Thymus regeneration? You’ll correct me if I’m wrong, or someone will, but I don’t think Dr. Fahy’s results panned so well as anticipated. Am I misinformed? Tell me. Because I’m not totally clear what’s going on with their thymus regeneration efforts since to my knowledge they’ve not released data from their very small scale trials.
I’d love to learn more. And others are working to restore the thymus — all of this is good news, imho.
Meanwhile, From Fahy's patent:
“The regimen for administering human growth hormone and DHEA or their equivalents for the rejuvenation of the thymus is as described above in the preferred embodiment.
“The regimen should be continued preferably for 1-3 months.
“For best results, this regimen can be supplemented with other immune-system strengthening agents, particularly coenzyme Q10 (10-200 mg/day), Vitamin E (200-1000 IU/day) and zinc (30-100 mg/day). Further, chromium picolinate (100-1000 micrograms/day) may be used to supplement DHEA/DHEA-sulfate.
“First, insulin sensitizing (and therefore lowering) agents other than DHEA and its above-described relatives can be employed in place of DHEA. Chromium picolinate and similar formulae involving chromium (such as “GTF” or glucose tolerance factor preparations available in health food stores) and phenformin represent the only known members of this class of agents. As in the case of DHEA, the appropriate dose is to be adjusted based on the insulin-lowering response attained in a particular patient. Chromium picolinate is particularly exciting because of its low toxicity, its ability to extend the life span of animals by 50%
“Consequently, a third choice for thymic regeneration is to use 30-130 mg/day of zinc plus 200-1000 IU/day of Vitamin E plus 10-200 mg/day of coenzyme Q10 for 1-3 months. This approach will be desirable when HGH and DHEA or their equivalents cannot be used for any reason.
“...a surgeon skilled at thymic biopsy retrieval injects into the thymus an appropriate sample of the tissue or organ to be transplanted later, or injects any other donor-specific cells or antigens (for example, bone marrow cells) that are the immunological equivalent of the tissue itself in stimulating deletion or anergy of the cells otherwise responsible for later rejecting the transplanted tissue or organ.”
While we wait, I’m not advising this, but here’s one possible (but probably ineffective) strategy to regrow that thing:
1: Baseline—begin 15 gm/day administration of arginine;
2: Day 7—begin 180 mg/day DHEA;
3: Day 14—begin 15 gm arginine every other day or 7.5 g/day; and
4: Day 21—end of experiment, no arginine administered the previous night.
--DHEA equivalent dose of 50-2000 mg, more preferably 50-1000 mg/day...
I need references, don’t I, and seem to have lost them. Keep digging, folks, the health and regrowth of your thymus is super important.