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Optimal supplement regimen for age 40+

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#1 aeneas

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Posted 18 June 2019 - 10:23 PM

Hi all,

I recently turned 40, which I think is a certain “milestone” in the start of the aging process. We’re still relatively young at 40, but the body starts regenerating less effectively than at 25 without some extra support. I do believe however, that supplementation regimen should have a very different strategy at 40 than what it should look like at 60, 80 etc. In addition to the supplements, I enjoy a healthy diet / nutrition, exercise regularly (weights + HIIT), do a fast-mimicking fast 3x per year and try to get a decent sleep.


Here below is my daily regimen which I’m updating every now and then if I see convincing arguments / data to do so. I’d appreciate your input.



Mitochondrial health:

MitoQ 10 mg (i)

Nicotinamide Riboside  300 mg (ii)

Pterostilbene  50 mg (iii)

PQQ 20 mg  (iv)

Acetyl-L-Carnitine Arginate  620 mg

N-Acetyl Cysteine  500 mg

Biotin  10.000 mcg


General: detox, antioxidants, cardio, etc.


K2 (MK7 &MK2)+D3 (1,000 IU): during winter only (v)

EPA-DHA  600 mg

Curcubrain (Longvida curcumin extract)  400 mg

R-Alpha Lipoic Acid  200 mg

L-Arginine & L-Citrulline

Glucosamine Sulfate 1200 mg

Chondroitin Sulfate 800 mg

Hyaluronic Acid 120 mg


Methylsulfonylmethane  250 mg (vi)



Comments to the above:

(i) supposedly higher bioavailability than Q10. However very low concentration… still not 100% sold on this one and considering price of MitoQ vs Q10. Any thoughts on this?

(ii) pricey and still following how data will compare NR vs NMN. Certainly NAD+ precursor supplementation is likely beneficial. What is the group's opinion here on NR vs NMN use at this stage with data still very limited?

(iii) methylated form of resveratrol - supposedly greater uptake and metabolic stability (a few papers suggest that). But I see lots of people here stick to resveratrol, including D.Sinclair. Why?

(iv) I’ve not seen much data on the actual mitochondrial biogenesis by PQQ and health benefits… 

(v) thinking whether to supplement this throughout the year, not just winter… or at least K2-MK7. 

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#2 Oakman

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Posted 19 June 2019 - 05:48 PM

Well, plus or minus, your stack looks as 'good' as many. I'm way older than you, but applaud your starting thinking about what may be helpful earlier in life. I did the same, but when I think back at how antiquated the health/supplement industry and science was back when, holy shmoly, have we come a long way in our understand!


Comments to the above stack


- I don't take Mito-Q, so no opinion, occasionally CoQ10 or Ubiquinol and I'm undecided about it's worth 1stly & worth vs cost 2ndly. I take both Niagen daily, but NMN only with exercise. Probably worth it, but again $$$. I stopped the pterostilbene couple yrs ago & PQQ I take very occasionally (just in case), I see/feel no difference with either and they are $$$. Everything else I take and like what effect I perceive I get using them, as they seem to be exercise/muscle/endurance enhancing.


From my current interests, I recommend trying to get some daily spermidine and oxytocin however you can fit them into your diet, plus some nitric oxide boosters (red spinach/beet extract) and allicin, at a minimum.



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#3 aeneas

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Posted 26 June 2019 - 11:00 AM

How do people here tend to do supplements?


a) all supplements each day

b) some supplements each day and some periodically every x-days

c) some supplements each day and some cycling (e.g. 1 week/month daily, 1 week/month off, etc.)


I would be interested in rationale and any supporting literature.

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#4 Kodiak

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Posted 26 June 2019 - 02:29 PM

How do people here tend to do supplements?


a) all supplements each day

b) some supplements each day and some periodically every x-days

c) some supplements each day and some cycling (e.g. 1 week/month daily, 1 week/month off, etc.)


I would be interested in rationale and any supporting literature.


