I have been successful in lowering my blood pressure to what it was when I was ~40 years younger. I look younger, with diminished wrinkles, more hair color and other age-reversal barometers, as told to me, without prompting, by others. I've been told by a very critical-minded person that I look "...20 years younger..." than my siblings.
Degenerative changes that I haven't been able to resolve significantly are disc degeneration (mostly cervical), radiculopathy, and parasthesia (numbness and tingling) in one hand.
David Sinclair's various videos give me hope that specific use of CRISPR technology may eventually resolve these problems, once it becomes available to the public (or the wealthy).
Trodusquemine, which salamanders employ to grow new limbs, is in human clinical trials for other medical conditions.
I see little (to no?) discussion of regeneration of the spine in these forums.
Certainly, I can't be the only one that has a personal interest in this.
Perhaps others will chime in with their thoughts on effective strategies. Please give this consideration.