Yet another study that backs up what most everyone here has been speculating about:
How the heck does an "extremely contagious and lethal virus NOT escape around the world...with millions of people travelling in and out of Whuan to the rest China and around the world" Especially considering it was likely percolating in China since November! Two months with no lockdown in China and it DID NOT spread around the world? It never made any sense. Thanks to Daniel Cooper for first bringing this up.
A recent genetic analysis found that the virus had already spread to most countries of the world late last year. The more some European countries did into it, the farther back they find patient zero...not surprisingly, late 2019.
This certainly backs up why so many antibody studies show widespread infection in their areas (multiple studies, multiple countries, multiple universities). And this is further backed-up by several studies of active infections (Boston, Navy ships, Prisons, etc..) showing large majorities have no or mild symptoms.
As of today, I am calling BS on the fear-mongering. It is a more lethal virus for vulnerable populations (striking old and obese populations of Europe and the U.S. the hardest), but we need to stop treating it like the zombie apocalypse. The world is closer to famine than ever in recent history, all due to a virus with a mortality rate that is likely much less than one percent.
I am calling BS on the death statistics as well. Health authorities in multiple countries are counting "presumptive cases" in with positive-tested cases. In New York they added 3,700 "presumptive cases" in one day! It is obvious to me that the death rate among the elderly is inflated, particularly in Italy, where after the first week, the elderly were denied normal health care or hospital access. Depressed frail lonely seniors with minimal care that might have died later this year, are dying now and adding to the inflated death statistics/CFR.
Edited by Mind, 06 May 2020 - 03:36 PM.