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H2O2 therapy may boost IQ by reversing minor O2 starvation

hydrogen peroxide h2o2 therapy oxygen therapy brain damage reversing brain damage oxygen starvation the one minute cure depression

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#1 Seganfredo

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Posted 27 December 2019 - 11:33 PM

The following excerpt is from Cavanaugh's book The One Minute Cure:


Reversing Everyday Brain Damage

Another potential benefit of using hydrogen peroxide is the reversal of the typical “slight brain damage” caused by gradual oxygen deprivation. If you live in a city where the air is oxygen-deficient, or you have an oxygen-depleting lifestyle, chances are, your brain’s function has been compromised to one extent or another. Most people undergo gradual oxygen starvation without even knowing it.

Chronically unnoticed lack of oxygen causes many inexplicable illnesses such as depression, lack of energy, irritability, malaise, impaired judgment and a host of other health problems. Hydrogen peroxide administration restores an ample supply of oxygen to the brain, reverses the brain damage, and boosts energy, improves memory, alertness, concentration and even IQ.


BS or great idea, who knows without trying. Any thoughts and, most importantly, experience with the hydrogen peroxide therapy itself are welcome.

Merry belated Xmas and may the 2020's be the best decade in our lives.
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#2 Seganfredo

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Posted 27 December 2019 - 11:42 PM

PS., I'll be posting results of the therapy as soon as I return to the city after NYE and try this experiment to reap these benefits myself (and, everything going perfectly smoothly, with my whole family).

Edited by Seganfredo, 27 December 2019 - 11:43 PM.

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#3 BasicBiO

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Posted 28 December 2019 - 10:01 PM

Good luck and be careful. I did the h2o2 "cleanse" protocol many years ago.  Benefits start manifesting right away but then the detox symptoms kick in..and they are deeply unpleasant.

#4 Seganfredo

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Posted 29 December 2019 - 12:19 AM

Hey Basic, thanks for the response.

From all the cases of people that have done the protocol rarely do I hear about detox symptoms. Usually they are all ecstatic about having done it, period.
Would you share your experience, and equally important, do you know of any serious side effects?

#5 Hip

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Posted 31 December 2019 - 03:20 AM

Who knows without trying

Any author who claims the following is a quack:

The One-Minute Cure reveals a remarkable, scientifically proven natural therapy that creates an environment within the body where disease cannot thrive, thus enabling the body to cure itself of disease.

That is a scientifically illiterate statement.

Edited by Hip, 31 December 2019 - 03:24 AM.

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#6 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 31 December 2019 - 03:08 PM

I note that he says "another potential benefit".  Every substance out there has a myriad of "potential benefits".  All we need is the evidence.  


Where's Cavanaugh's evidence?


Certainly a potential problem with H202 is it's great propensity to damage organic tissue via oxidation.  


Over the years I've seen immense quackery with respect to H202.  It has been supposed to cure arthritis, HIV infection, coronary disease, Alzheimer's, etc.  You name it, and at some point some quack has claimed that H202 cures it.  It's all very nice except for any substantial evidence that any of that is true.


When you see one compound that is claimed to cure a plethora of unrelated diseases, your bullshit detector should start to beep imploringly.








Edited by Daniel Cooper, 31 December 2019 - 03:08 PM.

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#7 Oakman

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Posted 31 December 2019 - 05:42 PM

How Peddlers of ‘Food-Grade’ Hydrogen Peroxide Exploit the Sick and the Desperate


"Doctors who treat those who’ve ingested the chemical say the rapid release of oxygen can be deadly. “Hydrogen peroxide at any concentration, if drank, reacts with a natural enzyme in the body — catalase — and produces very high volumes of oxygen,” said Byrne. “That oxygen has to go somewhere and the volume is so high that you physically can’t just burp it out. It crosses the membrane of the GI tract into the blood vessels and those resultant bubbles block up the blood vessels, leading to heart attacks, strokes, and other complications.”



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#8 Seganfredo

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Posted 01 January 2020 - 03:43 PM

Good thing we got the selfless pharmaceutical industry with nothing but safe and effective interventions to save us all.

