Take your own: http://www.imminst.o...=post&id=103211
I know this is a very primitive and unexact way to determine neurotransmitter levels, but I think it's interesting regardless.
Here are my "nature" results: Dopamine 33
Acetylcholine 30
Serotonin 16
Deficiency results: Dopamine 5
Acetylcholine 12
GABA 36!!
Serotonin 20
According to them: Anything above 15 requires immediate professional help.
This may explain why I am enjoy theanine supplementation so much, but I have a HUGE tolerance (600-800mg to feel anything) for it that causes it to be way too expensive for me. I've become fascinated by Ashwaghanda and its neurogenesis ability, but I also found an article that says it may be a GABA inhibitor: http://www.ncbi.nlm....l=pubmed_docsum
I've always had depressive/anxiety bouts and have very, very relucantly decided to try an antidepressant. I've decided to go with the lowest possible dose (20mg) of the SNRI Cymbalta, which also may help with fatigue by inhibiting norephedrine, and 500 mg of Ashwaghanda.
Overall, I'm pretty excited at the prospect of helping my overall mood with only a tiny amount of cymbalta and , as far as I can tell, a safe herb in Ashwaghanda. I'm going with the idea that neurogenesis of the hippocampus may lead to an ability to somewhat permanently cure depression through neurogenesis. Cymbalta will help with serotonin while Ashwaghanda helps with GABA.