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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans


Aubrey Updates on Antiaging Progress and Timing

aubrey antiaging rejuvenation biotechnology framework

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#1 Engadin

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Posted 02 November 2019 - 07:37 PM










F U L L   T E X T   S O U R C E :    NextBigFuture








In his talk at Ending Age-Related Diseases 2019, Estimating the True Complexity of Comprehensive Rejuvenation, SENS founder Aubrey de Grey talks about the intricacies of creating a complete rejuvenation biotechnology framework, including the differing rates of age-related damage and the ramifications of the extensive crosstalk between different types of this damage.

The reason for grouping aging damage into seven categories was to group them based upon the likely mechanism for repair. Immune therapy work against Alzheimer’s amyloid. The same immune therapy should work against amyloid in hearts and the cardiac system. The amyloid problem for the cardiac system is a leading killer of supercentenarians.
There have been new forms of aging damage found over the past twenty or so years since Aubrey de Grey came up with the SENS theory of antiaging. However, the new damage fit into the existing categories identified by Aubrey. This may not always be the case.
Most types of aging damage are multi-step processes. There are intermediate products that are repairable.
If we are able to fix and prevent irreparable damage, we will be enabling the pre-damage repair systems to again get ahead of damage accumulation.
There seems to be more overall antiaging benefit from fixing one category. The removal of senescent cells has made mice broadly younger. This could make radical antiaging more feasible.
Aubrey argues we do need to get a better assessment of how difficult and complex achieving longevity escape velocity is. This will help us prioritize the most promising areas and determine if other approaches should also get emphasis.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: aubrey, antiaging, rejuvenation, biotechnology framework

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