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VItamin D Insomnia. What the heck?

vitamin d insomnia vitamin a

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#1 protoject

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Posted 25 April 2019 - 03:11 PM

INsomnia! What the heck?


OK guys so I am deficient in Vitamin D. Right.

I have severe insomnia for which I'm medicated. It works most of the time.

I'm supposed to take vitamin D. But I don't. Know why? Cuz every time I take it I get bad insomnia for like 3 days or more! (possibly up to a week).


What's with that? It's really annoying. Can't get vitamin D levels up with that. I can't believe a silly little supplement would do that.


I have tried it several times over the years and the exact same thing happens every time.

Each time I do it, I don't expect it to affect my sleep, too, I'm like, oh, well, maybe it was just coincdence.



BUT THEN IT HAPPENS AGAIN! every single time.


WHat's up with that?


I can't recall super well because this was a few years back but I think I remember counteracting it with Vitamin A. Which has its own problems since the supplements are usually fairly high dose. Took a Vit A today in hopes it does something good later on. I have a feeling I'll feel weird though. 


This sucks because this week before taking the vitamin d I was sleeping fine... then boom it ruined my week. and it's my weekend now and there;s all this shit I need to get done. Insomnia for days makes that very unmotivating. Hopefully I have my usual herbal tea and it gets my day started or something.



Btw i think it's D3


ALso this vitamin A I got says "Solubilized"" and "prepared to disperse in water" which is exactly why I got it. So you know what I do? I put it in warm water (slightly hot). It doesn't even frikkin melt! It's been in there for like 10 minutes. Why promote the brand as solubilized and prepared to disperse in water if it doesn't! I wanted accurate dosing which is why I got it in that form. Since I couldn't find any actual low dose supplements at that time. This one is 200%

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#2 spike

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Posted 25 April 2019 - 06:29 PM

I so wish I had an answer to your question, because this has always been the case for me. Even small doses of Vit D (D2 or D3, doesn't matter) make my sleep shallower and so called co factors: Vit A, Vit K, and magnesium do not help at all. Several months ago I discovered a severe vitamin D deficiency and thought that maybe if I took it for a month my body would readjust and this weird side effect would vanish, but my 'hypothesis' was wrong-nothing had changed.

We're not alone, there's a guy who did some measurements that showed deep sleep worsening-'Vitamin D destroyed my deep sleep' and many people in the comment section have similar experiences. Some experts argue that 12.5 ng/mL is sufficient. (Vitamin D Deficiency — Is There Really a Pandemic?)

At the same time other doctors hypothesize that good levels of vitamin d are essential for a good night sleep:

though she claims that it should be in a narrow range of 60–80 ng/ml, in one month I only managed to boost it to 39 ng/ml

A recent meta analysis:


participants with vitamin D deficiency (VDD) had a significantly increased risk of sleep disorders (OR: 1.50, 95% CI: 1.31, 1.72). Subgroup analysis showed that VDD also was associated with poor sleep quality (OR: 1.59, 95% CI: 1.23, 2.05), short sleep duration (OR: 1.74, 95% CI: 1.30, 2.32), and sleepiness (OR: 1.36, 95% CI: 1.12, 1.65). Subgroup analyses further indicated that serum 25(OH)D <20 ng/mL could significantly increase the risk of unhealthy sleep. This meta-analysis suggest that vitamin D deficiency is associated with a higher risk of sleep disorders. More high-quality cohort studies and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are needed to verify this association.


We still need more research to know for sure.

You can at least try sun bathing, for some reason it does not affect my sleep and probably won't affect yours (or sunbeds with UVB: Sunbeds with UVB radiation can produce physiological levels of serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D in healthy volunteers).

Edit: alternatively, try to lower the dose to say 400 IU.

Edited by spike, 25 April 2019 - 07:01 PM.

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#3 experimenting

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Posted 27 April 2019 - 06:25 PM

Insomnia that gets resolved by vitamin A sounds like hypercalcemia induced by the D. I've been fighting this and God damn is it difficult.

Try megadoses of k2 mk4. Oil form. Thorne drops are a good start.
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#4 spike

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Posted 02 July 2019 - 10:18 AM

protoject, did you try megadosing vitamin k? I can't because I get this weird numbness side effect even from small doses especially during the night that with time worsens, first it was just my hands, but then one month later I woke up and my entire left side I slept on was numb including my face, it all goes away once I stop taking Vitamin K. One website does mention it, but they don't say where they found this information: 'There is no known toxicity of the natural forms of Vitamin K (K1 and K2), but high doses may cause numbness or tingling in the hands and feet.' from nuts.com/healthy-eating/vitamin-k

#5 protoject

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Posted 30 May 2020 - 05:22 PM

In Canada we don't have the megadoses  available. I did take as high of a dose of mk4 /mk7 i could find (seriously I care about mk4 and not mk7 but oh well). And it did not help with the insomnia at all but it did help my bones a shit ton (my bones , joints and cartilige got so fucked up last year and the vit d alone would not do anything about it). 


I can say I notice side effects on MK7 but not on MK4. I get no side effects from MK4 at all. MK7 gives me headaches and other effects I didn't write down.


I'm trying to get my USA friend to buy megadose of MK4 for me, because I seemed to tolerate hundreds of milligrams just fine, I suspect I'd be able to push it up to a megadose and get benefits. If it does help my body sop up any tentative excess blood calcium and that's the cause of the insomnia (from vit D at least) I'll let you know. I suspect it won't work but I feel no real risk in trying, and, because of the way it benefitted my bones and stuff, I'm optimistic about it. And either way if it doesn't help the insomnia side of Vit D dosing, then at least it will work a lot better for the bone part. 

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#6 jakeb

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Posted 06 June 2020 - 08:16 PM

I wish I knew, but I can't go above 1000iu per day for more than a week or I get absolutely terrible insomnia. Took me forever to figure out what was going on, but sure enough, it was the D. 

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: vitamin d, insomnia, vitamin a

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