And your thoughts???
Why don't you agree with it??
For me, I wonder the type of eggs and how they were prepared?
When I got ill it was a mather of life and death to learn to read and verify studies by myself, As a complete scientific laymen, with English my second language only. Actually that was the reason for me to sign up to longecity, because there were many with scientific background from which I could learn how to exactly do that. I'm not interested in convincing anyone of my own opinion of this paper, but in motivating how to evaluate it onself, as if one's own life would dependent on it. You can do that do. And don't take second hand opinion above your own.
For that in the end one only has to learn a few things. Like the difference of various study designs, between corelation and causation, absolute and relative risk, statistical tricks, how even the most peer reviewed studies in top jounals can get it totally wrong, conflict of interest, etc.
In short, this study was only a meta-analysis of discreed observational studies (in themself never able to prove causation), was based on single food-questionares done decades ago and counting the outcome later. No follow up food-questionares, no randomization. Just very thin air.
But your opinion after actually reading and understanding might differ. Since you don't seem to think it matters that we become what we eat (ie. antibiotic, glyphosate, growth-hormone), but how we prepare those poisons.