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Getting into nootropics and stacks - seeking advice

nootropics stacks supplements brain health motivation energy focus

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#1 joeblow

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Posted 08 July 2019 - 01:07 AM

Hi everyone!


I'm pretty new to the forum and getting into nootropics and working out which ones are for me, and what stacks are the best. I live in Australia so there are lots of restrictions on importing and getting access to some of the more popular nootropics - such as racetams and similar, modafinal, noopept - so I'm keen to know what you look for in your

stack is somewhere for me to start my research from!


I'm a mid-30s male who is in the military so work is reasonably active and physical, as well as mentally challenging. Overall I am looking to keep my brain function into my old age, as well as be more motivated, energetic, have better focus and have better memory. I started looking at nootropics because I don't think we (me) are getting the right stuff from what we eat to maximise ourselves, and I want to be able to perform better at work. 


What do you guys/girls look for in a stack? Do you generally make them yourselves or buy a pre-made stack from a brand/company? Is there stuff that you avoid, and why? And how did you all get in to nootropics? I feel like I'm the only one of my friends interested in it!



#2 Automail

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Posted 08 July 2019 - 04:40 AM

I strongly suggest you find out what mineral/vitamin you personally might have. After all-a health body, a health mind. Where to start, since you're Australian, I would imagine that these articles may apply to you and your diet: calcium, iodine, iron, vitamin D, vitamin C and magnesium


For me, I like to look into growth factors for neurology because their effects are longer lasting and honestly more beneficial than modulators (like receptor agonists/antagonists). After, of course, bare necessities like vitamins and omega-3/6. Growth factors are specific proteins that induce certain cells to action of multiplying or dividing in number, including cells in the brain. 

It's been my experience that peptides work better than many nootropics, and I believe they're legal in your country to possess some, however, you might run into trouble with customs if you order outside of Au.

The first one I would say to try is a Semax spray, it raises BDNF, which should help you to keep your wits as you age.

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#3 joeblow

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Posted 09 July 2019 - 12:22 AM

Great, thanks for the reply!


I hadn't thought of it that way - so you are looking at how to repair / maintain the brain, rather than brain chemicals that are needed for function but often lacking in diet?


I'll have to look into peptides - I think you might need a perscription? One of our football teams had a huge scandal a few years ago because the coach was giving them peptides and apparently that's prohibited (unsure if prohibited by law or the football codes). 


I'll have a look into Semax and BDNF as I've never heard of it! Thanks!

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#4 Automail

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Posted 15 July 2019 - 01:05 PM

you are looking at how to repair / maintain the brain, rather than brain chemicals that are needed for function but often lacking in diet?


I'll have to look into peptides - I think you might need a prescription? 

Kind of. With neurotrophic growth factors, they should improve one's intellectual capabilities above their baseline in addition to repairing & maintaining the brain. That's the primary scope of what I'm looking for in nootropics, things like vitamins, while essential, are secondary to me


What I meant by "modulators". I'm referring to supplements like racetams -which temporarily act on the acetylcholine receptors- or modafinil on orexin receptors or l-theanine on GABA receptor.

They have their place, but growth factors, in my opinion, are more beneficial than those mechanisms of action.


You might need a prescription, but from sites like Austropeptides, you may not...?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nootropics, stacks, supplements, brain health, motivation, energy, focus

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