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Help me find me cause of my dysplasia

cause cancer

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#1 Preventionisthekey

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Posted 30 November 2019 - 09:31 AM

Hello, 2 years ago i got a strange lump on my hard palate,  I went to an ENT and he instantly refer me to a cancer center, it was my worst experience in my life, this cancer center is the biggest in Europe ( Institut gustave roussy) 

I  saw horrible thing like child with cancer or mutiled people due to cancer treatment 

The professor did a biopsy and his student gave me result in person  3 weeks later   : 


- Mild to moderate ATYPIA 

- Impossible to know if its  dysplasia 

- regenerative or reactive character is difficult to assert


His student didnt replied to my question and  was very evasive , the only question  she answered  was " is it a cancer ?" he replied " not at all but you need to come here every 6 month and if something go wrong  we already know how to deal with it " 

i never returned but i did the follow up with my ENT  and they were fine with it 


As an hypocondriac it was one of  the worst scenario possible for me , i will see my ent  in 1 week and will ask him to contact this cancer center in order to gather more information 


now im looking to determine the cause , i hope you can help me ! 


my history :


- horrbile diet, no vegetables, no fruits, a lot of soda and processed food for years  

- Gerd  

- chronic inflammated mouth every morning for years 

- anxiety inducing immunosuppression : i got shingles one day but its because i didnt sleep for  3 days and my anxiety level were extreme ! 

- multiple oral sexe  : i dont know if  my biopsy i got tested for hpv ,  i just found this " PAS  coloration didnt show any pathogenic agent " 

- poor orall hygiene and a lot of dental work since my chidhood 

- Positive ANA LEVEL( marker for autoimmune disease) but  my dr told me its not significant in my case 

- history of cancer : my mom got breast cancer at 45 years old ,she lived  to 65 years old with it 


if someone can help me,it would be great ! 




what i will do now ?


- see an ent ,he will remove the area where the lesion occur and send it to a laboratory 

- take  anti inflammatory : curcumin and low dose aspirin 

- drink plenty of water

- take supplement : vitamin a ,b,c , d ,zinc,selenium ... 

- flavonoid : genistein , quercetin , luteolin,egcg  all of them show activity against oral cancer

- drug : metformin   : has been shown to reverse dysplasia 

- diet ;  stop sugar,avoid processed food


Edited by Preventionisthekey, 30 November 2019 - 09:43 AM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: cause, cancer

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