One thing I have been pondering and would love some insight on is how high fat and low carb relate to genetics and heart health history.
Basically all my uncles on my moms side of the family have had heart issues. Now, they all seem to be related to diabetes or pre-diabetes, and it seems that they all happened after or as adjunct to diabetes, but nobody is 100% sure.
They all seem to get it in their mid 40s or early 50s.
As a preventive measure I have partaken of a very strict diet for most of my adult life, I was vegetarian from 18-25 and now from 25-35 have been doing a mostly paleo-lish diet but with fairly less meat consumption than most, and have been taking various cardiovascular supplements through out the years.
I have recently had a stress test, enzyme tests, such as triponin which were negative, also my A1c is 5.1 which is well below the range it would be if I was even pre-diabetic, my C-reactive protein was 0.02 of range which is far below marker indicators.
I just need to know opinions on whether or not the type of diet I have been relying on may have harmed me through out the past 10 years or, is it okay?
Please feel free to be ultimately opinionated based on what YOU know.
Thank you