How Peddlers of ‘Food-Grade’ Hydrogen Peroxide Exploit the Sick and the Desperate

"Doctors who treat those who’ve ingested the chemical say the rapid release of oxygen can be deadly. “Hydrogen peroxide at any concentration, if drank, reacts with a natural enzyme in the body — catalase — and produces very high volumes of oxygen,” said Byrne. “That oxygen has to go somewhere and the volume is so high that you physically can’t just burp it out. It crosses the membrane of the GI tract into the blood vessels and those resultant bubbles block up the blood vessels, leading to heart attacks, strokes, and other complications.”


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#9 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 01 January 2020 - 03:47 PM

Good thing we got the selfless pharmaceutical industry with nothing but safe and effective interventions to save us all.


What does the one have to do with the other?


You could use the statement above to justify taking hemlock.  After all, it wasn't produced by the dastardly pharmaceutical industry, right?


You'll find few friends of big pharma here, but that is utterly unrelated with whether consuming H2O2 is a good idea or even safe.


But, by all means, carry on.

#10 Seganfredo

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Posted 01 January 2020 - 04:20 PM

Did I respond to you? No. It was to the "How Peddlers of ‘Food-Grade’ Hydrogen Peroxide Exploit the Sick and the Desperate". Maybe the poster didn't try to say "whatever's not on the big pharma menu and hasn't got statistical evidence that costs millions isn't worth the time", but then it'd be for him to explain himself. While I do know there is a trillion-dollars-per-year vested interest going against the success of non-patented cheap interventions, I do think evidence - of safety, first of all - is highly needed. But no one can be naive enough to think it'll come from the same vested interest or in the format they've shaped and police. And that's why it's so hard for me to take half seriously anyone who automatically won't support all things that don't come from or aren't approved by their drug overlords.

What does the one have to do with the other?

You could use the statement above to justify taking hemlock. After all, it wasn't produced by the dastardly pharmaceutical industry, right?

You'll find few friends of big pharma here, but that is utterly unrelated with whether consuming H2O2 is a good idea or even safe.

But, by all means, carry on.

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#11 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 01 January 2020 - 04:27 PM

Did I respond to you? No. It was to the "How Peddlers of ‘Food-Grade’ Hydrogen Peroxide Exploit the Sick and the Desperate". Maybe the poster didn't try to say "whatever's not on the big pharma menu and hasn't got statistical evidence that costs millions isn't worth the time", but then it'd be for him to explain himself. While I do know there is a trillion-dollars-per-year vested interest going against the success of non-patented cheap interventions, I do think evidence - of safety, first of all - is highly needed. But no one can be naive enough to think it'll come from the same vested interest or in the format they've shaped and police. And that's why it's so hard for me to take half seriously anyone who automatically won't support all things that don't come from or aren't approved by their drug overlords.



Everything you've written above has nothing to do with whether there is any evidence that H202 treats any disease or is a safe thing to do, which is of course the topic of this thread.


Saying that "big pharma behaves badly" (which I agree with) in no way supports using H202 for anything.


We try to at least make some effort here to support proposed therapies with some sort of evidence.  You might give it a try.

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#12 Oakman

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Posted 01 January 2020 - 04:51 PM

Did I respond to you? No. It was to the "How Peddlers of ‘Food-Grade’ Hydrogen Peroxide Exploit the Sick and the Desperate". Maybe the poster didn't try to say "whatever's not on the big pharma menu and hasn't got statistical evidence that costs millions isn't worth the time", but then it'd be for him to explain himself. While I do know there is a trillion-dollars-per-year vested interest going against the success of non-patented cheap interventions, I do think evidence - of safety, first of all - is highly needed. But no one can be naive enough to think it'll come from the same vested interest or in the format they've shaped and police. And that's why it's so hard for me to take half seriously anyone who automatically won't support all things that don't come from or aren't approved by their drug overlords.


Explain myself? What is there there to explain? I offered you some chemistry advice about oral ingestion of H202. I have no agenda concerning what you infer, rather only perhaps to keep others from potentially hurting themselves.

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#13 Seganfredo

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Posted 01 January 2020 - 06:41 PM

I've started the topic, mate. I asked about thoughts on the matter (there were some) and experiences.

So you've proposed that h2o2 is not safe to be ingested/used for ANYTHING. (You didn't even mention quantities, just outright said it.) That's because you've obviously never tried it. Iow, I'm sure you've never had honey when you had the flu, which is known to be dangerous as per its glucose oxidase enzyme content that creates hydrogen peroxide. (No. Wait. It's considered #healthy# largely because of that. My bad.)

