I see people here taking a lot. I take 500mg daily. Describe why I need more.

Posted 02 December 2019 - 03:38 AM
Posted 03 December 2019 - 07:22 AM
14 milligrams per 1 kilogram per day, so about 1000mg a day. Normally, this would have to happen via food, which is now no longer possible, however, due to the overall change in the food, including the fruits and vegetables, which is why artificial vitamin C must be consulted.
Posted 08 December 2019 - 01:16 AM
How did you get that number? What is the reason food doesn't have vitamin C? Do you take the 1000mg at once?
Edited by ironfistx, 08 December 2019 - 01:36 AM.
Posted 21 December 2019 - 04:18 AM
Large doses of Vitamin C and E reduce the cancer fighting benefit of exercise.
In short, exercise creates a lot of oxidative stress which can be good but huge doses of anti-oxidants negate that benefit.
IMHO, get your daily vitamin C/E from food (mostly vegetables.) Save the supplement mega dose of vitamin C for when you, or those in your household, are sick.
Posted 21 December 2019 - 08:52 PM
If our GULO vitamin C synthesis gene was functional, we would be synthesizing multiple grams multiple times a day.
But we can get by with very little vitamin C, although I do believe larger dosages are more beneficial.
Posted 21 December 2019 - 09:28 PM
the upper level intake for vitamin C is 2g/day and she have 15 day half life.
so she will Accumulates to 60g then stop (because you will lost 2g/day in that time, that you took it already)
in some months ago i took 8g/day for 4 days, my skin went so soft and smooth, i was looking so cute , but it doesn't product any psychology effect, so i stopped.
Posted 21 December 2019 - 10:40 PM
Need for ascorbic acid is very individual. With chronic diseases it can go up dramatically. And in that way is even indicating the severity of disease: http://www.doctoryou.../titration.html
TABLE I - USUAL BOWEL TOLERANCE DOSES GRAMS ASCORBIC ACID NUMBER OF DOSES CONDITION PER 24 HOURS PER 24 HOURS normal 4 - 15 4 - 6 mild cold 30 - 60 6 - 10 severe cold 60 - 100+ 8 - 15 influenza 100 - 150 8 - 20 ECHO, coxsackievirus 100 - 150 8 - 20 mononucleosis 150 - 200+ 12 - 25 viral pneumonia 100 - 200+ 12 - 25 hay fever, asthma 15 - 50 4 - 8 environmental and food allergy 0.5 - 50 4 - 8 burn, injury, surgery 25 - 150+ 6 - 20 anxiety, exercise and other mild stresses 15 - 25 4 - 6 cancer 15 - 100 4 - 15 ankylosing spondylitis 15 - 100 4 - 15 Reiter's syndrome 15 - 60 4 - 10 acute anterior uveitis 30 - 100 4 - 15 rheumatoid arthritis 15 - 100 4 - 15 bacterial infections 30 - 200+ 10 - 25 infectious hepatitis 30 - 100 6 - 15 candidiasis 15 - 200+ 6 - 25 FIGURE 1. REPRESENTATIVE DOSES TO TREAT ACUTE SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE IN PATIENTS VERY TOLERANT TO ASCORBIC ACID
In my case found by experimenting to tolerate 50g spread thoughout the day. According to above table already my rhinitis explains it. And with a sneezing-fit a teaspoon of ascorbic acid immetiately stops it. However, I used in average about 24 g/d mainly agains PAD causing a walking-disabilty for the last 11 years, according to the recommendations of Linus Pauling (together with all other nutrients he recommends). Painfree-walking distance improved already from 3-400 meter to 2 hrs the first 2-3 years. In an other 3 years remission from the walking-disabilty.
I see people here taking a lot. I take 500mg daily. Describe why I need more.
You may not need more. And if you would, I would recommend to take it only as pure ascorbic acid powder, to avoid all the binder and filler usually found in pills and capsules, and which at very high amounts are not healthy.
Edited by pamojja, 21 December 2019 - 10:43 PM.
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