you just took one bit of what i said and got upset. dude i didnt mean to offend you, i was just curious why you made such thread already and people helped you out there already and you make another one now? i mean go back to it, there is a link to more information the guys helped you out there. :/
In my head, this thread: "Alpha-GPC, CDP-Choline, ALCAR, TMG -- TMAO production by supplement?" was for determining which of those supplements might have a higher propensity for TMAO production. Often, I hear about fermentation in the context of red meat, or L-Carnitine, but there's little comparison against say ALCAR or CDP-Choline (I believe CDP-choline has much less actual choline in it than aGPC?) Only recently did I learn that betaine converted to TMAO -- how does it compare against L-carnitine?
The other thread, "Supplemental DMB" was for determining which supplements might be a better source of DMB than taking up wine drinking and eating more balsamic vinegar. It reminded me of trying to get a metabolically active dose of resveratrol from vinegar, when better supplemental options exist. If there aren't any commercially available DMB supplements, it seemed like a way to put a flag down for future use. I had considered these to be separate discussion points, so I fired up a new thread. In retrospect, I guess I should have bumped the older post for the latter topic.
Edited by brosci, 27 May 2019 - 10:53 PM.