I often wonder this, too. I'm 43, and I've amassed quite a supplement regimen that tries to include things that both benefit my weight-lifting goals AND longevity. I find that I get burned out on taking so many pills each day and all the shake prep with my various powders eats up a lot of kitchen prep time. I've tried to simplify things by taking my lifting supps on lifting days and then "longevity" supps on off-days/the opposite days. I feel like I have a decent grasp regarding the benefits of my set-up or plan but more educated people on this forum could probably pick it apart and point out things not needed or, god forbid, ways I'm harming myself. I should probably trim out a few things. Anyway, to answer your question, I suppose it depends on what the particular supplement is would dictate how often to use it or if it needs to be cycled. For example, I pretty much take supps M-F and take the weekends off, but take magnesium and fish oil each of those 5 days whereas I'll use creatine/taurine/BCAAs/beta-alanine/and a host of other "lifting" stuff on M/W/F when I lift. 

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#5 Oakman

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Posted 26 June 2019 - 03:18 PM

How do people here tend to do supplements?


a) all supplements each day

b) some supplements each day and some periodically every x-days

c) some supplements each day and some cycling (e.g. 1 week/month daily, 1 week/month off, etc.)


I would be interested in rationale and any supporting literature.


Myself, I split supps ~70/30 am/pm @mealtime, based on divided does for some, time of day efficacy for others. Biking days, 30 minutes prior to starting, I take exercise specific supps. I don't cycle most supps, as most I take don't necessitate that. Rationale for all those is a bit too lengthy, sorry.

#6 AlxM

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Posted 04 May 2020 - 03:26 AM

I'm curious what others think are the optimal regimen for the 40-45 year age group, based on studies and information that we know of now.  What would be the essential supplements that you would take regularly? 



#7 aribadabar

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Posted 30 May 2020 - 11:15 PM

I'm curious what others think are the optimal regimen for the 40-45 year age group, based on studies and information that we know of now.  What would be the essential supplements that you would take regularly? 


I think you can't go wrong with taking these daily:

  • D3+K2
  • CoQ10
  • Mg
  • Glucosamine
  • Zn (especially for men)
  • EPA/DHA 
  • NAD+ booster - NA, Nam, NR, NMN
  • B-complex

Of course you can build upon this but you asked about (and I consider the above) essential.

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#8 hamishm00

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Posted 23 June 2020 - 06:44 AM

Some thoughts below:


MitoQ 10 mg (i) - I'd rather take 200mg Ubiquinol, I'm not convinced low doses of MitoQ are as effective, or as well studied.

Nicotinamide Riboside  300 mg (ii) - agree, 300-450mg NR, alternating with NMN, as I notice "burnout" if I don't cycle these.

Pterostilbene  50 mg (iii) - can raise LDL levels, so I've ditched this, but have kept on with Resveratrol, dissolved in Kefir yoghurt

PQQ 20 mg  (iv) - agree, there is quite a lot of evidence to suggest this is helpful, not lease boosting mito biogenesis, but also for anti-oxidant effect (see some of Dr Ronda Patrick's comments on the Joe Rogan show).

Acetyl-L-Carnitine Arginate  620 mg - not convinced the arginate form is better than ALCAR, but there is an interesting study done on arginate boosting neurogenesis, don't know if this translates across to other ALCAR forms

N-Acetyl Cysteine  500 mg - agree, although concerns with downsides of NAC, consider switching to reduced glutathione.

Biotin  10.000 mcg - agree. I also take this with collagen, hyaluronic acid and glucosamine.


General: detox, antioxidants, cardio, etc.


K2 (MK7 &MK2)+D3 (1,000 IU): during winter only (v) - would take all year round, except careful for MK7 toxicity, keep doses to 100mcg or below

EPA-DHA  600 mg - agree, Krill oil is my preferred source.

Curcubrain (Longvida curcumin extract)  400 mg - agree, I use the Meriva form for bioavailability.

R-Alpha Lipoic Acid  200 mg - agree.

L-Arginine & L-Citrulline - agree, although I often just take Citrulline as it converts to arginine metabolically.

Glucosamine Sulfate 1200 mg - agree, although I take the N-Acetyl form.

Chondroitin Sulfate 800 mg - Agree.

Hyaluronic Acid 120 mg - Agree.

Probiotics - agree, although I use Kefir.

Methylsulfonylmethane  250 mg (vi) - agree, consider raising to 1gram based on recent studies showing benefit for "wrinkles" at this dosage.


Consider adding some polyphenols - blueberry extract, pomegranate, grapeseed extract and low dose green tea extract for example.

I would also consider taking a "prostate health" formula.

Vitamin C + bioflavanoids.


Edited by hamishm00, 23 June 2020 - 06:45 AM.

