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RAADfest 2019

raadfest 2019 las vegas

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#61 motorcitykid

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Posted 15 November 2019 - 07:37 PM

Try this link.

As you can hear, he just pushed his book(s) - nothing of substance shared beside being on a LCHF/keto diet.

He is definitely on all of the mentioned things and then some - no one in his 70s can achieve this otherwise.


That's pretty clear to me I'm glad it is to you as well. 

#62 Mind

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Posted 28 November 2019 - 11:40 AM

Here is a list of the sponsors and exhibitors at RAADfest 2019 along with brief descriptions of what they specialize in: https://custom.cvent...69662be739f.pdf


Compared to last year, there we fewer "speculative" (marginally scientific) vendors. It is interesting to see some of the more "wild" ideas in longevity (don't forget, the placebo effect can deliver positive outcomes), but I was happy to see more companies grinding through bio-technologies that can be proven in a lab or clinical setting.

#63 Mind

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Posted 06 December 2019 - 09:18 PM

Mind,I look to this website as a source of generally reliable information to be considered,  particularly regarding moderators. You as a moderator can't truly believe that the so called T-boosters in Cenegenix is responsible for this mans physique.. can you?? It's akin to attributing the physique of Arnold Schwarzenegger to Joe Weider's muscle builder shakes. 


Dude, I was just trying to say it politely. There was probably some testosterone-boosting "stuff" in the Cenegenix supplement.

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#64 Mind

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Posted 06 December 2019 - 09:30 PM

Another group of passionate life extension advocates hail from Russia and have formed Open Longevity: http://eng.openlongevity.org/


I interviewed Mikhail Baten and Anastasia Egorova at RAADfest 2019 and found out a little more about Open Longevity. Now on the podcast page.


A funny side-story. Mikhail has been involved in public demonstrations and protests in Moscow (promoting radical life extension). During one demonstration he was beaten and arrested by the police. At RAADfest (in Las Vegas), he asked me what would happen if we demonstrated for life extension in the street. I told him that if a couple hundred people from the conference went out on Las Vegas boulevard, held signs, and blocked traffic, the police would show up and tell us we had to stop otherwise we would be arrested and fined. If we didn't leave then they would eventually put us in zip-tie handcuffs, take us to the county/city jail/courthouse, give us a $100 fine and let us go. Mikhail looked at me and asked "That's it?!". He then said, "why aren't we doing this right now!?". He was especially adamant about doing a demonstration after I told him that we would get a lot of local media coverage for such an impromptu protest and we wouldn't even have to contact the media ahead of time - they would just show up.

#65 motorcitykid

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Posted 07 December 2019 - 02:24 AM

Dude, I was just trying to say it politely. There was probably some testosterone-boosting "stuff" in the Cenegenix supplement.

Mind, first let me thank you for the updates and info you're bringing us from Raadfest - some good resources here.


Now, I don't want to beat a dead horse on this subject but you inferred in your initial post re: Dr. Life that he achieved his chiseled physique by using "more natural approaches" which is clearly misleading bunk. This lead to myself expressing my complete disbelief and Airbadabar expressing it as well. Can we just agree that for whatever reason you made a foolish error in what you shared re; the Dr. Life post and move on.

#66 Mind

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Posted 07 December 2019 - 12:23 PM

Mind, first let me thank you for the updates and info you're bringing us from Raadfest - some good resources here.


Now, I don't want to beat a dead horse on this subject but you inferred in your initial post re: Dr. Life that he achieved his chiseled physique by using "more natural approaches" which is clearly misleading bunk. This lead to myself expressing my complete disbelief and Airbadabar expressing it as well. Can we just agree that for whatever reason you made a foolish error in what you shared re; the Dr. Life post and move on.


My post was poorly written. Read it again. The picture of his physique is from a decade ago, when he was taking something that boosted testosterone (most likely). He does not look like that anymore. When I asked him about what he was trying lately (assuming more radical interventions - because he was at RAADfest), he said (in his recent book as well) that he was doing keto and more natural things.

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#67 motorcitykid

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Posted 07 December 2019 - 02:44 PM

My post was poorly written. Read it again. The picture of his physique is from a decade ago, when he was taking something that boosted testosterone (most likely). He does not look like that anymore. When I asked him about what he was trying lately (assuming more radical interventions - because he was at RAADfest), he said (in his recent book as well) that he was doing keto and more natural things.


Gotchya, point taken.

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