've taken some long-term/permanent damage in regards to my working memory. I used lumosity as a benchmark to test myself, calculations are at top notch form, however, my working memory sucks at the lumosity games. Not only that i feel somewhat chaotic and disorganized in my daily life, which suggests that the working memory issues are not only limited to my lumosity performance. I also came across the following study:


Scopolamine (1 mg/kg, i.p.) substantially impaired cognitive performance leading to higher latencies to locate the submerged platform compared with the saline-treated group. Mice treated with scopolamine and cannabis (10 or 20 mg/kg, sc) needed significantly more time to locate the hidden platform than the scopolamine only-treated group, suggesting enhancement of the cognitive impairing effects of scopolamine by cannabis





I fear that i might have taken long term/permanent damage from the combo (not my desire). Any input/suggestion will be appreciated highly. As a i noted earlier i have not smoked for more than a moment, but my working memory issue persist, which scare me a little bit. I usually when i stop smoking weed, my working recovers within 3-4 days, if i smoke top notch herb i usually need about a week for a recovery. However, this time its been more than a month and still struggling...


Repost, since the last thread went in the wrong section.



#2 jroseland

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Posted 05 June 2019 - 03:32 PM

First of all, get new friends. Seriously.


Piracetam is a pretty good idea.


There's some science studies Piracetam blocking or counteracting Scopolamine. I'd wager that it would help you recover.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: scopolamine, cannabis, working memory, damage reversal

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