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#9 hamishm00

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Posted 25 June 2020 - 04:49 AM

Myself, I split supps ~70/30 am/pm @mealtime, based on divided does for some, time of day efficacy for others. Biking days, 30 minutes prior to starting, I take exercise specific supps. I don't cycle most supps, as most I take don't necessitate that. Rationale for all those is a bit too lengthy, sorry.


Oakman - what exercise specific supplements would you recommend for biking.

#10 Oakman

  • Location:CO

Posted 25 June 2020 - 12:38 PM

Oakman - what exercise specific supplements would you recommend for biking.


Good timing! It's been just a year since my last post in this thread. So of course a few changes since. Anyway, before a ride, I have a routine that starts 30-60 minutes before leaving starting with a smoothie. Then I get dressed, check the bike over, put 150 mg of NMN under the tongue, and I'm off.


So, previously, I have compound about 225 grams of the following base mix so as to have it on hand. I've found through experimentation that 12-15 grams seems to be enough (not the ~22 grams shown), and less is better than more, after trying various amounts. The amt to take varies with an individual's weight (mine is 150 lbs) and the exercise length, as my lightweight wife (105 lbs) takes only 6-10 grams. We both do 2-3 hr rides. Spoiler alert... if you take too much, and/or exercise too little to 'use it up', beet red diarrhea can result at a later point in the day. Nothing serious, just colorful!


pre-workout POWDER
INGREDIENTS (grams) per dose
uCellular Casein 4.000
Taurine 0.500
Diosmin & Hesperidin 0.300
D-Ribose 4.000
Nicotinamide 0.500
Niacin 0.100
ALCAR 0.300
L-Citrulline Malate 3.000
Rhodiola Rosea 0.125
Beta-Alanine 1.500
Agmatine 0.500
Red Beet Powder 5.000
MSM 1.800
Sulbutiamine 0.100
Forskolin+Green tea+Cayenne 0.175
White Willow Bark 0.025
Hydroxytyrosol 0.025
Total 21.85 grams
Each day I ride, I weigh out what I need. In a blender, I combine the desired amt of the mix with  ~3 oz. 100% beet juice, 3 oz 100% pomegranate juice,  3-4 oz coconut water, 1 tbsp oil (olive, coconut or similar), and 1/2 green banana. Without going into a lot of detail on the rationale for the mix ingredients, the goal is to enhance NAD+, provide sulphur, NO for the cardiovascular system, and increase aerobic exercise duration & performance in a slow release during the ride. Occasionally, I think it's a bit much of a concoction, but I've got the ingredients on hand, so why not use them, yes?
I've been using this (plus or minus a few ingredients) this year with decent results, typically 15-16 mph average speed over the 2-3 hrs that includes flats and some foothills of the Rocky Mountains. I'm not great with the mountains, but working on improving legs stamina for steeper grades. At 71, I'm feeling strong and like any kid on a bike :). After all, that's what retirement is for...attaining age regression!

Edited by Oakman, 25 June 2020 - 01:30 PM.

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#11 hamishm00

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Posted 28 June 2020 - 07:33 AM


Good timing! It's been just a year since my last post in this thread. So of course a few changes since. Anyway, before a ride, I have a routine that starts 30-60 minutes before leaving starting with a smoothie. Then I get dressed, check the bike over, put 150 mg of NMN under the tongue, and I'm off.


So, previously, I have compound about 225 grams of the following base mix so as to have it on hand. I've found through experimentation that 12-15 grams seems to be enough (not the ~22 grams shown), and less is better than more, after trying various amounts. The amt to take varies with an individual's weight (mine is 150 lbs) and the exercise length, as my lightweight wife (105 lbs) takes only 6-10 grams. We both do 2-3 hr rides. Spoiler alert... if you take too much, and/or exercise too little to 'use it up', beet red diarrhea can result at a later point in the day. Nothing serious, just colorful!