Now, I might give it a try to support the proposed therapy with some evidence.
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#14 Seganfredo

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Posted 01 January 2020 - 06:47 PM

And the chemistry advice is spot on. Being fair, no one's saying hydrogen peroxide is harmless. It's certainly not. You can't be a schmuck and gulp it undiluted. (treatment? Hyperbaric therapy - which works partially with H2O2.)

hydrogen peroxide ingestion successfully treated with hyperbaric oxygen - Michael E Mullins, Jeanelle T Beltran - Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology 36 (3), 253-256, 1998

Case Report: We present a case of an adult who suffered an apparent stroke shortly after an accidental ingestion of concentrated hydrogen peroxide. Complete neurologic recovery occurred quickly with hyperbaric therapy. Hydrogen peroxide can produce acute gas embolism. Hyperbaric therapy is the definitive treatment for gas embolism from hydrogen peroxide ingestion as it is for all other causes of acute gas embolism. This is the first case reported in the literature of hyperbaric therapy used successfully to treat cerebral gas embolism caused by hydrogen peroxide.

Another one, poor old fella (also treated with hyperbaric therapy):

ahajournals.org Cerebral infarction immediately after ingestion of hydrogen peroxide solution. - Scott J Sherman, Leslie V Boyer, William A Sibley - Stroke 25 (5), 1065-1067, 1994

We report the clinical and neuroimaging findings of a patient who sustained multiple cerebral infarcts after the ingestion of concentrated hydrogen peroxide solution sold as a "health food" product.

An 84-year-old man sustained focal neurological deficits immediately after ingesting 30 mL of 35% hydrogen peroxide solution. Physical examination disclosed a left hemiparesis, frontal release signs, and cerebellar dysfunctions. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed multiple cerebral and cerebellar infarctions in the anterior, middle, and posterior vascular territories.

The likely mechanism of pathogenesis involves cerebral oxygen gas embolization. The use of hyperbaric therapy should be considered in treating hydrogen peroxide poisoning.

Explain myself? What is there there to explain? I offered you some chemistry advice about oral ingestion of H202. I have no agenda concerning what you infer, rather only perhaps to keep others from potentially hurting themselves.

EDIT. The H2o2 therapy that I talk about uses DILUTED h.p., never to just drink it off the bottle like these smart gents above.

Edited by Seganfredo, 01 January 2020 - 06:55 PM.

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#15 Seganfredo

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Posted 01 January 2020 - 06:51 PM

H2o2 against cancer is far from new - or a simple matter:

sciencedirect.com Dual role of hydrogen peroxide in cancer: possible relevance to cancer chemoprevention and therapy - Miguel López-Lázaro - Cancer letters 252 (1), 1-8, 2007

Accumulating evidence suggests that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) plays an important role in cancer development. Experimental data have shown that cancer cells produce high amounts of H2O2. An increase in the cellular levels of H2O2 has been linked to several key alterations in cancer, including DNA alterations, cell proliferation, apoptosis resistance, metastasis, angiogenesis and hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) activation. It has also been observed that the malignant phenotype of cancer cells can be reversed just by decreasing the cellular levels of H2O2.

[[So h2o2 must be bad, right? Calm your horses.]]

On the other hand, there is evidence that H2O2 can induce apoptosis in cancer cells selectively and that the activity of several anticancer drugs commonly used in the clinic is mediated, at least in part, by H2O2. The present report discusses that the high levels of H2O2 commonly observed in cancer cells may be essential for cancer development; these high levels, however, seem almost incompatible with cell survival and may make cancer cells more susceptible to H2O2-induced cell death than normal cells. An understanding of this dual role of H2O2 in cancer might be exploited for the development of cancer chemopreventive and therapeutic strategies.

cancerres.aacrjournals.org Tumor-targeted delivery of polyethylene glycol-conjugated D-amino acid oxidase for antitumor therapy via enzymatic generation of hydrogen peroxide - Jun Fang, Tomohiro Sawa, Takaaki Akaike, Hiroshi Maeda - Cancer research 62 (11), 3138-3143, 2002

