I have been looking at threads of group buys in this forum and I think the situation with group buys in nootropics community is a huge mess. No group buys of experimental drugs are organized publicly outside of longecity. But even on longecity, group buy threads get lost, there is not even a clear category to post them to. And I see some of them end up being fucking scams, which furthermore diminish the nootropic spirit of experimentation.
There are so many interesting substances to try! Antalarmin crh antagonist, larazotide as a zonulin inhibitor for leaky gut/celiac, rintatolimod for chronic fatigue, Neboglamine, which I just found, for proven memory enhancement.
The best idea to solve the situation would be to have a centralized group buy system, administered by moderators of this forum. They could add a slight percentage increase in price for the time spent administering group buys. Deals with reliable chemical synthesis companies could be made. Due to authority behind centralization, volunteers could be nearly guaranteed to not be scammed. This way more experimentation would be done, more useful nootropics/drugs would be found and society as a whole would be improved.
Edited by gintrux, 27 November 2019 - 06:56 PM.