pre-workout POWDER
INGREDIENTS (grams) per dose
uCellular Casein 4.000
Taurine 0.500
Diosmin & Hesperidin 0.300
D-Ribose 4.000
Nicotinamide 0.500
Niacin 0.100
ALCAR 0.300
L-Citrulline Malate 3.000
Rhodiola Rosea 0.125
Beta-Alanine 1.500
Agmatine 0.500
Red Beet Powder 5.000
MSM 1.800
Sulbutiamine 0.100
Forskolin+Green tea+Cayenne 0.175
White Willow Bark 0.025
Hydroxytyrosol 0.025
Total 21.85 grams
Each day I ride, I weigh out what I need. In a blender, I combine the desired amt of the mix with  ~3 oz. 100% beet juice, 3 oz 100% pomegranate juice,  3-4 oz coconut water, 1 tbsp oil (olive, coconut or similar), and 1/2 green banana. Without going into a lot of detail on the rationale for the mix ingredients, the goal is to enhance NAD+, provide sulphur, NO for the cardiovascular system, and increase aerobic exercise duration & performance in a slow release during the ride. Occasionally, I think it's a bit much of a concoction, but I've got the ingredients on hand, so why not use them, yes?
I've been using this (plus or minus a few ingredients) this year with decent results, typically 15-16 mph average speed over the 2-3 hrs that includes flats and some foothills of the Rocky Mountains. I'm not great with the mountains, but working on improving legs stamina for steeper grades. At 71, I'm feeling strong and like any kid on a bike :). After all, that's what retirement is for...attaining age regression!



Thanks for this. That's a formidable pre-workout formula. Any reason for not adding caffeine, given the studies showing it's benefits for exercise performance?

#12 Oakman

  • Location:CO

Posted 28 June 2020 - 11:34 AM

^ Well, we bike in the morning, esp. lately as it has been getting into the nineties. And coffee, and therefore caffeine, is a breakfast staple. On the rare occasion when I don't imbibe any, I do take a bit (200mgs) of caffeine anhydrous, just forgot to put it in there.

#13 DJS

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Posted 12 August 2020 - 08:26 PM

I'm a male, just turned 41.


[MitoQ 10 mg]  --- Pricey. I just stick with 200mg CoQ10

[Nicotinamide Riboside  300 mg] --- I'm skeptical that there's a benefit to NAD boosting for those under 55/60 years old.

[Pterostilbene  50 mg] -- same as in my regimen

[PQQ 20 mg] -- same as in my regimen



[K2 (MK7 &MK2)+D3 (1,000 IU): during winter only] I'm at 3,000iu D3 most of the year except the summer

[Curcubrain (Longvida curcumin extract)  400 mg] I'm at 1000mg curcumin daily

[Glucosamine Sulfate 1200 mg] I'm at 1500mg Glucosamine Sulfate daily

I take a multivitamin once every two weeks.


Other supplements in my stack:

500mg Magnesium daily

30mg zinc

1 B complex

An important one - 3 gram of L Lysine in powder form, split up into (3) 1 gram servings daily.


I've now also done a total of three rounds of fisetin Mayo clinic protocol.

Other more radical interventions I'm considering are a round of D+Q and 6mg of rapamycin once weekly. I have an appointment scheduled with Dr. Green in two weeks to discuss the risk/reward and strategy for taking the plunge with the rapa since it's by far the most "risky" intervention I've ever considered. However, knowing that Peter Attia is on it, and Alex Z is also considering it makes me more open to the possibility.


Other important components of maximizing life span include sleep hygiene, consistent HIIT and cardio, yoga/flexibility, mindfulness (admittedly a work in progress for myself) and fasting, lots of fasting. Generally my window is now 17/7 but I do at least one 24 hour fast every two weeks and I've now completed 3 72 hour fasts over the past two years. Diet is typically paleo and I cycle in and out of ketosis.  Best, Don









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#14 AlxM

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Posted 25 December 2020 - 08:04 PM


I'm a male, just turned 41.


[MitoQ 10 mg]  --- Pricey. I just stick with 200mg CoQ10

[Nicotinamide Riboside  300 mg] --- I'm skeptical that there's a benefit to NAD boosting for those under 55/60 years old.

[Pterostilbene  50 mg] -- same as in my regimen

[PQQ 20 mg] -- same as in my regimen



[K2 (MK7 &MK2)+D3 (1,000 IU): during winter only] I'm at 3,000iu D3 most of the year except the summer

[Curcubrain (Longvida curcumin extract)  400 mg] I'm at 1000mg curcumin daily

[Glucosamine Sulfate 1200 mg] I'm at 1500mg Glucosamine Sulfate daily

I take a multivitamin once every two weeks.


Other supplements in my stack:

500mg Magnesium daily

30mg zinc

1 B complex

An important one - 3 gram of L Lysine in powder form, split up into (3) 1 gram servings daily.


