Interesting research using Gamma Band Neural Stimulation (GBNS) with white or blue light with 40Hz frequency.
This research can be summarized by the following excerpt from one of the attached studies:
A novel, non-pharmacological approach to AD and other neurological pathologies involves manipulating gamma activity in the brain. Gamma electrical activity refers to electroencephalogram (EEG) oscillations at a frequency of approximately 30–100 Hz in localized central neural pathways. This electrical activity has been related to many sensory and cognitive functions. Gamma electrical oscillations are one group of oscillation patterns seen on EEG, with the others (delta, theta, alpha, and beta) being of lower frequency activity.
It was further shown that increasing gamma activity in the CA1 region of the hippocampus, by stimulation of optogenetically modified interneurons using blue light at 40Hz, reduced AB levels by approximately 50% and was mediated by both neural and microglia mechanisms.
I have attached the relevant studies on this that I could find.
Gamma Band Neural Stimulation in Humans and the Promise of a New Modality to Prevent and Treat Alzheimer’s Disease.pdf 446.31KB
Gamma frequency entrainment attenuates amyloid load and modifies microglia.pdf 14.73MB
Multi-sensory Gamma Stimulation Ameliorates Alzheimer’s-Associated Pathology and Improves Cognition.pdf 14.54MB
Noninvasive 40-Hz light flicker to recruit microglia and reduce amyloid beta load.pdf 5.94MB
Edited by mrs, 13 May 2019 - 10:23 AM.