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C60 and Selegiline = God-Mode (for me at least)


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#1 adammann

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Posted 23 June 2019 - 11:09 AM

C60 - I won't mention a brand name, lest anyone think I'm hawking a product, suffice to say it's solvent-free. Do your own research.

Selegiline HCl - Liquid form, 2mg taken sublingually to maximise absorption.


I understand that much of what I say may come across as hyperbole, as I would be wary reading it myself from someone else - but I still thought it valid and useful to put out there.
I am not recommending this as a prescription or course of action to anyone else - more reporting it as a curiosity (an extremely good one, in my case).

It's actually a little difficult because it immediately brings to mind the phrase "If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is"...But in my 20+ years of trying literally hundreds of different supplements & drugs, nothing has had such a markedly positive effect on me, both in mental functioning and effects on the body in general.


I started taking the C60 in isolation first.

I was taking Selegiline before - for the last 2 years (for the purpose of decreasing the inevitable loss of dopaminergic neurons that happens once someone hits their 40's usually). I first learnt of this utility from "Smart Drugs And Nutrients" many years ago. By itself, I felt little of note from it. eg: I never really felt the pro-sexual effects that some reported from it. I was more taking it as a preventative for the future.


Taking the C60 alone gave very noticeable beneficial effects:


-Essentially, everything just "works better".
I feel like I'm in my 20's, in virtually every regard (I'm 44 at time of writing).

-Very noticeably increased mental sharpness - this includes an ability to remain calm under pressure, visualise multiple potential paths of action at once (ala, the main cyclist character in the film "Premium Rush"). This can sometimes be problematic as my patience for others has gone done, especially with spacial tasks, as they come even easier now and if someone is in my way or not doing something I consider easy (parallel parking) I get aggravated quicker.

I find myself consistently being more funny, and just faster thinking in general. Humour comes a lot more easily and faster now.

I'm never on the "back-foot" anymore. Everything is within my control. I feel like I have more RAM in my brain.

-Increased self confidence and ability to verbalise...For example, in the past if I asked a girl out on a date, I'd often be feeling nervous and mix up my words and not phrase myself ideally - that's no longer the case...I feel like I'm actually a "step ahead" of most people in general now.

-I don't ask questions that, really, I know the answer to (eg, back to the subject of girls, if I go on a date and don't hear back afterwards, I don't feel the need to confront them and have it verbalised (I always used to)...I know they're "just not that into me" and I let it go, as there's more important shit to do. This actually goes for everything...there's less of a tendency to engage in pointless minutiae on FB, Twitter, anywhere. Call it snobbish or egotistical, but I feel above most of that (and people like that) now.
I feel like I'm operating on a higher level.

-Increased alcohol tolerance and minimisation of negative effects from it.
While I haven't had hangovers in 20 years thanks to a variety of mitigation strategies I've successfully employed over the years (preloading with N-acetylcysteine, Silymarin, Magnesium, Thiamine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine) ...the whole drinking experience just feels decidedly "cleaner" now - and I sober up (subjectively at least) decidedly quicker now.

-Increased enjoyment listening to music

-Less lactic acid burn from workouts and an ability to push harder, if I so choose. I notice faster recovery from workouts. DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) has decreased from 48+ hours to 24 in most cases.

-Do better with less sleep (or more-so, in my case, I sleep the same (6-6.5 hours)), but function perfectly well on that. I seldom ever feel tired, at all.

-Increased sense of smell and thus enjoyment of food.
My sense of smell had been essentially crap for probably 20 years, but it's much more sensitive now.

- Increased effect from same dose of nicotine ...But, less wired feeling from same dose of caffeine. I normally take ~200mg theanine with strong coffee as caffeine usually makes me edgy - but this edginess is much less noticeable while on C60.

-Physically, long term injuries (I had a dodgy knee, etc) are far less noticeable.
In particular reference to the knee, until I started the C60, there would be multiple times a week where my knee would either "bow out" of just move in a way it really shouldn't - such that if I was to, for example, attempt something extreme like parkour, it could easily "blow-out" into a major injury. But everything just feels far more "stable" now. Haven't had a knee wobble in a month.



...addition of the Seligiline specifically amplified the beneficial mental effects I was already getting from the C60 to another level.
It imparted a massive boost in general positivity.
There are times I truly feel "God-like" now. Like I'm tuned-in to things I just did not process before. I feel a sense of awakening.
I feel like I am entering a new stage of evolution - beyond the RAM upgrade for the brain I mentioned before, it's like my "operating system" is being defragged, re-written and optiised.


While I would by no means compare it realistically to what was portrayed in the film, "Limitless", it has had a drastically positive effect on me.
While I doubt there has been any tangible change in my IQ (it's been 135 the 2 times I've measured it over the last 20 years- spaced many years apart), I would say it was potentially benefited my EQ and possibly other types of intelligence (eg, musical). My spatial awareness has definitely increased.


It's like the volume knob has been turned up on all the good things about my life and the gratitude is overwhelming - I feel this incredible sense of promise. I feel hopeful...excited...fearless...frankly unstoppable.


I "tune-in" in to beautiful things far more now. Instead of seeing particularly nice colours in a sunset and going "Huh - nice" and looking away immediately, now I'll be like "Fuck..." and just keep staring for minutes.