I've now also done a total of three rounds of fisetin Mayo clinic protocol.

Other more radical interventions I'm considering are a round of D+Q and 6mg of rapamycin once weekly. I have an appointment scheduled with Dr. Green in two weeks to discuss the risk/reward and strategy for taking the plunge with the rapa since it's by far the most "risky" intervention I've ever considered. However, knowing that Peter Attia is on it, and Alex Z is also considering it makes me more open to the possibility.


Other important components of maximizing life span include sleep hygiene, consistent HIIT and cardio, yoga/flexibility, mindfulness (admittedly a work in progress for myself) and fasting, lots of fasting. Generally my window is now 17/7 but I do at least one 24 hour fast every two weeks and I've now completed 3 72 hour fasts over the past two years. Diet is typically paleo and I cycle in and out of ketosis.  Best, Don



@DJS:  What brand of NR, Pterostbilene and PQQ are you taking?  Are you taking these daily or cycling on and off? 

#15 AlxM

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Posted 19 October 2021 - 02:25 AM

Consider adding some polyphenols - blueberry extract, pomegranate, grapeseed extract and low dose green tea extract for example.

I would also consider taking a "prostate health" formula.

Vitamin C + bioflavanoids.


Which “prostate health” formula do you take and how often? 


Are any of you guys taking such a formula? 

#16 Heisok

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Posted 19 October 2021 - 04:34 PM

Hi AlxM,


I currently take Life Extension's Ultra Prostate Formula. I have taken whatever their current version of their Prostate formula was for around 20 years. They regularly upgrade the formula. At the time, the Urologist had suggested Flomax to treat.


The issue was I was waking up maybe 5 or more times  per night to urinate, and could not completely empty my bladder each time. I did not notice any decrease in Prostate size until several years ago. Maybe it was due to whatever they had added to the formula.



Here is a discussion of the issue some had:






Ultra prostate Life Extension.png

Edited by Heisok, 19 October 2021 - 04:39 PM.

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#17 ironfistx

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Posted 21 December 2022 - 03:45 AM

Some thoughts below:


MitoQ 10 mg (i) - I'd rather take 200mg Ubiquinol, I'm not convinced low doses of MitoQ are as effective, or as well studied.

Nicotinamide Riboside  300 mg (ii) - agree, 300-450mg NR, alternating with NMN, as I notice "burnout" if I don't cycle these.

Pterostilbene  50 mg (iii) - can raise LDL levels, so I've ditched this, but have kept on with Resveratrol, dissolved in Kefir yoghurt

PQQ 20 mg  (iv) - agree, there is quite a lot of evidence to suggest this is helpful, not lease boosting mito biogenesis, but also for anti-oxidant effect (see some of Dr Ronda Patrick's comments on the Joe Rogan show).

Acetyl-L-Carnitine Arginate  620 mg - not convinced the arginate form is better than ALCAR, but there is an interesting study done on arginate boosting neurogenesis, don't know if this translates across to other ALCAR forms

N-Acetyl Cysteine  500 mg - agree, although concerns with downsides of NAC, consider switching to reduced glutathione.

Biotin  10.000 mcg - agree. I also take this with collagen, hyaluronic acid and glucosamine.


General: detox, antioxidants, cardio, etc.


K2 (MK7 &MK2)+D3 (1,000 IU): during winter only (v) - would take all year round, except careful for MK7 toxicity, keep doses to 100mcg or below

EPA-DHA  600 mg - agree, Krill oil is my preferred source.

Curcubrain (Longvida curcumin extract)  400 mg - agree, I use the Meriva form for bioavailability.

R-Alpha Lipoic Acid  200 mg - agree.

L-Arginine & L-Citrulline - agree, although I often just take Citrulline as it converts to arginine metabolically.

Glucosamine Sulfate 1200 mg - agree, although I take the N-Acetyl form.

Chondroitin Sulfate 800 mg - Agree.

Hyaluronic Acid 120 mg - Agree.

Probiotics - agree, although I use Kefir.

Methylsulfonylmethane  250 mg (vi) - agree, consider raising to 1gram based on recent studies showing benefit for "wrinkles" at this dosage.


Consider adding some polyphenols - blueberry extract, pomegranate, grapeseed extract and low dose green tea extract for example.

I would also consider taking a "prostate health" formula.

Vitamin C + bioflavanoids.

Can you specify mk7 side effects?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: aging, supplements

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