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a strong oxidant that induces apoptosis of tumor cells in vitro. Here, we investigated the antitumor activity of an H2O2-generating enzyme, d-amino acid oxidase (DAO), and its conjugate with polyethylene glycol (PEG; PEG-DAO). Compared with DAO, PEG-DAO showed improved pharmacokinetic parameters in mice after i.v. injection. PEG-DAO administered i.v. accumulated selectively in tumor tissue with insignificant accumulation in normal organs and tissues. To generate cytotoxic H2O2 at the tumor site, PEG-DAO was first administrated i.v. to tumor-bearing mice. After an adequate lag time, the substrate of DAO, d-proline, was injected i.p. This treatment resulted in significant suppression of tumor growth compared with tumor growth in control animals (not given treatment; P < 0.001). Similar treatment with native DAO showed no effect under the same conditions. Oxidative metabolites were significantly increased in solid tumors by administration of PEG-DAO followed by d-proline (P < 0.002, compared with the group receiving no treatment), as evidenced by thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance assay. This treatment did not affect results from the metabolites in the liver and kidney. These findings suggest that tumor-targeted delivery of DAO is accomplished by using pegylated enzyme and thereby taking advantage of the enhanced permeability and retention effect in solid tumor. PEG-DAO thus delivered together with d-proline produces remarkable antitumor activity via extensive generation of H2O2.

cancerres.aacrjournals.org - Tumor-targeted delivery of polyethylene glycol-conjugated D-amino acid oxidase for antitumor therapy via enzymatic generation of hydrogen peroxide - Jun Fang, Tomohiro Sawa, Takaaki Akaike, Hiroshi Maeda - Cancer research 62 (11), 3138-3143, 2002

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a strong oxidant that induces apoptosis of tumor cells in vitro. Here, we investigated the antitumor activity of an H2O2-generating enzyme, d-amino acid oxidase (DAO), and its conjugate with polyethylene glycol (PEG; PEG-DAO). Compared with DAO, PEG-DAO showed improved pharmacokinetic parameters in mice after i.v. injection. PEG-DAO administered i.v. accumulated selectively in tumor tissue with insignificant accumulation in normal organs and tissues. To generate cytotoxic H2O2 at the tumor site, PEG-DAO was first administrated i.v. to tumor-bearing mice. After an adequate lag time, the substrate of DAO, d-proline, was injected i.p. This treatment resulted in significant suppression of tumor growth compared with tumor growth in control animals (not given treatment; P < 0.001). Similar treatment with native DAO showed no effect under the same conditions. Oxidative metabolites were significantly increased in solid tumors by administration of PEG-DAO followed by d-proline (P < 0.002, compared with the group receiving no treatment), as evidenced by thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance assay. This treatment did not affect results from the metabolites in the liver and kidney. These findings suggest that tumor-targeted delivery of DAO is accomplished by using pegylated enzyme and thereby taking advantage of the enhanced permeability and retention effect in solid tumor. PEG-DAO thus delivered together with d-proline produces remarkable antitumor activity via extensive generation of H2O2.

Glucose‐Responsive Sequential Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide and Nitric Oxide for Synergistic Cancer Starving‐Like/Gas Therapy - Wenpei Fan, Nan Lu, Peng Huang, Yi Liu, Zhen Yang, Sheng Wang, Guocan Yu, Yijing Liu, Junkai Hu, Qianjun He, Junle Qu, Tianfu Wang, Xiaoyuan Chen - Angewandte Chemie International Edition 56 (5), 1229-1233, 2017

Glucose is a key energy supplier and nutrient for tumor growth. Herein, inspired by the glucose oxidase (GOx)‐assisted conversion of glucose into gluconic acid and toxic H2O2, a novel treatment paradigm of starving‐like therapy is developed for significant tumor‐killing effects, more effective than conventional starving therapy by only cutting off the energy supply. Furthermore, the generated acidic H2O2 can oxidize l‐Arginine (l‐Arg) into NO for enhanced gas therapy. By using hollow mesoporous organosilica nanoparticle (HMON) as a biocompatible/biodegradable nanocarrier for the co‐delivery of GOx and l‐Arg, a novel glucose‐responsive nanomedicine (l‐Arg‐HMON‐GOx) has been for the first time constructed for synergistic cancer starving‐like/gas therapy without the need of external excitation, which yields a remarkable H2O2–NO cooperative anticancer effect with minimal adverse effect.

Now I'll see what I can find about possible IQ boost/ reversing o2 starvation.

Edited by Seganfredo, 01 January 2020 - 06:58 PM.