I was a strong introvert before, and for the most part kept to myself. I am far more inclined to engage with others now. I've noticed in particular that I shy away a lot less when it comes to eye contact now. My personality is genuinely changing.
I have asked 3 girls out on dates in the last couple of weeks, which is quite out of character for me.
Before I would have talked myself out of doing it, but now I'm like "Fuck it - here goes...".


I can feel my eyes differently. Like there's an extreme intensity or awareness to my gaze.


I've noticed a "Dr.Dolittle effect" with animals. I imagine primarily from the increased confidence, outgoingness and empathy...I go for daily walks and there are various animals along the way (horses, goats, llamas, etc). I have tried numerous times before to engage some of them (the goats in particular) but they always shied away - now they come up to the fence and try to lick my hands. Part of this may be due to the fact that I am just more aware of how I need to move to make them comfortable...but the fact remains that in the past I was just not aware and did not do this.

My own cat at home, who is notoriously stuck-up and snooty, has taken to come and jump on my lap and gaze into my eyes.


The most striking effect, and the one I am eternally greatful for is the effect it has had on music for me.

I have had a life-long interest in music, and written my own for 20+ years. However, in the last probably 10 years I've stopped listening to it like I used to. I just wasn't driven to, and it didn't affect me like it used to (to the point where I was investigating nootropics as a means of possibly rekindling some interest (nothing worked))...The C60 alone improved the experience of listening to music, but with the addition of Selegiline, music (good music) affects me in a very strong way...To the point where it brings me to tears at times.

It has become virtually a religious experience for me now. Particularly really well-harmonised vocals. It moves me in a way I can't explain. I find myself dancing around at home or pushing the headphones tighter to my skull to hear certain sections more intensely.

The last few weeks I often just lay down in the dark for hours with my headphones on and just bliss-out to tunes :wub:

I haven't done that for a decade.

Adding a couple of drinks to this and I'm just in another world.


My guess is that, even though I considered myself in excellent health beforehand, that there was a level of inflammation in my brain I wasn't even consciously aware of that the C60 is nullifying and thus the Selegiline is now able to exert a truly noticeable and beneficial effect on my dopaminergic system - hence the strongly increased motivation, drive and enjoyment from life.

So yeah, that's where I'm at.
I hope it lasts.
Anyone else use that mix and get a similar effect?

Edited by adammann, 23 June 2019 - 11:12 AM.

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#2 AdamI

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Posted 23 June 2019 - 11:17 AM

Selegiline HCl makes so u get more dopamine that makes u get more testestorone and also more serotonin. Serotonin makes one feel like one is the best and a really good feeling. But u know it's still like taking a happy pill. Your brain chemistry will be distorted and the brain will start producing less dopamin and serotonin after awhile due to the levels in the brain are higher than what it aims for. So if u end Selegiline HCl u might crash hard and get a depression.
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#3 adammann

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Posted 23 June 2019 - 11:30 AM

Given I took Selegiline for 2 years (and it's a comparatively low dose) with no crash or depression I don't see that happening just because C60 was added.

#4 orion22

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Posted 29 June 2019 - 12:49 PM

wow you got high major breakthrough

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#5 QuestforLife

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Posted 01 July 2019 - 12:53 PM

Thank for your report. The benefits of C60 never lasted for me even though I experienced some of the same effects you report; the same goes for various antioxidant combinations and NMN - so it will be interesting to note if your combination allows the benefits to persist.

#6 8bitmore

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Posted 04 July 2019 - 09:45 PM

C60 - I won't mention a brand name, lest anyone think I'm hawking a product, suffice to say it's solvent-free. Do your own research.

Selegiline HCl - Liquid form, 2mg taken sublingually to maximise absorption.



Two questions for you re. C60; a) what dosage levels have you tried out C60 wise (in ml) and b) at what concentration (appreciate you do not want to share the brand but having details would be useful). Also, regarding the liquid form of deprenyl/selegiline, it is just not easy (for me, YMMV) to find at reasonable price - have you tried tablets and if so did they work as well as the liquid for you?

Thanks for the write-up, always appreciate when people share their personal "golden ticket" :)

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#7 Phoebus

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Posted 05 July 2019 - 02:00 AM

PLease go ahead and mention the brand of C60, I would appreciate it, thanks 

#8 DJDbol

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Posted 23 September 2019 - 10:48 PM

This seems like a superior anti aging combo.

#9 8bitmore

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Posted 01 November 2019 - 09:12 PM

Personal Experience Update: replicated this setup with varying dosage of C60 and Selegiline over a month and experienced absolutely nothing spectacular. Have long term experience with Selegiline and it's upsides & downsides and neither end of that spectrum seem to be modulated by C60.


Always appreciate it when others post specific sources and dosages used for their adventures so here are mine: dosed between 1 to 5ml of C60 daily from second link mentioned in first post here: https://www.longecit...e-oil-supplier/ along with 5mg Selegiline tabs (used in 1.25, 2.5 and 5mg doses daily) made by Intas. 

Edited by 8bitmore, 01 November 2019 - 09:44 PM.

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#10 orion22

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Posted 02 November 2019 - 12:42 AM

even saw he didnt report iq increase so it could have all been placebo effect i think i felt something when i replicated this by increasing BDNF and NGF than take the c60, NO Selegiline but shod be same thing but it wasn t that great at worst placebo effect at best a little more happy dosen t matter either way

prob 20 m, of c60 used tried it 2 times

i want to try noopept and c60 when i get some more c60 

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