I'm only 23 years old but my skin looks about 10 years older than what it did just about 2 years ago. Before I was always told that I looked younger than my age and had to show ID all the time.
Now I look so disgusting and ugly :( with a lot fine lines and wrinkles under my eyes and just really overall disgusting and saggy skin and it's killing me. I've lost so much elastin and collagen it's crazy.
I abused benzodiazapines and z-drugs such as zoplicone and ambien along with alcohol, weed and tobacco for years to make myself look this horrible. Most of my rapid aging tho came from when I was in a severe drug withdrawal off from benzos and didn't sleep a single night for 2 weeks straight (I'm not exegerating I legit almost died).
I haven't looked the same since and even though I'm finally almost done with my benzo taper and quit smoking both weed and tobacco and rarely drink and sleep a lot better now I only notice very slight barely noticable positive changes in my skin.
I'm very depressed over the fact that I have permantely destroyed my looks at such a young age forever over some bad desicions I made when I was barely a legal adult and couldn't think straight.
Is there anything I can do? Or is plastic surgery + Co2 laser/chemical peels and perhaps a facelift the only realistic way for me to look the same again?
I really hate being in my early 20's and have skin that looks like someone in their mid 30's it makes me wanna kill myself.