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#16 Oakman

  • Location:CO

Posted 01 January 2020 - 07:47 PM

I've started the topic, mate. I asked about thoughts on the matter (there were some) and experiences.

So you've proposed that h2o2 is not safe to be ingested/used for ANYTHING. (You didn't even mention quantities, just outright said it.) That's because you've obviously never tried it. Iow, I'm sure you've never had honey when you had the flu, which is known to be dangerous as per its glucose oxidase enzyme content that creates hydrogen peroxide. (No. Wait. It's considered #healthy# largely because of that. My bad.)

Now, I might give it a try to support the proposed therapy with some evidence.


It's a great topic! "BS or great idea, who knows without trying." is what you asked.  So you got my thoughts of H202 therapy for people outside of research studies.  Don't take what I posted negatively. I was trying to be useful bringing attention to rather dire side effects of people self-administering H202. Personally, I love H202 and other useful oxidizing agents. They are as a group fun ... and useful ... very dramatic, bubbles and all.. Please be careful as It's ability to kill or oxidize quickly and easily should not be dismissed. 


I didn't realize you already had taken an opinion before starting the thread. If you'd said, About this... give me all the positives only, I'd not bother to post. 


So carry on. I'm as interested as the next guy in your n=1 quest for health. Just please be careful. 

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#17 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 01 January 2020 - 08:21 PM

H2o2 against cancer is far from new - or a simple matter:

sciencedirect.com Dual role of hydrogen peroxide in cancer: possible relevance to cancer chemoprevention and therapy - Miguel López-Lázaro - Cancer letters 252 (1), 1-8, 2007

Accumulating evidence suggests that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) plays an important role in cancer development. Experimental data have shown that cancer cells produce high amounts of H2O2. An increase in the cellular levels of H2O2 has been linked to several key alterations in cancer, including DNA alterations, cell proliferation, apoptosis resistance, metastasis, angiogenesis and hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) activation. It has also been observed that the malignant phenotype of cancer cells can be reversed just by decreasing the cellular levels of H2O2.

[[So h2o2 must be bad, right? Calm your horses.]]

On the other hand, there is evidence that H2O2 can induce apoptosis in cancer cells selectively and that the activity of several anticancer drugs commonly used in the clinic is mediated, at least in part, by H2O2. The present report discusses that the high levels of H2O2 commonly observed in cancer cells may be essential for cancer development; these high levels, however, seem almost incompatible with cell survival and may make cancer cells more susceptible to H2O2-induced cell death than normal cells. An understanding of this dual role of H2O2 in cancer might be exploited for the development of cancer chemopreventive and therapeutic strategies.

cancerres.aacrjournals.org Tumor-targeted delivery of polyethylene glycol-conjugated D-amino acid oxidase for antitumor therapy via enzymatic generation of hydrogen peroxide - Jun Fang, Tomohiro Sawa, Takaaki Akaike, Hiroshi Maeda - Cancer research 62 (11), 3138-3143, 2002

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a strong oxidant that induces apoptosis of tumor cells in vitro. Here, we investigated the antitumor activity of an H2O2-generating enzyme, d-amino acid oxidase (DAO), and its conjugate with polyethylene glycol (PEG; PEG-DAO). Compared with DAO, PEG-DAO showed improved pharmacokinetic parameters in mice after i.v. injection. PEG-DAO administered i.v. accumulated selectively in tumor tissue with insignificant accumulation in normal organs and tissues. To generate cytotoxic H2O2 at the tumor site, PEG-DAO was first administrated i.v. to tumor-bearing mice. After an adequate lag time, the substrate of DAO, d-proline, was injected i.p. This treatment resulted in significant suppression of tumor growth compared with tumor growth in control animals (not given treatment; P < 0.001). Similar treatment with native DAO showed no effect under the same conditions. Oxidative metabolites were significantly increased in solid tumors by administration of PEG-DAO followed by d-proline (P < 0.002, compared with the group receiving no treatment), as evidenced by thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance assay. This treatment did not affect results from the metabolites in the liver and kidney. These findings suggest that tumor-targeted delivery of DAO is accomplished by using pegylated enzyme and thereby taking advantage of the enhanced permeability and retention effect in solid tumor. PEG-DAO thus delivered together with d-proline produces remarkable antitumor activity via extensive generation of H2O2.

cancerres.aacrjournals.org - Tumor-targeted delivery of polyethylene glycol-conjugated D-amino acid oxidase for antitumor therapy via enzymatic generation of hydrogen peroxide - Jun Fang, Tomohiro Sawa, Takaaki Akaike, Hiroshi Maeda - Cancer research 62 (11), 3138-3143, 2002

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a strong oxidant that induces apoptosis of tumor cells in vitro. Here, we investigated the antitumor activity of an H2O2-generating enzyme, d-amino acid oxidase (DAO), and its conjugate with polyethylene glycol (PEG; PEG-DAO). Compared with DAO, PEG-DAO showed improved pharmacokinetic parameters in mice after i.v. injection. PEG-DAO administered i.v. accumulated selectively in tumor tissue with insignificant accumulation in normal organs and tissues. To generate cytotoxic H2O2 at the tumor site, PEG-DAO was first administrated i.v. to tumor-bearing mice. After an adequate lag time, the substrate of DAO, d-proline, was injected i.p. This treatment resulted in significant suppression of tumor growth compared with tumor growth in control animals (not given treatment; P < 0.001). Similar treatment with native DAO showed no effect under the same conditions. Oxidative metabolites were significantly increased in solid tumors by administration of PEG-DAO followed by d-proline (P < 0.002, compared with the group receiving no treatment), as evidenced by thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance assay. This treatment did not affect results from the metabolites in the liver and kidney. These findings suggest that tumor-targeted delivery of DAO is accomplished by using pegylated enzyme and thereby taking advantage of the enhanced permeability and retention effect in solid tumor. PEG-DAO thus delivered together with d-proline produces remarkable antitumor activity via extensive generation of H2O2.

Glucose‐Responsive Sequential Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide and Nitric Oxide for Synergistic Cancer Starving‐Like/Gas Therapy - Wenpei Fan, Nan Lu, Peng Huang, Yi Liu, Zhen Yang, Sheng Wang, Guocan Yu, Yijing Liu, Junkai Hu, Qianjun He, Junle Qu, Tianfu Wang, Xiaoyuan Chen - Angewandte Chemie International Edition 56 (5), 1229-1233, 2017

Glucose is a key energy supplier and nutrient for tumor growth. Herein, inspired by the glucose oxidase (GOx)‐assisted conversion of glucose into gluconic acid and toxic H2O2, a novel treatment paradigm of starving‐like therapy is developed for significant tumor‐killing effects, more effective than conventional starving therapy by only cutting off the energy supply. Furthermore, the generated acidic H2O2 can oxidize l‐Arginine (l‐Arg) into NO for enhanced gas therapy. By using hollow mesoporous organosilica nanoparticle (HMON) as a biocompatible/biodegradable nanocarrier for the co‐delivery of GOx and l‐Arg, a novel glucose‐responsive nanomedicine (l‐Arg‐HMON‐GOx) has been for the first time constructed for synergistic cancer starving‐like/gas therapy without the need of external excitation, which yields a remarkable H2O2–NO cooperative anticancer effect with minimal adverse effect.

Now I'll see what I can find about possible IQ boost/ reversing o2 starvation.


That would be evidence for PEG and PEG-DAO, which generates relatively minute quantities of H202.


Find some evidence for the benefits of consuming H2O2 in any quantity or concentration.







Edited by Daniel Cooper, 01 January 2020 - 08:24 PM.

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#18 Blu

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Posted 18 January 2020 - 08:20 PM

How Peddlers of ‘Food-Grade’ Hydrogen Peroxide Exploit the Sick and the Desperate


"Doctors who treat those who’ve ingested the chemical say the rapid release of oxygen can be deadly. “Hydrogen peroxide at any concentration, if drank, reacts with a natural enzyme in the body — catalase — and produces very high volumes of oxygen,” said Byrne. “That oxygen has to go somewhere and the volume is so high that you physically can’t just burp it out. It crosses the membrane of the GI tract into the blood vessels and those resultant bubbles block up the blood vessels, leading to heart attacks, strokes, and other complications.”





25 drops of 35% H2O2 is 0.45 grams of the substance, yelding about 0.2 gr of elemental O. This is less than 300 ml of gas produced during the whole process.


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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: hydrogen peroxide, h2o2, therapy, oxygen therapy, brain damage, reversing brain damage, oxygen starvation, the one minute cure, depression

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